President will speak shortly; will strike Syria

An air strike is not what it takes, Congress knew this. The American people would not have supported boots on the ground. Obama did the right thing in changing by his mind.

These air strikes will not make a difference to Assaud. The last one did not make a difference and now Russia
has decided to prop up Syrian defenses. It a win for Assaud, it’s a win for Putin and America is once again the “paper tiger”
Congress supports the airstrikes. The last one hit an airfield, this one supposedly production facilities
Assad has also been warned "do it again and we hit you again..harder" we can continue to tighten the screws as much as it takes.
It's a lot better then boots, it was a proportional response..will it work? only time will tell
Congress supports the airstrikes. The last one hit an airfield, this one supposedly production facilities
Assad has also been warned "do it again and we hit you again..harder" we can continue to tighten the screws as much as it takes.
It's a lot better then boots, it was a proportional response..will it work? only time will tell

You must have missed the memo, your fellow right wingers hate what trump has done.
Alex Jones
Tucker Carlson
It is gathered intelligence and as such, some has been verified, others, like the pee tape, have not, to say the whole thing has not been verified is not truthful.
it's most likely full of dezinformatsiya. we have no idea ( as outsiders) what is verified or not. "gathered intelligence" does not mean verification, especially since Steele got it from Russians
dolt. we TREAT the Russian as the boogeyman,but the long term money and power are China's -not Putin's

And if you think Russia hacks us,,the Chinese are masters at it

Hey Idiot,
China is our trade ally and they need our money.
Simpleminded twat.
Hey Idiot,
China is our trade ally and they need our money.
Simpleminded twat.
moron. they are a worldwide strategic adversary. and they have the money and ability to hack our intellectual properties to do it-unlike Russia
as usual you got nothing to say, so you resort to a 3rd grader are consistent -i'll give you that much

I am honest and tell only the truth. You are a fucking liar and trump dick sucker. Fortunately it will be all over very soon, and the country can recover.
moron. they are a worldwide strategic adversary. and they have the money and ability to hack our intellectual properties to do it-unlike Russia

There is no rich China without the US, retard.
They will not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
You are an epic retard.
There is no rich China without the US, retard.
They will not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
You are an epic retard.
gawd what an idjit.

China's GDP allows a growth in their military which is ALREADY HAPPENING.
It's a part of their strategy, to combat our superior stealth and weapon by "swarming" them
That means they need a lot more of everything to overcome our technology ( until they steal it)

we need to keep our advantages especially in cyber, unmanned vehicles, advanced maritime platforms
and fifth-generation fighters
Maybe you can explain why God sided with us in WWI and WWII.

Is this what you looked like as you typed that sentence?
