Prediction: Expect a new commercial...

Well, after all the nasty, vicious, personally directed ads from the McCain campaign over the past few weeks, they aired a new commercial yesterday that says, I kid you not, "Obama: not ready to lead -- YET."

Do they really expect this to help the GOP at this point, given the history of their strategies so far in this campaign?
The diehard Republicans are burying their heads in the sand and acting like it isn't happening.

I was at a College Republicans meeting last night talking to some of the members and one guy actually believed that the Republicans had a chance to retake the House and Senate.

The dude even offered to bet me on it, so I took him up. I told him I'd even give him 2:1 odds. So when the inevitable occurs and the Republicans do not retake the House and Senate, I will have another $100 from a moron.
There are people like that in NYC? Really? I thought that the Obama tide would be so strong that people with that opinion would be afraid to speak out loud...

And seriously, why would anybody care if she ordered some Lobster? Honestly. I didn't even hear this rumor until this post.


They’re ex-cops. I never thought highly of cops, but I never thought this low of them. Now that I have worked with them for over a year, and I don’t mean just these two – we have had these positions filled over and over, always by ex cops, and to a man they were racist, sexist and fucking foul. Now that I have had that experience, I think they’re dogshit.
They’re ex-cops. I never thought highly of cops, but I never thought this low of them. Now that I have worked with them for over a year, and I don’t mean just these two – we have had these positions filled over and over, always by ex cops, and to a man they were racist, sexist and fucking foul. Now that I have had that experience, I think they’re dogshit.

You know I agree.
I've had the "if I wasn't married & she wasn't gay" narrative going in my head for awhile now. She's the bomb; maybe she'd consider me because I'm metro? I think she's in a serious relationship, though....

I don’t know onceler, how metro are you, you don’t’ have a vagina do you? For some reason this reminded me of the sex and the city episode where charlotte decides she wants to be a lesbian and starts hanging out with lesbians and she is telling this woman how free she feels not worrying about men judging her, blah blah blah, and this woman answers her with something that is too gross for even me to post, but it was very funny. Anyway, the point is, I am pretty sure that Rachel is a hard core lesbian, so no I don’t think she’d consider you no matter how many manacures you get. But there’s always me. I’m not a hard core lesbian. As you know from reading men on this board – I am a real “man hater”…but I’m persuadable.
They shake us down for money and shit pretty regularly. Every once in a while someone gets their ass beat by a cop but what are we gonna say? Hey they beat us up and stole our dope?

A friend of mine got his house raided. He had $25,000 in cash there. Guess what gets reported as found? Just under $10,000. I can't speak universally but everywhere I've been has had at least a few dirty cops. From NYC to the Dirty South.

Yeah that is terrible. Here, they have set out to smear a guy who did nothing, but they decided “something wasn’t right” and have embarked on something that...i don’t know how to explain this because I can’t say where I work, but I feel responsible for the whole thing, and I am contemplating leaving. The thing is that my business is doing well enough that I was already giving myself about six months into the new year before I had to leave here anyway. So I don’t know. They’re really horrible though. If they decide something isn’t right about you, they will investigate you without cause, with no worry about slandering your name all over the place, and when they find nothing say “that just means he hasn’t been caught yet” and continue to slander your name.
Yeah that is terrible. Here, they have set out to smear a guy who did nothing, but they decided “something wasn’t right” and have embarked on something that...i don’t know how to explain this because I can’t say where I work, but I feel responsible for the whole thing, and I am contemplating leaving. The thing is that my business is doing well enough that I was already giving myself about six months into the new year before I had to leave here anyway. So I don’t know. They’re really horrible though. If they decide something isn’t right about you, they will investigate you without cause, with no worry about slandering your name all over the place, and when they find nothing say “that just means he hasn’t been caught yet” and continue to slander your name.

so you are saying they are all Republicans ?
All the cops that told me their political affiliation were republicans.

I don't deal with them much any more, but the ones I have dealt with in the past were pretty conservative.
I don’t know onceler, how metro are you, you don’t’ have a vagina do you? For some reason this reminded me of the sex and the city episode where charlotte decides she wants to be a lesbian and starts hanging out with lesbians and she is telling this woman how free she feels not worrying about men judging her, blah blah blah, and this woman answers her with something that is too gross for even me to post, but it was very funny. Anyway, the point is, I am pretty sure that Rachel is a hard core lesbian, so no I don’t think she’d consider you no matter how many manacures you get. But there’s always me. I’m not a hard core lesbian. As you know from reading men on this board – I am a real “man hater”…but I’m persuadable.

Onceler, this is where you use your powers of persuasion.
So now we are getting a handle on the problem. The police are controlled by the republicans!
Is Epi part of the problem or part of the soloution ?

Support the fairness doctrine in police hiring.
So now we are getting a handle on the problem. The police are controlled by the republicans!

Support the fairness doctrine in police hiring.

Its not unexpected. Being a cop would be a tough job for a liberal or progressive. Nothing negaitive about that, just an observation about the job.
Its not unexpected. Being a cop would be a tough job for a liberal or progressive. Nothing negaitive about that, just an observation about the job.

True but it does explain a bit.
I figure about the only liberal cops are found in southern ca and such places.
Well, I'm not really that metro, and I do have all of the usual male reproductive organs, so no luck there. I think I have the usual fantasy thing of thinking I can "convert" her somehow, but, you know, it's a fantasy anyway, because she's on TV & has a serious relationship, and I'm hetero & married and selling software around the neighborhood, so, like, why not?

She is really smart & cool; one of the best pundits out there, imo.

As for persuadable, do you mean if I gave up my marriage & asked you to move to France or some other appropriately socialist country, or were you speaking in terms of you hooking up w/ Rachel? Either way, I can handle the man-hating thing. I hate some men, so we'd have it in common (Cheney, Bush, O'Reilly, et al)
Well, I'm not really that metro, and I do have all of the usual male reproductive organs, so no luck there. I think I have the usual fantasy thing of thinking I can "convert" her somehow, but, you know, it's a fantasy anyway, because she's on TV & has a serious relationship, and I'm hetero & married and selling software around the neighborhood, so, like, why not?

She is really smart & cool; one of the best pundits out there, imo.

As for persuadable, do you mean if I gave up my marriage & asked you to move to France or some other appropriately socialist country, or were you speaking in terms of you hooking up w/ Rachel? Either way, I can handle the man-hating thing. I hate some men, so we'd have it in common (Cheney, Bush, O'Reilly, et al)

No I meant me, I am inappropriately flirting with you again.