Presidential Rankings

I don’t put too much of an emphasis on Presidential rankings. We’ve had a few truly great Presidents and a few truly bad ones and the rest in between have set a very good record for governance.

Mostly when someone ranks Presidents it’s a reflection of their own personal values as opposed to the historical significance and long term impact of their policies.

A good example of this is the popularity of Calvin Coolidge with Libertarian. Coolidge believed that the Presidency and that the Presidency Federal authorities on domestic affairs should be limited. Which fits in well with libertarian values and thus he is popular amongst those who have strong libertarian beliefs.

U.S. Grant is another example. If you’re a neo-Confederate he would probably be ranked dead last in your book. If you’re of an egalitarian bent Grant, as President, ranks significantly higher for his work on reconstruction, civil rights, creating the Justice Department, his destruction of the first iteration of the KKK and the precedents he established as President that was the beginning of the end of the spoils system that led to our modern Civil Service.

Again, that boils down to a reflection of your values.

I just finished reading a book on Grover Cleveland called A Man of Iron. TBH, I wasn't really familiar with him and am not exactly sure why I purchased it. But nonetheless, I did. It was really fascinating because the author argued he was a great President while not having a great Presidency.

I actually have no idea where Cleveland ranks historically but after reading the book I feel like that is besides the point as his character and the way he conducted himself would put him at the very top of President's in that regard.
Do you regard it to your benefit if that B Actor, union-busting troglodyte Ronnie Ray-Gun is in fact included?

Perhaps you do, Tink.

I, of course, voted against him twice.

As did the Gestapo.

The kids, unfortunately, were too young
and had to wait until they were eighteen to vote against Republican candidates.

They've been doing it for a while now, though.

Well as I stated earlier, nobody knows what criteria these people are using to rank the presidents.

If they had established criteria their rankings would be very different.

You will also notice that in these rankings there are hardly ever early presidents in them outside of Lincoln and Lincoln wasn't a very good president outside of dealing with the civil war. He still had many issues to deal with outside of the war and his policies on them were horrible.
Reagan wasn't aware of the details of Iran-Contra.

Just like Nixon wasn't aware of the break-in of Watergate.

They both got in trouble for lying about after the fact, they weren't directly involved in them.

[FONT=&quot]“The president took additional steps to regain the public’s confidence. On March 4, 1987, he delivered a televised address in which he accepted responsibility for the scandal and recanted his previous assertion that his administration had not traded arms for hostages. Reagan also accepted the resignation of his chief of staff, Donald Regan, and named former Senator Howard Baker to that position. Baker tried to allay public concerns when he announced after his first day on the job that he was certain Reagan was completely engaged and fully in command of his presidency.”…[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]“Walsh decided not to seek an indictment of Reagan, even though he concluded that the president had “created the conditions which made possible the crimes committed by others.”[/FONT]

You may be right in a way about his not being aware. Alzheimer’s

[FONT=&quot]“The report, however, also concluded that “the NSC system will not work unless the President makes it work.” Reagan’s inability to recall basic facts about administration policies during meetings with commission members and his failure to prevent subordinates like North from engaging in illegal activities led some critics to wonder whether Reagan was still capable of meeting his presidential responsibilities.”[/FONT]
Yes winners at fucking America and Americans up the ass. How says you're as dumb as a box of rocks? Oh yeah, everyone.

Jealousy will get you nowhere Yak!

You want to win the hearts and minds of Americans, not try to steal their votes and insult their intelligence!

You may want to change your political strategy- if you want to win elections!
Jealousy will get you nowhere Yak!

You want to win the hearts and minds of Americans, not try to steal their votes and insult their intelligence!

You may want to change your political strategy- if you want to win elections!

Youre doing a bang up job fucking America and Americans up the ass.

From your link:

editor James Taranto noted that Democratic-leaning scholars rated George W. Bush the sixth-worst president of all time while Republican scholars rated him the sixth-best, giving him a split-decision rating of "average".

The 1994 survey placed only two presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, above 80 points and two presidents, Andrew Johnson and Warren G. Harding, below 50 points.

Trump isn't ranked in your first link.

Your second link doesn't have him in the bottom tier.

Your third link has the same ranking as your second one.

Why do you lie?

Let me guess... because he didn't expect you to actually read the links and he thought folks would just accept what he wanted folks to believe.
Let me guess... because he didn't expect you to actually read the links and he thought folks would just accept what he wanted folks to believe.

I research everything before I post it.

Sometimes the research is flawed but usually not.

So when I post something you can bet I've looked it up first.
[FONT="]“The president took additional steps to regain the public’s confidence. On March 4, 1987, he delivered a televised address in which he accepted responsibility for the scandal and recanted his previous assertion that his administration had not traded arms for hostages. Reagan also accepted the resignation of his chief of staff, Donald Regan, and named former Senator Howard Baker to that position. Baker tried to allay public concerns when he announced after his first day on the job that he was certain Reagan was completely engaged and fully in command of his presidency.”…[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#1C3360][FONT="]“Walsh decided not to seek an indictment of Reagan, even though he concluded that the president had “created the conditions which made possible the crimes committed by others.”[/FONT]

You may be right in a way about his not being aware. Alzheimer’s

[FONT="]“The report, however, also concluded that “the NSC system will not work unless the President makes it work.” Reagan’s inability to recall basic facts about administration policies during meetings with commission members and his failure to prevent subordinates like North from engaging in illegal activities led some critics to wonder whether Reagan was still capable of meeting his presidential responsibilities.”[/FONT]

He wasn't charged because of plausible deniability.

Of course he apologized for it but legally they couldn't prove he had any part in it the actual transactions.

From your link:

editor James Taranto noted that Democratic-leaning scholars rated George W. Bush the sixth-worst president of all time while Republican scholars rated him the sixth-best, giving him a split-decision rating of "average".

The 1994 survey placed only two presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, above 80 points and two presidents, Andrew Johnson and Warren G. Harding, below 50 points.

Trump isn't ranked in your first link.

Your second link doesn't have him in the bottom tier.

Your third link has the same ranking as your second one.

Why do you lie?

That’s why they take averages of the survey participants, you fucking moron. The link also says, “As in the 2000 survey, the editors sought to balance the opinions of liberals and conservatives, adjusting the results "to give Democratic- and Republican-leaning scholars equal weight".”

That was referencing a 2000 survey. In general, Bush is not “average”, but well below average.

Trump IS in the first link and list at 41, 42, 43 and 44, you fucking moron.

The second link has him at 43, you fucking moron.

Why are you so stupid? I know you practice a lot here, but does it also come naturally?
That’s why they take averages of the survey participants, you fucking moron. The link also says, “As in the 2000 survey, the editors sought to balance the opinions of liberals and conservatives, adjusting the results "to give Democratic- and Republican-leaning scholars equal weight".”

That was referencing a 2000 survey. In general, Bush is not “average”, but well below average.

Trump IS in the first link and list at 41, 42, 43 and 44, you fucking moron.

The second link has him at 43, you fucking moron.

Why are you so stupid? I know you practice a lot here, but does it also come naturally?

I have to speak in stupid because it's the only language you know.
I have to speak in stupid because it's the only language you know.

You are the best at stupid, for sure.

And you just got your ass handed to you on your bogus claims here and on your absurd claims on the white extremists on school grounds.

At least you’re consistent. Consistently wrong.
You are the best at stupid, for sure.

And you just got your ass handed to you on your bogus claims here and on your absurd claims on the white extremists on school grounds.

At least you’re consistent. Consistently wrong.

I've never had my ass handed to me and you can't show me one instance where that has ever happened.

But feel free to prove me wrong.

Balls in your court now.