Putting it out there

Mr Trump and Mr Biden took part in competing town hall events on separate television networks at the same time. Preliminary figures suggest that Mr Biden won the competition for viewers with 12.7 million to Mr Trump's 10.4 million.

Mr Trump refused to denounce the QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims that the US government is controlled by a "deep state" cabal of anti-Trump satanist paedophiles. The president said: "I know nothing about QAnon. I know very little."

He was also questioned over his decision to retweet a false conspiracy theory, from a QAnon-linked account, that Navy Seals killed a double of Osama bin Laden and the Obama administration covered it up.

Mr Trump said he was just "putting it out there" and "people can decide for themselves". The host of the town hall responded: "I don’t get that. You’re the president, not someone’s crazy uncle."

Later, Mr Trump shared on Twitter a post from a satirical website. The article joked that Twitter had "shut down its entire social network" on Thursday to prevent the spread of negative news about Mr Biden. Mr Trump wrote: "Wow, this has never been done in history."


This is the POTUS, folks, the most powerful man in the world. He puts crackpot conspiracy theories out there and thinks satire is factual reporting. Doesn’t it make you feel proud to be American?

LIAR....any day that Trump can control so much as the seditious WH is a good day.
Yes you did.

Did I?
LOL. Even Dr. Lesion is losing it too. :laugh:

I am truly worried about what will happen to them after Trump loses.
sorry Dick-in-hand......I listened to the debate......they asked him to condemn white supremacy.......tell us what Qnan has to do with white supremacy

Okay, cruddy lips, try these (none of them are ‘liberal’):

When Guthrie noted that Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said QAnon is “nuts” and that “real leaders call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories,” Trump again said he has no knowledge about the theory. “I just don’t know about QAnon,” Trump said.

"Let me ask you about QAnon," Guthrie said during the town hall event on Thursday. "It is this theory that Democrats are a Satanic pedophile ring ... Now, can you just once and for all state that that is completely not true and disavow QAnon in its entirety?" "I know nothing about QAnon," Trump responded.

Guthrie interrupted to ask Trump about the conspiracy theory QAnon. Trump said that he did not know too much about the group, but said he agreed with them about hating pedophilia.

Donald Trump has refused to denounce the QAnon conspiracy theory, which falsely claims the US government is controlled by a "deep state" cabal of anti-Trump Satanist paedophiles. He said: "I know nothing about QAnon. I know very little.”

So there you go, Pomo. Trump was asked repeatedly to disavow QAnon, but he knows nothing, so he couldn't disavow them, see? :rolleyes:
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Yes you did, you're just too much of a snowflake to stand behind your own words. So much for Conservatives being the tough ones. :laugh:

Lesion is not even tough enough to *stay* a self-proclaimed conservative. In his many fruitless years wasted here, he has also played the part(s) of liberal(s) too. At any given time he also has a legion of socks. Hence the name.

"And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." -- Mark 5:9
It is wrong to consider this a competition as the playing fields were intentionally unequal.
It was designed to produce the outcome desired.
Lesion is not even tough enough to *stay* a self-proclaimed conservative. In his many fruitless years wasted here, he has also played the part(s) of liberal(s) too. At any given time he also has a legion of socks. Hence the name.

"And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." -- Mark 5:9

It's actually pretty funny when he gets owned and then tries to argue from the liberal point of view. He sometimes acts like an SJW with me when he's been sufficiently owned.
Okay, cruddy lips, try these (none of them are ‘liberal’):

When Guthrie noted that Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said QAnon is “nuts” and that “real leaders call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories,” Trump again said he has no knowledge about the theory. “I just don’t know about QAnon,” Trump said.

"Let me ask you about QAnon," Guthrie said during the town hall event on Thursday. "It is this theory that Democrats are a Satanic pedophile ring ... Now, can you just once and for all state that that is completely not true and disavow QAnon in its entirety?" "I know nothing about QAnon," Trump responded.

Guthrie interrupted to ask Trump about the conspiracy theory QAnon. Trump said that he did not know too much about the group, but said he agreed with them about hating pedophilia.

Donald Trump has refused to denounce the QAnon conspiracy theory, which falsely claims the US government is controlled by a "deep state" cabal of anti-Trump Satanist paedophiles. He said: "I know nothing about QAnon. I know very little.”

So there you go, Pomo. Trump was asked repeatedly to disavow QAnon, but he knows nothing, so he couldn't disavow them, see? :rolleyes:

that doesn't answer the question.......they were discussing his refusal to disavow white supremacy......why should Trump disavow Qanon?.......should Biden disavow MSNBC?.......should he disavow George Soros?.....should he disavow the NYT?......they all publish idiotic lies and conspiracy theories......should Biden disavow Nancy Pelosi and the Demmycrats in the House?......they wasted four years searching for Russian collusion and now we find out that Biden and Hilliary were the ones colluding with the Russians......