Putting it out there

Mr Trump and Mr Biden took part in competing town hall events on separate television networks at the same time. Preliminary figures suggest that Mr Biden won the competition for viewers with 12.7 million to Mr Trump's 10.4 million.

Mr Trump refused to denounce the QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims that the US government is controlled by a "deep state" cabal of anti-Trump satanist paedophiles. The president said: "I know nothing about QAnon. I know very little."

He was also questioned over his decision to retweet a false conspiracy theory, from a QAnon-linked account, that Navy Seals killed a double of Osama bin Laden and the Obama administration covered it up.

Mr Trump said he was just "putting it out there" and "people can decide for themselves". The host of the town hall responded: "I don’t get that. You’re the president, not someone’s crazy uncle."

Later, Mr Trump shared on Twitter a post from a satirical website. The article joked that Twitter had "shut down its entire social network" on Thursday to prevent the spread of negative news about Mr Biden. Mr Trump wrote: "Wow, this has never been done in history."


This is the POTUS, folks, the most powerful man in the world. He puts crackpot conspiracy theories out there and thinks satire is factual reporting. Doesn’t it make you feel proud to be American?
Mr Trump and Mr Biden took part in competing town hall events on separate television networks at the same time. Preliminary figures suggest that Mr Biden won the competition for viewers with 12.7 million to Mr Trump's 10.4 million.

Mr Trump refused to denounce the QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims that the US government is controlled by a "deep state" cabal of anti-Trump satanist paedophiles. The president said: "I know nothing about QAnon. I know very little."

He was also questioned over his decision to retweet a false conspiracy theory, from a QAnon-linked account, that Navy Seals killed a double of Osama bin Laden and the Obama administration covered it up.

Mr Trump said he was just "putting it out there" and "people can decide for themselves". The host of the town hall responded: "I don’t get that. You’re the president, not someone’s crazy uncle."

Later, Mr Trump shared on Twitter a post from a satirical website. The article joked that Twitter had "shut down its entire social network" on Thursday to prevent the spread of negative news about Mr Biden. Mr Trump wrote: "Wow, this has never been done in history."


This is the POTUS, folks, the most powerful man in the world. He puts crackpot conspiracy theories out there and thinks satire is factual reporting. Doesn’t it make you feel proud to be American?

Trump's dream of fascism failed. Thank god.
Mr Trump and Mr Biden took part in competing town hall events on separate television networks at the same time. Preliminary figures suggest that Mr Biden won the competition for viewers with 12.7 million to Mr Trump's 10.4 million.

Mr Trump refused to denounce the QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims that the US government is controlled by a "deep state" cabal of anti-Trump satanist paedophiles. The president said: "I know nothing about QAnon. I know very little."

He was also questioned over his decision to retweet a false conspiracy theory, from a QAnon-linked account, that Navy Seals killed a double of Osama bin Laden and the Obama administration covered it up.

Mr Trump said he was just "putting it out there" and "people can decide for themselves". The host of the town hall responded: "I don’t get that. You’re the president, not someone’s crazy uncle."

Later, Mr Trump shared on Twitter a post from a satirical website. The article joked that Twitter had "shut down its entire social network" on Thursday to prevent the spread of negative news about Mr Biden. Mr Trump wrote: "Wow, this has never been done in history."


This is the POTUS, folks, the most powerful man in the world. He puts crackpot conspiracy theories out there and thinks satire is factual reporting. Doesn’t it make you feel proud to be American?


QAnon is a psyop. Bin Laden died shortly after 9-11. The CIA knew where he was on 9-11. Further, bin Laden was a CIA asset.
???.....nobody asked him to denounce a conspiracy theory......

Trump refuses to denounce QAnon, claims ignorance of conspiracy theory movement at town hall

President Trump refused to denounce QAnon during a town hall event Thursday and once again claimed ignorance of the far-right conspiracy theory movement recently condemned by other Republicans.

Facing questions from Savannah Guthrie, the town hall moderator, Mr. Trump insisted he still knows little to nothing about QAnon and declined multiple opportunities to reject it.


You don’t believe it, huh? The Washington Times is NOT part of the liberal fake news whatever ...
???.....nobody asked him to denounce a conspiracy theory.......he was asked to denounce white supremacy........did somebody think Qnon was a white supremacist group?.....

They asked him to denounce Qanon, but he refused to do so. Even worse, he's promoting Qanon and the Bin Laden theory with retweets.
Trump doesn't care about truth. He will promote any idea, no matter how dangerous, as long as he thinks it helps him.
Trump refuses to denounce QAnon, claims ignorance of conspiracy theory movement at town hall

President Trump refused to denounce QAnon during a town hall event Thursday and once again claimed ignorance of the far-right conspiracy theory movement recently condemned by other Republicans.

Facing questions from Savannah Guthrie, the town hall moderator, Mr. Trump insisted he still knows little to nothing about QAnon and declined multiple opportunities to reject it.


You don’t believe it, huh? The Washington Times is NOT part of the liberal fake news whatever ...

sorry Dick-in-hand......I listened to the debate......they asked him to condemn white supremacy.......tell us what Qnan has to do with white supremacy.......did Savannah fuck up or did the Washington Times.....
They asked him to denounce Qanon, but he refused to do so. Even worse, he's promoting Qanon and the Bin Laden theory with retweets.
Trump doesn't care about truth. He will promote any idea, no matter how dangerous, as long as he thinks it helps him.

I'm glad you're here.......you can clear this up.....we all know you're a white supremacist.......does Qnon believe in the same things you do?........
I'm glad you're here.......you can clear this up.....we all know you're a white supremacist.......does Qnon believe in the same things you do?........


I'm not a White Supremacist. Qanon isn't either, but they are anti-catholic. Just shows how quickly Fashies will throw many of their own supporters under the bus.
I'm not a White Supremacist. Qanon isn't either, but they are anti-catholic. Just shows how quickly Fashies will throw many of their own supporters under the bus.

of course you are, homie.......I don't know......I don't think I've ever seen anything that Qnon has said.....feel free to link what they say about Catholics......and thanks for admitting that bringing up Qnon as an example of white supremacists was a fucked move on Savanna's part.......you should school her about what you white supremacists really believe.....
of course you are, homie.......I don't know......I don't think I've ever seen anything that Qnon has said.....feel free to link what they say about Catholics......and thanks for admitting that bringing up Qnon as an example of white supremacists was a fucked move on Savanna's part.......you should school her about what you white supremacists really believe.....


The point is still that Trump is promoting conspiracy theories that are false. You won't address this because, as a Fascist, you don't care about truth.