Put a fork in Ron and Rand


What a dumb move. Rand endorses Mitt as the Paul campaign hits its nadir. Paul blew it long ago when he ran as anything other than independent. We have nobody to vote for. Might as well watch Obama run the economy into the ground and bring us to war in Syria and Iran.

I actually think Ron Paul had the potential to win the presidency, and he totally blew it. For a brief moment, he had the ear of America, and he decided to go on an endless rant about the wars, instead of focusing on what people wanted to hear, his solutions for fiscal responsibility. Had he remained focused on that, and set aside his feelings about Iraq and foreign policy, he would have annihilated Romney and everyone else. There is also his comments about legalizing heroin, which didn't need to be verbalized. Stuff like that, scares the hell out of the 'mainstream' voter... it may cause the pot heads to smile, but everyone else is freaking out. Still, Ron had his shot and he blew it.

As for Rand endorsing Romney, who the hell else is he going to endorse? Obama? Because, the way I see it, one of two men will be elected president in 2016, that is just plain old reality, whether you wish to accept it or not. Any third party, unless it's Ralph Nader or some uber-liberal, is going to siphon votes from Romney, and give Obama an easy win. Surely you aren't too stupid to figure this out.
I actually think Ron Paul had the potential to win the presidency, and he totally blew it. For a brief moment, he had the ear of America,
Right...so did Bachmann/Perry/Pizza Guy/ and Jesus Freak.

All before anyone would even consider the whoring gazillionaire.

Paul's problem is that the 'free market approach' simply doesn't work. You can sing it all you want, but when you delve into specifics, the answers are never found in an unfettered corporate approach.

He does have some good ideas, though. He's exactly where he belongs. The POTUS is something that he'll never achieve. Nor will his racist spawn.
Right...so did Bachmann/Perry/Pizza Guy/ and Jesus Freak.

All before anyone would even consider the whoring gazillionaire.

Paul's problem is that the 'free market approach' simply doesn't work. You can sing it all you want, but when you delve into specifics, the answers are never found in an unfettered corporate approach.

He does have some good ideas, though. He's exactly where he belongs. The POTUS is something that he'll never achieve. Nor will his racist spawn.

Well the past 4 years disproves that theory. You see, this is what you told us during 2008, when you were trying to win the presidency. Since then, we have implemented all your Keynesian ideas which are supposed to be so much better than the "free market approach" ....but they haven't worked. We've now spent about $3 trillion trying to make them work, and still... nothing.

The "free market approach" is actually the only thing that WILL work. You hate for capitalists to make money and profit, but they have to in order for the free market system to work. There is simply no way to experience robust economic prosperity, and rich people not make money. If we can drag you away from bludgeoning the rich for a bit, perhaps they could use their wealth to dig us out of the hole we are in, but you are too hate-filled and hell-bent to do that, aren't you?
Well the past 4 years disproves that theory. You see, this is what you told us during 2008, when you were trying to win the presidency. Since then, we have implemented all your Keynesian ideas which are supposed to be so much better than the "free market approach" ....but they haven't worked. We've now spent about $3 trillion trying to make them work, and still... nothing.
Can you list these 'ideas', so we can delve into them one at a time?
Yippee-skippee. He's a whack job.
which is why I fixed your statement for you. by not caring what Ron Paul thinks about the constitution, you don't care about the constitution, especially considering that Ron Pauls nickname in congress is 'Dr No', because he votes NO on laws that are not constitutional. Thus, you don't care about the constitution.
which is why I fixed your statement for you. by not caring what Ron Paul thinks about the constitution, you don't care about the constitution, especially considering that Ron Pauls nickname in congress is 'Dr No', because he votes NO on laws that are not constitutional. Thus, you don't care about the constitution.

Wrong again. Or should I say, wrong still. I have a more than adequate grasp on the Constitution and what it means and I don't need to interpret it through the vision of a whack job idiot like Ron Paul or one of his dozen or so fawning Paulbots, such as yourself, who all spew the same nonsense about him. There's no debate to be had with any of you 'bots. You all drink from the same cup and share the same brainwashed view. The thread's titled, 'Put a fork in Ron and Rand'. What a wonderfully apt title. He won't win and never had a chance. That's a good thing. Good riddance and happy retirement, Ron Paul.
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