Prove to me that God doesn’t exist

So if none of you can prove He doesn’t exist then you are admitting the possibility that He might

Okay, so you acknowledge the possibility that a giant bunny leaves eggs for kids on Easter, Santa Claus circles the earth in a day and delivers presents to all the kids in the world, and Harry Potter is protecting us from an evil wizard named Voldermort.

Did you decide to show up and immediately demonstrate how galactically stupid you are? Congrats, mission accomplished.
And your reasoning for why God wouldn’t use evolution to create life?

Also remember that humans not only can’t reproduce it but cannot even explain it. Non believers would have you believe that it just magically came into existence which is on the exact same level as believing in God.

Of course we at least have the Bible, they got nothing.

ROTFLMFAO!!! If God used evolution to create life then it isn't evolution, hammerhead.

Stating you don't know is not the same as a rigid and unproven belief in the existence of a sky monster. You failed fifth grade logic, didn't you?.
Okay, so you acknowledge the possibility that a giant bunny leaves eggs for kids on Easter, Santa Claus circles the earth in a day and delivers presents to all the kids in the world, and Harry Potter is protecting us from an evil wizard named Voldermort.

Did you decide to show up and immediately demonstrate how galactically stupid you are? Congrats, mission accomplished.

There's a difference between the laws of this Universe and the possibility that something exists beyond it.
Best evidence against God
Evolution by natural selection is caused by random genetic mutation, not by a rational divine guiding hand.

Best evidence for god
The observed fine tuning of the physical constants of the cosmos are mathmatically and probabilistically highly unlikely

Even before I had an Epiphany I could believe slow but sure by pure chance,hearts,livers,gallbladder, kidneys randomly evolved without intelligent design.
Can't prove a negative.

OTOH, all the known physical laws of the Universe have been proven to be immutable.

Issac Newton thought the universal physical laws of the nature proved God's existence.

We don't normally think about it, but it still remains an unanswered question --> why there are universal natural laws, and where did they come from?
Issac Newton thought the universal physical laws of the nature proved God's existence.

We don't normally think about it, but it still remains an unanswered question --> why there are universal natural laws, and where did they come from?

That's the mystery. Why and where?

It's like living inside a video game. We know the rules and the limits of the game but have no clue why the game exists, who made it or if there's a way to get outside of it.
No. We just know you are a bullshitting troll.
That would be you. In fact, you troll your own threads. Too funny!
This is exactly what I mean, thank you. Too funny. I'm trying to recall any post of yours that wasn't trolling. You have never made a non-trolling post, have you?
go fuck yourself
Let's team up and model a troll-bot after you. I'll do all the coding. You just provide the trolling expertise.