Putting it out there

I see no link between QAnon and "white supremacy". Isn't that what you were asked to produce?

No. In post #4 Pomo said "nobody asked him to denounce a conspiracy theory".

In fact Guthrie repeatedly asked him about QAnon, which is a notorious conspiracy theory. Trump declined to comment, claiming to know nothing.

That is an obvious lie like so much else that Trump says; but the QAnon freaks vote for HIM, so he "knows nothing".

It's well known that QAnon claims the country is run by Satan-worshiping pedophiles and Trump is fighting to overthrow them. It seems he couldn't possibly comment on this "theory" until he's studied it further, which may be some time after the election.

In a similar vein, back in 2016, some 9/11 "truthers" believed that Trump would reveal the real story of 9/11 if he was elected. They're still waiting.
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Mr Trump and Mr Biden took part in competing town hall events on separate television networks at the same time. Preliminary figures suggest that Mr Biden won the competition for viewers with 12.7 million to Mr Trump's 10.4 million.

BULL SHIT snowflake.

In the latest TV ratings, ABC’s broadcast of presidential Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s 90-minute town hall on Thursday night drew 13.9 million total viewers (in Nielsen finals) while averaging a very spry 3.0 demo rating.

Meanwhile over on NBC, President Donald Trump’s own, hour-long town hall amassed 13.1 million total viewers and a 2.1 demo rating — and that is with its MSNBC (1.74 mil) and CNBC (671K) audiences now folded in.

Trump refused to denounce the QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims that the US government is controlled by a "deep state" cabal of anti-Trump satanist paedophiles. The president said: "I know nothing about QAnon. I know very little."

Why should Trump denounce something that very few, including himself, know or care about dimwit?

Has Dementia Joe denounced Antifa? Yes or NO?

He was also questioned over his decision to retweet a false conspiracy theory, from a QAnon-linked account, that Navy Seals killed a double of Osama bin Laden and the Obama administration covered it up.

OMG!!! Try to be less pathetic, desperate and stupid.

Later, Mr Trump shared on Twitter a post from a satirical website. The article joked that Twitter had "shut down its entire social network" on Thursday to prevent the spread of negative news about Mr Biden. Mr Trump wrote: "Wow, this has never been done in history."

So you like social media acting like a Marxist third world shit hole? Be less stupid and pathetic.

This is the POTUS, folks, the most powerful man in the world. He puts crackpot conspiracy theories out there and thinks satire is factual reporting. Doesn’t it make you feel proud to be American?

Ironic coming from a leftist loon who bloviates every kook conspiracy lie filled theory the New York Times and CNN promotes.

Try to be less naïve and stupid.
They asked him to denounce Qanon, but he refused to do so. Even worse, he's promoting Qanon and the Bin Laden theory with retweets.
Trump doesn't care about truth. He will promote any idea, no matter how dangerous, as long as he thinks it helps him.



Why do you think he needs to?

Trump is the STAR of QAnon “theory”, Twoofie. He’s supposed to be fighting to overthrow the Satan-worshiping pedophiles who run America.

Don’t you think he would know if that were true or false? Why does he say he “knows nothing”?

He refuses to comment because those QAnon freaks vote for HIM. If Flat Earthers voted for him, he would "know nothing" about whether the earth is round. That, in a nutshell, is Trump's attitude to Truth.