Proposal to board members - part deux

Pisskop, while I appreciate that you won't ignore Desh/Evince, I am surprised you are so sensitive to her cursing. Given some of the stuff other posters on here say about women, I think Desh/Evince is pretty mild. Of course, maybe you decry their language as well; I don't read many of the threads.

At any rate, I understand you not liking cussing, but it would take a heckuva army to stop Desh/Evince from cussing. At least she rarely lays into people personally, she just sticks to standard swear words.
Pisskop, while I appreciate that you won't ignore Desh/Evince, I am surprised you are so sensitive to her cursing. Given some of the stuff other posters on here say about women, I think Desh/Evince is pretty mild. Of course, maybe you decry their language as well; I don't read many of the threads.

At any rate, I understand you not liking cussing, but it would take a heckuva army to stop Desh/Evince from cussing. At least she rarely lays into people personally, she just sticks to standard swear words.

Now you've become an apologist, you fucking snail trail leaver.
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The site still shows you as being present.
So either you didn't log out and moved away from your computer, or you are having a hard time in responding to the post I left you.
I went home.

After thinking about it some, I think that

while I frown upon IA, its proper use is fine. Just not for me. It is also not 'cowardly' to ignore a destructive force.

most of the people who will ignore Desh already have. This isnt the first thread to seriously suggest it.

Desh recipricates your disdain. I believe she even mentioned a 'strategy' like this.

Ignoring Desh would solve your dilemma.

My solution of not answering her is a situational fix at best, as serious trolls could persevere.
I went home.

After thinking about it some, I think that

while I frown upon IA, its proper use is fine. Just not for me. It is also not 'cowardly' to ignore a destructive force.

most of the people who will ignore Desh already have. This isnt the first thread to seriously suggest it.

Desh recipricates your disdain. I believe she even mentioned a 'strategy' like this.

Ignoring Desh would solve your dilemma.

My solution of not answering her is a situational fix at best, as serious trolls could persevere.

by suggesting that she not be answered goes along with my original proposal, doesn't it?
I propose we all join together and ignore/threadban Evince/Desh. From what I've seen, she's been nothing but a despicable poster of the highest order. So let's see if we can't force a change for the better.

Just pledge your name to thread banning and ignoring Evince/Desh. Don't talk about what she says, don't even acknowledge her existence.

it's a good way of community enforcement. Especially with all her tirades.

However, as I am the forgiving type, I will leave her an out and un-ignore her; if at some point in the future she desires to reform her behavior, but it would need to be an honest effort

Love your avatar! Makes me giggle, actually...
Desh and all the JPP lib wimmen are delicate flowers if you reply in kind. Must have something to do with feminist equality.

Anyway, they always thank a M A N when he defends their delicate selves from a taste of their own medicine.

I have to disagree. Desh is a lot of things, but I don't sense she is a delicate flower. She gives as good as she gets. Now Snarla and her harpie clan Tekky, Christie and Rana are delicate little flowers. They claim to want to play with the big boys but are weak minded and quickly revert to " why I declare, I am a lady" when they start getting slung around the room by their tampon strings
I have to disagree. Desh is a lot of things, but I don't sense she is a delicate flower. She gives as good as she gets. Now Snarla and her harpie clan Tekky, Christie and Rana are delicate little flowers. They claim to want to play with the big boys but are weak minded and quickly revert to " why I declare, I am a lady" when they start getting slung around the room by their tampon strings

They need M E N to rescue and defend them from tasting their own medicine, don't they?
I am assuming the OP is a satire of douchebag Billy's lame attempt to corral me. Fuck the water head can't even ignore me himself, unless he is so protective of six precious werewolf that he guards the thread like a proud papa.

I could never ignore Desh. I come here for only a few reasons.

1) vent my political frustrations
2) taunt liberals
3) be amused

Desh allows me to accomplish all three. Why would I give that up?
Since you used no quote, I'm not sure who you are directing this to; but Darla and at least one other liberal have placed Desh on IA.
Since chastising me for suggesting that she be ignored (I never said for her to be placed on IA), or thread banned, and then discovering that you really never had your own viable solution; you seem to be diverging from the discussion of how to have her change her behavior.

You have "insinuated" that people who use ignore are cowards and then you "insinuated" that Desh has no moral fiber; but when pressed for a definite statement of such, you vacillate on your replies.

Is it because you don't want to make your reply an actual assessment of certain individuals, or are you just content to sway back and forth?

Do you find the following postings to be acceptable and if so, which ones are Ok to be used when addressing you?:
fucking cock breath
fuck off and die
your dick is linked to your own ass
Im sick to fucking death of you brain dead sociopaths
you fucking needle dicked mouth breather
fucking racists these pudpounders
fucking hate riddled partisan dirt bags
You are a limpdicked, ball sack dragging, ass sniffing, nose picking caveman in a childs body.
you fucking needledick
hey fuckwit
you fucking lying sack of rat vomit
then ask them ass stick
go suck a dogs ass you lying heap of weasel jizz
you fucking dickstick
fuck you very much
dude you suck ass at this
fucking sociopath
fucking racists
fucking lairs
fucking worthless racist
remember to wipe up after you guys have your circle jerk mmmmkay
fuck face
fuck off dweeb
fucking nutbag
fucking snail trail leaver
fuck you very much
you lying sack of weasel vomit
you fucking idiot
you fucking dick lick
you fucking ass dragger
I love spitting on your evil fucking gas babies because its cool ass
racist fuck stick
stick your pecker in an ant hill
you limp noodle dicked propaganda sponge
you fucking scabby foreskin


Douchenozzle USF is suddenly offended by all of desh's cussing...a pity he couldn't be bothered to speak up with his two dried up skank friends were saying all those horrible things about my daughter.

Douchenozzle USF is suddenly offended by all of desh's cussing...a pity he couldn't be bothered to speak up with his two dried up skank friends were saying all those horrible things about my daughter.

Now remember, he & his ilk demand special standards for a*holes like them. They can insult everyone, but oh my they whimper and turn belly up if anyone dares insult them!

Nice of USF to compile us a list to use though.
Project much you fucking herpes infested dumb cunt?

What's funny, is that Desh throws out her little rants and hardly anyone dares to say anything to her; but is someone uses the word "cunt", detractors start screaming from both the left and the right.
Then add in that she proclaims she's doing it in humor and again, no one says a word; but let anyone else say their comments were done in humor and once again the gnashing of teeth and the throwing of ashes begin, from both the left and right.

Looks like hypocrisy runs rampant.
What's funny, is that Desh throws out her little rants and hardly anyone dares to say anything to her; but is someone uses the word "cunt", detractors start screaming from both the left and the right.
Then add in that she proclaims she's doing it in humor and again, no one says a word; but let anyone else say their comments were done in humor and once again the gnashing of teeth and the throwing of ashes begin, from both the left and right.

Looks like hypocrisy runs rampant.

Yeah I hope Smegmachick doesn't get offended by me calling her a herpes infested cunt. I was just trying to be funny. She should man up her ovaries
if desh ever told me to:

1) "go suck a dogs ass you lying heap of weasel jizz"


2) "
stick your pecker in an ant hill"

I would laugh my ass off. Some of her insults are hilarious.

But I don't think calling women "cunt" on here would illicit the same reaction on their end.

not that you guys give a shit though.. i know that already

if desh ever told me to:

1) "go suck a dogs ass you lying heap of weasel jizz"


2) "
stick your pecker in an ant hill"

I would laugh my ass off. Some of her insults are hilarious.

But I don't think calling women "cunt" on here would illicit the same reaction on their end.

not that you guys give a shit though.. i know that already

You are a limpdicked, ball sack dragging, ass sniffing, nose picking caveman in a child's body.
This was in humor of course.