Pro-Choice Catholics...


Well-known member
Being a Pro-Choice Catholic like for example John Kerry or John Kennedy was is very simular to what the Cons are attacking Obama over.

Kennedy was never called to renounce the Pope or to resign from the Catholic Church because he disagreed with this very contraversal stance of the Catholic Church!

Being a Pro-Choice Catholic like for example John Kerry or John Kennedy was is very simular to what the Cons are attacking Obama over.

Kennedy was never called to renounce the Pope or to resign from the Catholic Church because he disagreed with this very contraversal stance of the Catholic Church!


This is getting comical.... so many on the left bitching about this whole Wright fiasco and acting as though the right isn't letting go of the issue...yet thread after thread after thread is popping up on the issue.... started predominantly by lefties.

Wright's "US of AmeriKKKa" is racist. Obama explained his opposition to the comments. Done.

Renounce the pope for thinking that abortion is murder? It is the taking of an innocent human life. You can argue whether or not an unborn child should be entitled to basic human rights or whether a woman should have the right to abort a child, but equating the pro-life position to Wrights comment on the US of AmeriKKKa is pathetic.
This is getting comical.... so many on the left bitching about this whole Wright fiasco and acting as though the right isn't letting go of the issue...yet thread after thread after thread is popping up on the issue.... started predominantly by lefties.

Wright's "US of AmeriKKKa" is racist. Obama explained his opposition to the comments. Done.

Renounce the pope for thinking that abortion is murder? It is the taking of an innocent human life. You can argue whether or not an unborn child should be entitled to basic human rights or whether a woman should have the right to abort a child, but equating the pro-life position to Wrights comment on the US of AmeriKKKa is pathetic.

Thats a matter of perspective, and my point is that the Democrats and mainstreem American never demanded that others renounce the Pope or leave the cathloic church.

Hell, if you dont like the abortion issue then lets talk about the gay issue.
Thats a matter of perspective, and my point is that the Democrats and mainstreem American never demanded that others renounce the Pope or leave the cathloic church.

Hell, if you dont like the abortion issue then lets talk about the gay issue.

Fine.... lets talk about the gay issue....

If you have an idiot like Falwell or Robertson say.... Gays are the cause of 9/11.... THAT is on par with Wrights comments on the "US of AmeriKKKA"

Both are equally wrong and idiotic. One is bigoted, the other racist.

But for churches to talk out against abortion or gay marriage that is the equivalent of Wright talking about racial injustices that still exist in America today. Both CAN be inflammatory, but neither are wrong to discuss.
Fine.... lets talk about the gay issue....

If you have an idiot like Falwell or Robertson say.... Gays are the cause of 9/11.... THAT is on par with Wrights comments on the "US of AmeriKKKA"

Both are equally wrong and idiotic. One is bigoted, the other racist.

But for churches to talk out against abortion or gay marriage that is the equivalent of Wright talking about racial injustices that still exist in America today. Both CAN be inflammatory, but neither are wrong to discuss.

I have never said either was wrong to discuss. I pointed out the inequity in how Obama has been treated by the Media, his opposition, and maybe the American people.
I have never said either was wrong to discuss. I pointed out the inequity in how Obama has been treated by the Media, his opposition, and maybe the American people.

I did not mean to imply that you had.... but had Kennedy's priest made racist comments or McCains pastor made racist comments, they would be treated in the same manner.

The media, the left and many on the right pounded Falwell and Robertson for their "the gays brought upon 9/11 as punishment from god" B.S.

Again.... Obama's speach should put an end to this... provided you lefties don't continue bringing it up.... not to mention that it was a lefty that started this whole fiasco (Hitlary).
I did not mean to imply that you had.... but had Kennedy's priest made racist comments or McCains pastor made racist comments, they would be treated in the same manner.

The media, the left and many on the right pounded Falwell and Robertson for their "the gays brought upon 9/11 as punishment from god" B.S.

Again.... Obama's speach should put an end to this... provided you lefties don't continue bringing it up.... not to mention that it was a lefty that started this whole fiasco (Hitlary).

I hope you are correct, you have more faith in the rank and file American than I do, I fully expect them to fall for the FoxNews brainwashing again!
I hope you are correct, you have more faith in the rank and file American than I do, I fully expect them to fall for the FoxNews brainwashing again!

Somehow I believe you have a member of your own party to thank for that. Granted, the Reps are not unhappy that Hillary is doing this. They would much rather face her than Obama.
Somehow I believe you have a member of your own party to thank for that. Granted, the Reps are not unhappy that Hillary is doing this. They would much rather face her than Obama.

You may well be correct, but if the people were smart enough to see past this crap it would not matter what Senator Clinton or Foxnews did!
Yeah, because believing that you should value something that is alive is the same thing as hating whitey.
Yeah, because believing that you should value something that is alive is the same thing as hating whitey.

Red herring alert, my point is that these are political issues of the type that other political canidates have always been given a pass on until now.

If its not abortion it is prejudice against gay people for the Catholics or the members of Pat Robertson's christian coallition.
Yeah, because believing that you should value something that is alive is the same thing as hating whitey.

Being pro-choice is not the same thing as "beliveing that you should value something that is alive"!
Red herring alert, my point is that these are political issues of the type that other political canidates have always been given a pass on until now.

If its not abortion it is prejudice against gay people for the Catholics or the members of Pat Robertson's christian coallition.
This is sad. There is a difference between somebody disagreeing that life is valuable to lending credibility of the Senate to the congregation of a racist.

One macaca comment and you lose, rightfully. One hate whitey comment and you are cheered, one america=al qaeda comment and you are excused.

Your comparison is so far off that it is just silly.
Being pro-choice is not the same thing as "beliveing that you should value something that is alive"!
Being pro-life is. That's why pro-choicers should leave the church because they disagree with a person that values something that is alive. At least according to this thread. It's the same thing as racist backwards comments better uttered in your house than in public.
Being pro-life is. That's why pro-choicers should leave the church because they disagree with a person that values something that is alive. At least according to this thread. It's the same thing as racist backwards comments better uttered in your house than in public.

I value something that is alive, but I am not pro-life.

Noone said it was the same thing.
This is sad. There is a difference between somebody disagreeing that life is valuable to lending credibility of the Senate to the congregation of a racist.

One macaca comment and you lose, rightfully. One hate whitey comment and you are cheered, one america=al qaeda comment and you are excused.

Your comparison is so far off that it is just silly.

You are way off base here. If Obama had said the things his minister said... yes he would have lost my support. Had he made a Macaca comment he would have lost my support. Had he made a hate whitey comment he would have lost my support. If he had said America = Al Queda comment he would have lost my support.

Just because he has an association with someone who has made these comments does not cause him to loose my support. Just like I did not stop supporting Senator Kerry due to his affilation with the Anti-Gay Catholic church or anti-choice Catholic church.
Red herring alert, my point is that these are political issues of the type that other political canidates have always been given a pass on until now.

If its not abortion it is prejudice against gay people for the Catholics or the members of Pat Robertson's christian coallition.

Except as I pointed out before... In the past thirty years, when is the last time anyone got a free pass on racism?
I value something that is alive, but I am not pro-life.

Noone said it was the same thing.
Look. You are being deliberately obtuse.

You said that they should leave the catholic church because they disagreed with the Pope. I mentioned that your comparison skills suck because one is stating backwards hate-filled rhetoric based on the past, the other speaks for lives that he values.

It is not the same thing in any way shape or form if you disagree with the pope on this issue.

If I regularly went to a church, while I was a Senator and running for President, that the pastor would suddenly, on occasion, start in on the "mark of cain" and how blacks are supposed to be servants (and I knew that he was doing this), but still sat at the church it would be the same thing . It is not the same thing if I disagree on "choice".

It wouldn't matter that the guy gave money to many charities and helped the poor. I wouldn't stand for that rhetoric from somebody who is meant to be feeding my spirit the word of God.
I value something that is alive, but I am not pro-life.

Noone said it was the same thing.

ALL pro-life individuals believe in the value of something that is alive.

But the reverse does not hold true. As you stated, you can value life and not be pro-life. We call those people.... confused. ;)