Proposal to board members - part deux


I propose we all join together and ignore/threadban Evince/Desh. From what I've seen, she's been nothing but a despicable poster of the highest order. So let's see if we can't force a change for the better.

Just pledge your name to thread banning and ignoring Evince/Desh. Don't talk about what she says, don't even acknowledge her existence.

it's a good way of community enforcement. Especially with all her tirades.

However, as I am the forgiving type, I will leave her an out and un-ignore her; if at some point in the future she desires to reform her behavior, but it would need to be an honest effort
I can't agree to that. I don't hold too much against her. I dislike other posters, however, let's discuss them.

Also I do not condone ignoring anyone. Its the cowards way out.

Also, groaning is for physically weak little bitches who make threads about how groaning is inadequate.
I can't agree to that. I don't hold too much against her. I dislike other posters, however, let's discuss them.

Also I do not condone ignoring anyone. Its the cowards way out.

Also, groaning is for physically weak little bitches who make threads about how groaning is inadequate.

You are more then free enough to start your own thread, for posters you dislike; but this one, is about helping Desh see the error of her behavior.

So you consider the following, as cowards:

Minamoto Yoshitsune
You are more then free enough to start your own thread, for posters you dislike; but this one, is about helping Desh see the error of her behavior.

So you consider the following, as cowards:

Minamoto Yoshitsune

I disapprove of their actions in this regard.
WoW, you really took that jerkette thing hard. That was a gender oriented display of affection. Its okay though, I forgive you.
Now, now, let's not say cwuel things about lib wimmen.

Or else a big strong M A N will have to come along and defend them, for which they will thank him.
WoW, you really took that jerkette thing hard. That was a gender oriented display of affection. Its okay though, I forgive you.

No, I thought it was funny, it was so innocent. You just have to learn to appreciate my sense of humor.
Now, now, let's not say cwuel things about lib wimmen.

Or else a big strong M A N will have to come along and defend them, for which they will thank him.

Did USF say something? Ask him how it feels to be a Werewolf reject? It isn't just me that thinks he is a lowlife.
. . . Good point. Still, this social moderation stuff is . . .

Have you asked her to stop? I'd prefer she not cuss.