President will speak shortly; will strike Syria

Of course, LOL!!!!! We are not mentioned or considered directly in end times prophecy though. Neither is Scandinavia, Australia, Guam, Greenland, etc.
The focus during the Tribulation and the Book of Revelation are all the countries and leaders of Gog and Magog.

To understand Revelation ,you have know the old testament.Read Daniel,not just Ezekiel!
I guess you never read 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17

That was written by Paul ... after Revelation.... or,

It is also sometimes suggested that 1 Thes. 5:1–11 is a post-Pauline insertion that has many features of Lukan language and theology that serves as an apologetic correction to Paul's imminent expectation of the Second Coming in 1 Thes. 4:13–18
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That was written by Paul ... after Revelation.... or,

It is also sometimes suggested that 1 Thes. 5:1–11 is a post-Pauline insertion that has many features of Lukan language and theology that serves as an apologetic correction to Paul's imminent expectation of the Second Coming in 1 Thes. 4:13–18

Did you bother to read it?
"Subjugate infidels" is just the snappy little phrase used to dumb down a complicated situation and make it more acceptable to Westerners. Nobody has to do the real work of learning and understanding what causes these ME conflicts.

Islamism causes these conflicts and has since the pedophile genocidal war criminal perpetrated Islams first genocide of the Jews with the slaughter of the Jewish Banu tribes on the Arabian Peninsula.
Wow, you are good.

I am guessing to the extent they know anything about Islam or the Middle east, Trumptards learned it all from

Actually, after 9-11 I read up on it a bit.

The left is determined to remain willfully ignorant about radical Islam and it’s reflected in their policy. Look at what’s happening in Europe.

You know what a caliphate is, right? In the caliphate non-Muslims—if they are allowed to keep their heads on their shoulders, are treated like second class citizens. You really don’t want to be a woman there—LGBQ?, you REALLY don’t want to claim to be one of those.

Historically, these radicals have been kept in check in the Middle East by secular despots. That was the Great Lesson of the Iraq war. It’s why they sell slaves in Libya now—human slavery is condoned by radical Islam.

It’s why we don’t want to topple Assad.
Actually, after 9-11 I read up on it a bit.

The left is determined to remain willfully ignorant about radical Islam and it’s reflected in their policy. Look at what’s happening in Europe.

You know what a caliphate is, right? In the caliphate non-Muslims—if they are allowed to keep their heads on their shoulders, are treated like second class citizens. You really don’t want to be a woman there—LGBQ?, you REALLY don’t want to claim to be one of those.

Historically, these radicals have been kept in check in the Middle East by secular despots. That was the Great Lesson of the Iraq war. It’s why they sell slaves in Libya now—human slavery is condoned by radical Islam.

It’s why we don’t want to topple Assad.

I don't want salafi jihadists taking over damascus
Actually, after 9-11 I read up on it a bit.

The left is determined to remain willfully ignorant about radical Islam and it’s reflected in their policy. Look at what’s happening in Europe.

You know what a caliphate is, right? In the caliphate non-Muslims—if they are allowed to keep their heads on their shoulders, are treated like second class citizens. You really don’t want to be a woman there—LGBQ?, you REALLY don’t want to claim to be one of those.

Historically, these radicals have been kept in check in the Middle East by secular despots. That was the Great Lesson of the Iraq war. It’s why they sell slaves in Libya now—human slavery is condoned by radical Islam.

It’s why we don’t want to topple Assad.

Most Muslims don't want a caliphate because the last one was such a dud.. The Muslim world suffered and stagnated during that time.

ISIS and the jihadis are usually poorly educated misfits, drug addicts or drunks and petty criminals.. Of course they want a caliphate ..

Even Nassar thought he should rule the whole Arab world and have control of Saudi oil revenues.

The West has been worrying about a new caliphate and writing dire predictions since 1945.
Most Muslims don't want a caliphate because the last one was such a dud.. The Muslim world suffered and stagnated during that time.

ISIS and the jihadis are usually poorly educated misfits, drug addicts or drunks and petty criminals.. Of course they want a caliphate ..

Even Nassar thought he should rule the whole Arab world and have control of Saudi oil revenues.

The West has been worrying about a new caliphate and writing dire predictions since 1945.

Maybe because it has a good historical precedent lol.

To whatever extent caliphates are populated by drug addicts and losers isn’t the issue. Rather, we should try to avoid providing the opportunity for their development.

See how easy that is?
Maybe because it has a good historical precedent lol.

To whatever extent caliphates are populated by drug addicts and losers isn’t the issue. Rather, we should try to avoid providing the opportunity for their development.

See how easy that is?

ISIS blew it when they declared a caliphate. See how easy that is?
Nunes cited the Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), which was created by the bureau and approved by the Justice Department, to say he believed the FBI violated procedures requiring verified and documented evidence in applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

An Oct. 2011 version of the operations guide states that the “accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of utmost importance... Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.”

The guidance also states that information in a FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”

memo released by the intelligence committee last month stated that the FBI and DOJ sought surveillance warrants to spy on Page by using an infamous, Democrat-funded anti-Trump dossier that included salacious and unverified allegations about Trump's connections to Russia.

“Former and current DOJ and FBI leadership have confirmed to the committee that unverified information from the Steele dossier comprised an essential part of the FISA applications related to Carter Page,” Nunes wrote Thursday.

Proves nothing...