

on indefiniate mod break
Proles will never save us - they will completely destroy us because they are mindless drones.

I was walking from the northeastern parking garage today, and from there I have to walk through the prole bus station. I looked around me and saw all the poor proles, and I knew in my mind that if they had the chance, they would vote for any law that would take away all my money so that they could buy 5 plasmas and have scarface going non-stop in their shacks.

Poor people take up space, they don't do anything, and are pretty much a drain. We still need them obviously to pick up our garbage and drive our busses, but that's about it.

I do not like proles.
you are saying these poor ''PROLES'' work for a living as garbage men and lower menial jobs and the such, but don't get paid a living wage working for a living, thus are poor, and because of this....them being poor, (even though they work), you know ...that they would petition their government for help making ends meet, and THIS makes you hate these proles?

btw, what are proles?;)
The Proletariat Care. Marx wrote that the Proletariat are those who sell their labor to the Bourgeois who own the means of production.

Ever read 1984?
I think of them a doles, or dolists, as in on the dole. but common laborors are not in that category as far as I am concerned.
The Proletariat Care. Marx wrote that the Proletariat are those who sell their labor to the Bourgeois who own the means of production.

Ever read 1984?

ahhhhhh, yes, i read 1984 over 30 years ago ihg, i completely forgot....

hahaha! guess it is time to reread it! :)

no see that's what i am saying beefy - the kind of government one would get in 1984 i think would be DUE to proles.
If there's an answer, it lies in the proles.
Right you are. Like it or not, they are the ones who count most. I say "they" because, my working-class-hero pretensions aside, I'm as much a member of the elite as anyone else on here.

I think Grind needs a cookie: his blood sugar's down and it's affecting his judgment again.
well I would get absolute power, then declare myself and my property sovreign from any interference. Then everyone else could have at it and I would chill on my untaxable property and let someone else run the show.