President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

The point being that the popular vote only counts inside a state, not nationally.

IMO, the more important point is that the states are divided. Why? Because our leaders and popular "newz talking heads" profit from dividing Americans against each other?

FWIW, I'm against three states, California, Florida and Texas picking the President of our nation. Ergo, while the EC has flaws, going to a popular vote is worse. A better way, in my opinion, ranked voting.

If that were the case, I suspect GHW Bush would have won in 1992 and Gore would have won in 2000.

The President is not elected by popular vote.
No shit, Sybil. How many people on JPP do you really believe don't know that Constitutional fact? Please name them.

You. Nordberg. Diesel. moon. Port Tack. evince. AProudLefty. floridfan. Walt.
I've probably missed quite a few names. There are a lot of liberals here on JPP.
You. Nordberg. Diesel. moon. Port Tack. evince. AProudLefty. floridfan. Walt.
I've probably missed quite a few names. There are a lot of liberals here on JPP.
Why do you think you speak for them, Sybil? Why do you think you are in a position to judge them?
Why do you think you speak for them, Sybil? Why do you think you are in a position to judge them?

I'm not speaking for them or for you. They spoke for themselves, and so did you (and all your socks). ALL of you have spoken out against the Constitution, denied the Constitution, even claimed that the President is elected by popular vote. Every single one of the names I have listed has done this. You spoke for yourself, dumbass.