President will speak shortly; will strike Syria

Nunes cited the Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), which was created by the bureau and approved by the Justice Department, to say he believed the FBI violated procedures requiring verified and documented evidence in applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

An Oct. 2011 version of the operations guide states that the “accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of utmost importance... Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.”

The guidance also states that information in a FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”

memo released by the intelligence committee last month stated that the FBI and DOJ sought surveillance warrants to spy on Page by using an infamous, Democrat-funded anti-Trump dossier that included salacious and unverified allegations about Trump's connections to Russia.

“Former and current DOJ and FBI leadership have confirmed to the committee that unverified information from the Steele dossier comprised an essential part of the FISA applications related to Carter Page,” Nunes wrote Thursday.
As I thought, Muslims v. non-Muslims.

It is what it is lol.

Iran is run by radical Shi’a Muslims. Ergodan is a Sunni Islamist as opposed to a Sunni who just wants to be left alone to practice his religion.

See, I made the necessary distinction lol.

When *some* Muslims quit their jihad against the West, much of the worlds problems will be solved. The Middle East at least, would be a different place.
Nunes cited the Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), which was created by the bureau and approved by the Justice Department, to say he believed the FBI violated procedures requiring verified and documented evidence in applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

An Oct. 2011 version of the operations guide states that the “accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of utmost importance... Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.”

The guidance also states that information in a FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”

memo released by the intelligence committee last month stated that the FBI and DOJ sought surveillance warrants to spy on Page by using an infamous, Democrat-funded anti-Trump dossier that included salacious and unverified allegations about Trump's connections to Russia.

“Former and current DOJ and FBI leadership have confirmed to the committee that unverified information from the Steele dossier comprised an essential part of the FISA applications related to Carter Page,” Nunes wrote Thursday.

I notice the lefties have taken ‘the Dossier is important except when it’s not’ approach lol.
It is what it is lol.

Iran is run by radical Shi’a Muslims. Ergodan is a Sunni Islamist as opposed to a Sunni who just wants to be left alone to practice his religion.

See, I made the necessary distinction lol.

When *some* Muslims quit their jihad against the West, much of the worlds problems will be solved. The Middle East at least, would be a different place.

Russia is not a stellar example of human rights either.

"In 2002-2004, during Putin's first term as president, Freedom House rated Russia as "partially free" with poor scores of 5 on both political rights and civil liberties (1 being most free, and 7 least free). In the period from 2005 to 2008, Freedom House rated Russia as "not free" with scores of 6 for political rights and 5 for civil liberties according to its Freedom in the World reports.[SUP][6][/SUP]

In 2006 The Economist published a democracy rating, which placed Russia at 102nd among 167 countries and defined it as a "hybrid regime with a trend towards curtailment of media and other civil liberties."[SUP][7][/SUP]

According to the Human Rights Watch 2016 report the human rights situation in the Russian Federation continues to deteriorate.[SUP][8][/SUP]

By 2016, four years into Vladimir Putin's third term as President, the Russian Federation had sunk further on the Freedom House rating:[SUP][9][/SUP]
"... the Kremlin continued a crackdown on civil society, ramping up pressure on domestic nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and branding the U.S.-based National Endowment for Democracy and two groups backed by billionaire philanthropist George Soros as 'undesirable organizations'. The regime also intensified its tight grip on the media, saturating the information landscape with nationalist propaganda while suppressing the most popular alternative voices."
Russia is not a stellar example of human rights either.

"In 2002-2004, during Putin's first term as president, Freedom House rated Russia as "partially free" with poor scores of 5 on both political rights and civil liberties (1 being most free, and 7 least free). In the period from 2005 to 2008, Freedom House rated Russia as "not free" with scores of 6 for political rights and 5 for civil liberties according to its Freedom in the World reports.[SUP][6][/SUP]

In 2006 The Economist published a democracy rating, which placed Russia at 102nd among 167 countries and defined it as a "hybrid regime with a trend towards curtailment of media and other civil liberties."[SUP][7][/SUP]

According to the Human Rights Watch 2016 report the human rights situation in the Russian Federation continues to deteriorate.[SUP][8][/SUP]

By 2016, four years into Vladimir Putin's third term as President, the Russian Federation had sunk further on the Freedom House rating:[SUP][9][/SUP]
"... the Kremlin continued a crackdown on civil society, ramping up pressure on domestic nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and branding the U.S.-based National Endowment for Democracy and two groups backed by billionaire philanthropist George Soros as 'undesirable organizations'. The regime also intensified its tight grip on the media, saturating the information landscape with nationalist propaganda while suppressing the most popular alternative voices."

Putin is a dictator and should be treated as such.

But he lacks a religious imperative to subjugate infidels. That makes him easier to deal with.
Figure it out, follow the context. These were to be exact strategic hits on buildings, NOT HUMAN BEINGS. Of course I'd want them to have perfect eyesight and not hit anything BUT the precise targets. :palm:

They can't possibly know that no human being would be killed in a hit on buildings.
Putin is a dictator and should be treated as such.

But he lacks a religious imperative to subjugate infidels. That makes him easier to deal with.

"Subjugate infidels" is just the snappy little phrase used to dumb down a complicated situation and make it more acceptable to Westerners. Nobody has to do the real work of learning and understanding what causes these ME conflicts.
Can you read? That was the plan. And, everybody over there got a heads-up that "trouble" was coming and to get out of the area.

Yes I can read. Are you familiar with the phrase starting "the best-laid plans..."? I'm sure we'll be learning in the next few days how precise those strikes were.
"Subjugate infidels" is just the snappy little phrase used to dumb down a complicated situation and make it more acceptable to Westerners. Nobody has to do the real work of learning and understanding what causes these ME conflicts.

Wow, you are good.

I am guessing to the extent they know anything about Islam or the Middle east, Trumptards learned it all from
Sure there is,you think God didn't know America would be the major power in the end times?

Of course, LOL!!!!! We are not mentioned or considered directly in end times prophecy though. Neither is Scandinavia, Australia, Guam, Greenland, etc.
The focus during the Tribulation and the Book of Revelation are all the countries and leaders of Gog and Magog.
Seriously. Iran and Turkey are both overwhelmingly Muslim countries so who are these infidels he's talking about?

I try not to waste neurons trying to decipher what some barely educated Trumptard babbles about.

I have worked professionally with many Muslims from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Yemen.
And you know what? At no point did I ever feel they were going to scream at me "Infidel!" and try to behead me.