Put a fork in Ron and Rand

At least I forced him to read Wiki.

Now he's got the Cliff Notes version of the '80s, although he refuses to admit that he was grossly misinformed previously.

I wasn't misinformed, and you continuing to try and morph the argument into a debate over Reagan and the S&L crisis, which has nothing to do with what I stated.

Pinheads keep claiming the upper income taxes have been cut, and asking, where are the jobs? I pointed out, the last time the top marginal rate was cut significantly, was under President Reagan. This is where your 'morphing' comes in, and you want to pervert what I said into what you wish I had said, and the argument into what you wish it was. It doesn't change a thing about the point I made, or the fact I stated, which you can't refute.

You can throw up all kinds of cute little quips, and chortle to your pinhead friends for the next page or two, and maybe it makes you feel better, that what I posted as a fact, is out of sight and buried under your self-aggrandizement. It still doesn't impress me, you haven't refuted my point, and you continue to illustrate the problem the rest of this country has with the left. You are an arrogant, self-absorbed moral blank, who has no intention of being honest or having an honest discourse of ideas.
Feel free to chime in with anything you know about Raygun, and his failed policies.

Well, first thing I know, is his name is spelled R-e-a-g-a-n... not "Raygun." You can start with correcting that, because you look like an illiterate boob. Next, you could educate yourself with information from someone other than Communists and Socialists who hated Reagan and everything he stood for. They are misleading you on the results of his policies, and the record shows his policies actually resulted in the longest period of peacetime prosperity in American history. When he was re-elected in 1984, he got nearly 60% of the vote, and carried all but one state. Most historians agree he is one of the greatest presidents of the 20th century.

But you are a chucklehead who buys into the Communist Manifesto, and believes the snake oil peddled by malcontents, and people who want to destroy the nation. In your mind, you believe that America is actually "undecided" about whether they want to be a capitalist free market nation or a Marxist Socialist 'Utopia' and come November, you will be shocked to learn you are wrong about that. Our minds have been made up, and your ideology is about to make a hard exit, stage-left. I fully expect you to become violent and militant after that, after you realize how utterly out of touch you are with reality, and that's when we'll have to cap a few of your asses, and I will be sad to see that day come. That's why I do everything I can now, to try and soften the blow a bit, and let you know that you are living in a fantasy world of your own creation, which bears no resemblance to reality. If I can save one of you idiots from going off the deep end when this all comes crashing down, it will have been worth it. ....Lo, the sacrifices I make for my fellow countrymen!
I wasn't misinformed, and you continuing to try and morph the argument into a debate over Reagan and the S&L crisis, which has nothing to do with what I stated.

Pinheads keep claiming the upper income taxes have been cut, and asking, where are the jobs? I pointed out, the last time the top marginal rate was cut significantly, was under President Reagan. This is where your 'morphing' comes in, and you want to pervert what I said into what you wish I had said, and the argument into what you wish it was. It doesn't change a thing about the point I made, or the fact I stated, which you can't refute.

You can throw up all kinds of cute little quips, and chortle to your pinhead friends for the next page or two, and maybe it makes you feel better, that what I posted as a fact, is out of sight and buried under your self-aggrandizement. It still doesn't impress me, you haven't refuted my point, and you continue to illustrate the problem the rest of this country has with the left. You are an arrogant, self-absorbed moral blank, who has no intention of being honest or having an honest discourse of ideas.
Hey..you're the one that hailed Raygun, and his golden era. Fact is, it was smoke and mirrors, and Bush Sr. paid the price.

And you purposely ignore the facts presented re. regulations on the S&Ls, and how Carter/Raygun removed same.

Likewise, you refused to address the Tax reform act of '86, and how it effectively killed the fake real estate boom. It also raised corporate tax rates, as well as capital gains taxes.

Well, first thing I know, is his name is spelled R-e-a-g-a-n... not "Raygun." You can start with correcting that, because you look like an illiterate boob.
Raygun was responsible for the chemical weapons murder of thousands of Iranians. He sent Rumsfeld to Iraq in order to beg Hussein for permission to build an oil pipeline.

As Rummy stood on Iraqi soil, the Iraqi military was lobbing U.S made chemical weapons at Iran.

And then there was that whole Iran contra affair, that Raygun 'couldn't remember'.

Boy...you've got a lot of reading to do.
Raygun was responsible for the chemical weapons murder of thousands of Iranians. He sent Rumsfeld to Iraq in order to beg Hussein for permission to build an oil pipeline.

As Rummy stood on Iraqi soil, the Iraqi military was lobbing U.S made chemical weapons at Iran.

And then there was that whole Iran contra affair, that Raygun 'couldn't remember'.

Boy...you've got a lot of reading to do.

Indeed. He earned the moniker.
The last time top marginal income tax rates were lowered significantly, was when Ronald Reagan did it.

Sorry you can't refute this fact.

Keep dog-paddling!

they have a hard time staying on topic don't they......it's almost as if they want to avoid the issue.....
The last time top marginal income tax rates were lowered significantly, was when Ronald Reagan did it.

Sorry you can't refute this fact.

Keep dog-paddling!
Well, I suppose there's always that. Want a pat on the head?

He coupled increased spending, with lowered revenue.

Still a recipe for disaster, years after the golden era you reference.
Well, I suppose there's always that. Want a pat on the head?

He coupled increased spending, with lowered revenue.

Still a recipe for disaster, years after the golden era you reference.

Well it might be, if you didn't have that pesky 30 years of economic prosperity and massive job growth, and we were just sitting in a stagnant dismal funk, like we're currently doing.

The 'disaster' has come as the result of tearing down Reagan policies and abandoning his philosophy.

Oh, and I'll pass on the head pat, but I think Waterdork is into petting.
We have been in a state of economic stagnation for the past 30 years, thanks to rightist policies imposed on the honest, hardworking American people.
Well it might be, if you didn't have that pesky 30 years of economic prosperity and massive job growth, and we were just sitting in a stagnant dismal funk, like we're currently doing.

The 'disaster' has come as the result of tearing down Reagan policies and abandoning his philosophy.

Oh, and I'll pass on the head pat, but I think Waterdork is into petting.
I've already shown that there was no economic prosperity. Sure...the easy money policy created a boom like the one we just had. And the crash was just as bad when the reality set in.

Raygun began the income divide that's now more prevalent than ever.

Let's just accept that the fake boom was indeed the tsnumai you claim it was....

Top marginal rates were 50%.

Cap gains/corporate rates were raised.

Is this something you feel would work again?
I've already shown that there was no economic prosperity. Sure...the easy money policy created a boom like the one we just had. And the crash was just as bad when the reality set in.

No, there was economic prosperity, and it is well-documented. That reality lasted for a longer period than any time in history during peacetime. You've not shown that wasn't the case, and you can't show it, because that was the case. What you want to try and do, is rewrite history. I don't blame you for trying, there are a lot of stupid people when it comes to history, and they can easily be misled. But what you are spouting is a lie.

Raygun began the income divide that's now more prevalent than ever.

No, he didn't. Sorry, you are just plain wrong again. The disparity between the rich and the poor is a natural condition that will always exist in a free nation. Rich people are ambitious, it's how they got to be rich, and they will continue to always be ambitious, overly ambitious, which will likely result in even greater success. A poor person is generally less ambitious, that is why they are poor. They will likely always be less ambitious, because if they gain ambition, they will become rich. Less ambitious people become successful at a much slower rate than ambitious people, that's just a fact of life. Over time, this causes a natural disparity between the two. It's not the fault of the ambitious, it's not the fault of the un-ambitious, and it's not the fault of the system. It's just the way life is in a free nation.

Let's just accept that the fake boom was indeed the tsnumai you claim it was....

Let's not assume it, let's admit it!

Top marginal rates were 50%.

No, top marginal rates were 70% and Reagan lowered them 20%, then continued to lower them throughout his presidency. He wanted them to eventually be lowered to 25%, but that never happened.

Cap gains/corporate rates were raised.

No, Reagan reduced those from 28% to 20% in 1981 and increased it back to 28% when he lowered the top marginal rates from 50% to 28% in 1986. Or, I should say, CONGRESS did this, and Reagan signed it into law. Presidents don't set the tax rates. Reagan actually lobbied for Congress to ELIMINATE capital gains taxes, and after his presidency, said that was the one area he wished he had done a better job.

Is this something you feel would work again?

Reagan policies? Sure! Let's cut the top marginal rates in half again, and let's get rid of capital gains taxation! I'm all for it!