Prove God Exists and Win $10,000.00!

I think you're right. I don't think republicans were hostile to science, and intellectualism until the last few decades.

What freekin' nonsense....

Politics has NOTHING....get that NOTHING... to do with with science ....nothing at all.....and it only shows either your stupidity or your bigotry to even try and make that connection.....

Religious dingbats come in all shapes, sizes and have various political views that cover the entire spectrum of labels....

At least thats what smart, honest and ethical people know is the fact of the matter.....
The cornerstones of conservatism used to be individual liberty, lower taxes, smaller government and less interference by the government in our lives.

Unfortunately, in the last decade or so the democrats have seemed more conservative (by the definition above) than the republicans.

And if you actually believe that the roles have reversed in the slightest, your liberal brainwashing can be deemed successful .....

To seriously think libs want less interference in personal values, thinking, etc. is ludicrous

Lower taxes ??? you can't be serious....
The liberals certainly did not write The Patriot Act.

And I am not saying that liberals fit the description I posted. I am saying that the Democratic Party fit it more closely than much of the Republican Party.

And no, I have no been brainwashed. But my ideals have been abandoned by the GOP. They have spent more than the democrats. They have worked harder to curtail individual liberty than the democrats. And they have done as much to create the bloated, bureaucracy that is our federal government as the democrats have.

Before you slam me for what I said, please let me know what the current conservatives have done to preserve individual liberties, lower taxes (they spent so much we will HAVE to have higher taxes), smaller government or less interference in our private lives? Little or nothing?
Hmmm Science on the origins of life? Such as???

Please give your science sources for your claim, I am interested in reading them. To my knowledge, science has never offered any evidence of any instance of cross-species evolution. So it is ignorant for you to be claiming science has somehow "explained" the origin of life to you.

See; this is what I'm talking about. You reach all sorts of pompous, overblown conclusions without having the faintest idea of what has actually been studied & researched.

Honestly, it's embarassing.
The liberals certainly did not write The Patriot Act.

And I am not saying that liberals fit the description I posted. I am saying that the Democratic Party fit it more closely than much of the Republican Party.

And no, I have no been brainwashed. But my ideals have been abandoned by the GOP. They have spent more than the democrats. They have worked harder to curtail individual liberty than the democrats. And they have done as much to create the bloated, bureaucracy that is our federal government as the democrats have.

Before you slam me for what I said, please let me know what the current conservatives have done to preserve individual liberties, lower taxes (they spent so much we will HAVE to have higher taxes), smaller government or less interference in our private lives? Little or nothing?

Well are familiar with the events of 9/11, right? You heard about that ? A couple or three little bungalows fell down in New York....couple of people hurt...
Tiny little war in Afghanistan...?? That ring a bell? A few bucks here and their...
Little 'police action' in Iraq ? Ever read about that ? Again, a few bucks here and few bucks there....
Little rain in New Orleans cost us buck or two also....but then whose counting...

The Patriot Act bothering you ? Afraid the CIA will find out what toppings you order on your pizza? Or maybe your fear is that the FBI will find out you didn't give your Mama a Mothers Day gift....
Just what the fuck is your making alot of calls to Iran lately or what...????
Grow up and get a clue....
Well are familiar with the events of 9/11, right? You heard about that ? A couple or three little bungalows fell down in New York....couple of people hurt...
Tiny little war in Afghanistan...?? That ring a bell? A few bucks here and their...
Little 'police action' in Iraq ? Ever read about that ? Again, a few bucks here and few bucks there....
Little rain in New Orleans cost us buck or two also....but then whose counting...

The Patriot Act bothering you ? Afraid the CIA will find out what toppings you order on your pizza? Or maybe your fear is that the FBI will find out you didn't give your Mama a Mothers Day gift....
Just what the fuck is your making alot of calls to Iran lately or what...????
Grow up and get a clue....

Spoken like a true puppet who doesn't have a clue.

You may be okay with big assed government having the ability to pry into every aspect of everyones lives. You might approve of huge government prying into everything, ruling everything and so on, and that's fine you big government jackass. But don't try to force your big government ideals on the rest of us.

Dumbass, you don't even now what the fuck you stand for.

Idiot. Are there any non idiots on this board? Besides Asshat?
Words to live by....................

I have nothing to fear but fear itself.....

Do you have even a clue as to what that means....?

I should fear the Pat. Act...? screw you....
Words to live by....................

I have nothing to fear but fear itself.....

Do you have even a clue as to what that means....?

I should fear the Pat. Act...? screw you....

No, big government pussies who need the whole world to be defined to them by a massive government shouldn't fear the patriot act, because you're too mindless to even appreciate it. Just like a snot shouldn't fear it because a snot is still a snot, patriot act or not.

Mindless idiots that don't want their government to be accountable when it gets so big that its invading your bedrooms and phones, are mindless idiots who probably don't know when they're getting hosed anyhow. It is idiots like you that the government relies on to inch forward in the abuses that they do.

You think you're subscribing to a political ideology, but you're not, you're just another big-government asswipe that deserves to be shat upon. Good day sir.
The war in Iraq was a waste of time from the beginning. Saddam wasn't even the biggest financial contributer to the terrorists, and Iraq wasn't the main training ground.

The Patriot Act is about spying on our own citizens. It is about wire taps without warrants. It is about holding civilian prisoners without trial. It is about stomping on the US Constitution.

Does all that make you feel safer? I am certain that your condescending attitude will keep the terrorists at bay.

I am sure that you feel that the loss of liberties is justified. But do you expect those liberties to ever be given back? If so, your calling me brainwashed is pretty funny.

I am not afraid that my choice in pizza toppings, my lack of a mother's day present or even my intimate phone calls to my wife will become common knowledge. I'd be happy to send you a tape of any of those calls if you like.

I am afraid that the federal government is violating the US Constitution. I am afraid that the loss of freedoms is going unnoiticed by the masses. I am afraid that, little by little, individual liberty is being eroded.

We will not be safe until the last bit of freedom is gone. Perhaps that is what you don't understand. A free society is an inherently dangerous place to live. But some of us think its worth it.

And just as an FYI, if the US Army Corp of Engineers had been given the funding to fix the levees around New Orleans, the cost of that fiasco would have been MUCH lower. The government took a gamble. They gambled with people's lives. But thats ok to some people.

And while we are discussing liberties, care to say which party is responsible for trying to get the theory of evolution removed from school textbooks? Or at least which party those who do so are affiliated with?

Care to discuss which party the backed the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court? You remember him? He was the one who put the monument of the 10 Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court lobby and wouldn't allow any other displays there.

Or what about talking about which party backed most of the opponents of Terri Schiavo's life support being removed, despite the fact that her husband testified it was what she wanted and the doctors testified that most of her brain was gone to liquid?

Now neither party is something I would be particularly proud of, but don't make claims about the GOP being any better at things than the DNC. Both are snakes. Both are far more interested in the party goals than they are in serving the people.
No, big government pussies who need the whole world to be defined to them by a massive government shouldn't fear the patriot act, because you're too mindless to even appreciate it. Just like a snot shouldn't fear it because a snot is still a snot, patriot act or not.

I couldn't even follow that idiot rant...

Mindless idiots that don't want their government to be accountable when it gets so big that its invading your bedrooms and phones, are mindless idiots who probably don't know when they're getting hosed anyhow. It is idiots like you that the government relies on to inch forward in the abuses that they do.

Whats the matter fatass, someone looking in you bedroom window at night? Is you phone tapped ? Are you loosing your fuckin' mind to paranoia....? Paranoia can be controlled they say....or are you too brainwashed from liberal hysteria ? You'll be out looking for freekin' witches in your neighborhood soon if you don't get some treatment...

You think you're subscribing to a political ideology, but you're not, you're just another big-government asswipe that deserves to be shat upon. Good day sir.

I don't fear the Patriot Act...I welcome it...
You welcome the Patriot Act?

Then I have nothing more to say than what my signature already says.
Hmmm Science on the origins of life? Such as???

Please give your science sources for your claim, I am interested in reading them. To my knowledge, science has never offered any evidence of any instance of cross-species evolution. So it is ignorant for you to be claiming science has somehow "explained" the origin of life to you.

How comes you can tell a wingnut by the presence of burning straw. This is a complete strawman Dixie. The reason why evolutionary theory can't give you an instance of cross species evolution is because evolutionary theory makes no such prediction.
I don't fear the Patriot Act...I welcome it...

You big government "conservatives" never cease to amaze me.

So long as the government is big by virtue of spying on its citizens and punishing personal behavior issues, you "conservatives" (LOL) are all about big government.

Well, news for you, conservatives who like big government intrusion are not conservatives. You don't even have the capacity to reconcile your perceived identity as a "conservative" (LOL) with your real belief system as a big government fascist.

You sir, are a massive retard, and that sir, is an insult to retards.
The cornerstones of conservatism used to be individual liberty, lower taxes, smaller government and less interference by the government in our lives.

Unfortunately, in the last decade or so the democrats have seemed more conservative (by the definition above) than the republicans.

The part that freaks me out is "When did the Democrats become the party of fiscal responsability?" I don't trust the Dems on bit not to get carried aways with spending. But compared to the Dems the Republicans have been a bunch of Drunken sailors.
Who was the miserable little Atheist who used to post this challenge? I have been racking my brain trying to remember him. He has probably ended his pathetic life by now, but his challenge lives on in my mind.

My first instinct was to issue a counter-challenge of $10 million if he could scientifically prove God didn't exist. Of course, it is a stupid and pointless challenge either way, because it is impossible. You may as well offer $10,000 to make a cow jump over the moon.

Still, the basic idea of the challenge is to provoke a response, to have pro-God people actually say something the Atheist can repudiate. So, I never took the obvious bait. But I did ponder the question of how to build a case for existence of God, as a valid and possible theory. In light of current debates on whether we should teach Intelligent Design, it seems an appropriate theory to consider.

First, we must agree, Science is mandated to question the very things we may think are impossible, our personal opinions have no validity to Science. Because a person happens to not believe we were created by an intelligent designer, has no effect on Science and shouldn't prejudice findings of Science in any way. We must also agree, science does not determine absolutes, it can't prove or disprove creation, evolution, or any other potential theory for origins of life. Keeping an open mind is of the utmost importance, and it is very difficult for Atheists to keep an open mind, when it comes to the possibility of an Intelligent Designer.

Let's have a look at some scientific evidence to support the possibilities of Intelligent Design.

1. The failure of Darwin's Theory.
One of the most obvious facts is the failure of Darwin's Theory to adequately explain origin of life. The theory was established at the turn of the 20th century, and has endured as the definitive theory of Atheists for how life originated. From a purely Scientific standpoint, the theory has been found to have incredible flaws, with the advent of macro-biology and the discovery of DNA, much more is known about our species and others, and there is no evolutionary connection between many various forms of life on the planet. While Darwin's theory may explain "adaptation" of species to various conditions, there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support cross-species evolution of anything, ever.

2. Natural Selection's Validity.
One aspect of Darwin's theory, the Theory of Natural Selection, actually supports the scientific theory of Intelligent Design. In Darwin's Natural Selection theory, animals retain attributes conducive with survival, and are 'selected' over animals which do not retain the attributes. Humans have obviously adopted the behavior of worshiping something greater than self. According to NS, this attribute must have been required by our species of life to survive.

3. Human Behavioral Psychology
As much a "science" as biology or chemistry, the study of animal behavior subscribes to the same scientific methods and principles of other sciences, and it is here that we find the most compelling evidence for intelligent design. We know and understand, by repeated studies and observations of all kinds of animals and life forms in general, they all display behavior for a reason. Nothing behaves in any way that is without purpose or reason. It may take us time to determine the reason, and it may sometimes appear there is no logical reason, but science can always conclude and rely on this to be the case. That being said, humans have always exhibited the behavior of worship. From the most ancient civilizations we've discovered, we find evidence of some kind of spiritual ritual. Through centuries of wars and oppression, mankind has held fast to the behavior of worship. We know for a fact, any animal exhibiting a routine behavior, has a fundamental purpose for that behavior, therefore, we must conclude there is fundamental purpose for human worship and spirituality.

4. Ockham's razor
It is a principle attributed to the 14th-century English logician, William of Ockham. The principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory. The simplest explanation for the origin of life is an intelligent designer. All other theories require many assumptions and can be quite complicated.

5. Patterns are not random.
The unique complexity of life in every form, is defined by DNA, an essential blueprint for every living thing. In the study of DNA structures, we see the patterns of design. We can observe various components of living things and find advanced engineering, things that would have been impossible to develop through the evolution process, because the components function together in an engineered, machine-like manner. This structural design is not likely to have happened randomly, and science would indicate this is virtually impossible to have happened randomly.

6. Laws of Random Odds.
In the physical universe of which we live, the basic laws of random odds apply to virtually everything. In order to accept Evolution as the valid explanation for the origin of all life, we must suspend the laws of random odds. There are dozens of things which had to happen in a certain order, to a certain degree, and in a certain way, for the Earth to even be conducive for life. The sheer odds of this should be apparent to anyone who has a look around our solar system and known universe, we seem to be the only place where life exists, anywhere nearby. So, just the miracle of physics which enable life to even exist, are beyond the limits of possibility with random odds. Furthermore, the existence of the vast array of life, in all the billions of forms, and millions of varieties, each add to the stretching of these limits. It is simply a physical impossibility that it all happened randomly.

7. The Moon
Without the Moon, it is most likely, no life could exist on this planet. The Moon is responsible (through its collision with Earth) for the rotational wobble of the planet, giving us 4 distinct seasons. Without the seasons, we would have no plant life, and with no plant life, we would have nothing to produce oxygen and enable other life to exist. It is also responsible for ocean tides, which enable all sea life to exist, and acts as a gyroscope to keep the Earth from spinning out of control, off its axis.

8. Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon.
The elements of the Universe which enable life to exist. These elements are present throughout our universe, but they happened to come together in the correct proportions on this planet, to enable life to flourish. We have no scientific explanation or theory on where these elements came from, why they exist, or what caused the Big Bang.

9. Mankind's Amusing Arrogance.
For whatever reason, mankind has always assumed it knew almost everything, at any given time in history. Even in this advanced technological age, we remain arrogant to the fact that we are ignorant in the scope of the universe. There are trillions of unanswered questions, billions of them we are too ignorant to even ask at this point. We are like babies in a cradle in the middle of a dark room, we know our cradle well, and we know we are in a room, some of it we can identify, but beyond the darkness, we have no knowledge or understanding whatsoever. We relate to things on human terms, within our own infantile understanding of the universe around us, when there may be thousands of dimensions we are unaware of, and many things we can't even comprehend in our small dimension of existence.

10. The Unexplained.
Numerous anomalies we have discovered to exist, that science simply can't provide any explanation for. Discovery of the Hobbit people, small humans which lived after the supposed "evolution" of Homo sapiens . In all of the evolution studies, there has never been an explanation for creatures like the giraffe, and animal which seemingly has no evolutionary ancestor, it has always been a giraffe.

Now.... None of this "proves" God exists. As we established to start with, that is an impossible task, but it does provide a sufficient amount of scientifically based evidence to support a rational theory, the theory of intelligent design.

LOL Fear of the unexplainable fuels religions and always has.

We now understand the evil spirits do not cause disease, but we still do not understand the majority of the scerets of the universe. Like how 1/3 can exist :shock:
The part that freaks me out is "When did the Democrats become the party of fiscal responsability?" I don't trust the Dems on bit not to get carried aways with spending. But compared to the Dems the Republicans have been a bunch of Drunken sailors.

Hey now Ronnie proved that the defecit does not matter.

And also proved that deceit does not matter either.
Well clown...get used to it....

The USA PATRIOT Act, commonly known as the 'Patriot' act, is an Act of Congress that United States President George W. Bush signed into law on October 26, 2001. The acronym stands for " Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" (Public Law Pub.L. 107-56).

The act expands the authority of US law enforcement agencies for the stated purpose of fighting terrorism in the United States and abroad. Among its provisions, the Act increases the ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial and other records; eases restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States; expands the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and enhances the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act also expands the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA Patriot Act’s expanded law enforcement powers can be applied.

The Act was passed by wide margins in both houses of Congress and was supported by members of both the Republican and Democratic parties.
You big government "conservatives" never cease to amaze me.

So long as the government is big by virtue of spying on its citizens and punishing personal behavior issues, you "conservatives" (LOL) are all about big government.

Well, news for you, conservatives who like big government intrusion are not conservatives. You don't even have the capacity to reconcile your perceived identity as a "conservative" (LOL) with your real belief system as a big government fascist.

You sir, are a massive retard, and that sir, is an insult to retards.

Don't hold back Beefy! :rolleyes:
Yep fear drives current politics in America too. A result of the republicans using fear mongering as a political tool.
Why the Wright wingnuts and religions were aligned for a while there. Both fear driven entities.
LOL Fear of the unexplainable fuels religions and always has.

We now understand the evil spirits do not cause disease, but we still do not understand the majority of the scerets of the universe. Like how 1/3 can exist :shock:

That 1/3 crack was a low blow....funny, but low :clink: