President will speak shortly; will strike Syria

Poorly done.. The FISA warrants were issued BEFORE Sept 2016.
i enjoy talking to you with your unique perspectives based on your time in the ME, but sometimes it like talking to scrambled eggs.
The DOJ and FBI asked for and received approval from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to spy on Carter Page, a fringe volunteer adviser to the Trump campaign on energy and foreign policy. The basis for the approval was the now-famous "dossier" on Donald Trump compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, who was working for the Fusion GPS political research firm. The dossier's contents were used multiple times as grounds for surveilling Page, with then-FBI Director James Comey signing his name to three, and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signing off on one. It was a group effort: Then-acting Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Dana Boente, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, all signed off on one or more of the requests.
Except it has been verified.
continuing your march into stupid land..
Parts have been, many parts have not, and it hasn't been scrubbed for disinformation..
all that violates FBI protocol "verified and documented"..suck on it
Actually, after 9-11 I read up on it a bit.

The left is determined to remain willfully ignorant about radical Islam and it’s reflected in their policy. Look at what’s happening in Europe.

You know what a caliphate is, right? In the caliphate non-Muslims—if they are allowed to keep their heads on their shoulders, are treated like second class citizens. You really don’t want to be a woman there—LGBQ?, you REALLY don’t want to claim to be one of those.

Historically, these radicals have been kept in check in the Middle East by secular despots. That was the Great Lesson of the Iraq war. It’s why they sell slaves in Libya now—human slavery is condoned by radical Islam.

It’s why we don’t want to topple Assad.

I bet what you read post-9/11 was a lot different from what was written pre-9/11.
The banu were thieves who broke the treaty.. They asked to be judged by their own laws.. 90 men were executed.

Liar, they never attacked the Muslims and were slaughtered after they surrendered and their women and children were enslaved. And Mohammad ethnically cleansed the Banu Qaynuqa who likewise never attacked the Muslims. Your victim blaming is fucking disgusting.
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you are one stupid M.F.'r. I mean you excel at it.

Comey and Clapper both briefed POTUS Trump and told him it was unverified. The FISA warrants were way before that.
even you should be able to understand then the FISA applications were based on "unverified" and undocumented evidence

That was over a year ago.. Things have changed since then.

FISA warrants were issued BEFORE the dossier surfaced.
Liar, they never attacked the Muslims and were slaughtered after they surrendered and their women and children were enslaved. And Mohammad ethnically cleansed the Banu Qaynuqa who likewise never attacked the Muslims. Your victim blaming is fucking disgusting.

You don't know what you are talking about.. They broke the treaty called the Constitution of Medina.
asked and answered.
you are proving you are incapable of understanding or research..why are you even here?

The truth, of which you are so blissfully unaware, is that the FBI only used snippets of the dossier, snippets that had been documented.
You are full of shit and your piss poor guesses have been invalidated.
Go fuck yourself.