Question for Blackascoal


God Bless America
Why do you support reparations for blacks?

Reparations for blacks is possibly the most racist, offensive idea from the far-left. Why do you think I owe you anything? And since you're a supporter of taking my money for yourself (how convenient), tell me this: how long should the reparations be in effect? Hell, it's been 150 years since slavery ended. Should we still be paying reparations another 150 years from now?

Personally, I think your support for this policy shows what a pathetic little bastard you are. :) But who knows, maybe you'll surprise me. I anxiously await your response.
Why do you support reparations for blacks?

Reparations for blacks is possibly the most racist, offensive idea from the far-left. Why do you think I owe you anything? And since you're a supporter of taking my money for yourself (how convenient), tell me this: how long should the reparations be in effect? Hell, it's been 150 years since slavery ended. Should we still be paying reparations another 150 years from now?

Personally, I think your support for this policy shows what a pathetic little bastard you are. :) But who knows, maybe you'll surprise me. I anxiously await your response.

Just so you know bdw, you are a white, middle/upper class kid, who is so disconnected from reality that you think that the Earth is hollow.

You have no concept on race relations.
Why do you support reparations for blacks?

Reparations for blacks is possibly the most racist, offensive idea from the far-left. Why do you think I owe you anything? And since you're a supporter of taking my money for yourself (how convenient), tell me this: how long should the reparations be in effect? Hell, it's been 150 years since slavery ended. Should we still be paying reparations another 150 years from now?

Personally, I think your support for this policy shows what a pathetic little bastard you are. :) But who knows, maybe you'll surprise me. I anxiously await your response.

You have no idea how unintelligent you present yourself sir. You have no idea how revealing your words are.

First, I don't think I've ever expressed an opinion on reparations in this forum. You assume .. because I'm black .. that I support reparations and want "your money."

What I assume is that I have more money than you do .. make that a lot more money than you do. You've already revealed that you're uneducated, so I also assume that my degree trumps your GED. That what I assume motherfucker.

I assume that I have lived a far more accomplished life than you and that I don't need one damn thing from you .. including a date with your sister .. that's what I assume motherfucker.

As far as reparations go, without question reparations for African-Americans are deserved for approximately 400 years of slavery and oppression. African-Americans have only relatively been free in America for about 43 years. See if you can wrap your little mind around such complex mathematics.

In my opinion, reparations should come through tax breaks, business incentives, and additional aid to education through college grants to inner-city and at-risk children.

The discussion of reparations is a good one to have with serious people .. but you've already revealed that you're a cartoon character, not a serious person.

Rest assured Gomer, I don't need shit from you. :)
He’s also a serial killer in the making, as his extremely disturbing posts about women, especially celebrity women, make obvious.
But, great synopsis of Thor. You got it alright.
40 acres and a mule wouldn't come close to wiping the slate.
Start with that and modify affirmative action to affirmative selection where blacks get preference not just where all things equal but if they are remotely close. then we can talk.
thor how about a little rant on how whinney the American indians are.
Thor great grandson of Custer
40 acres and a mule wouldn't come close to wiping the slate.
Start with that and modify affirmative action to affirmative selection where blacks get preference not just where all things equal but if they are remotely close. then we can talk.

More discrimination is not the solution. The fascist machine must be destroyed. But of course, you would rather focus on historical injustices and retribution than modifying the fascist doctrines of modern thought, because you're a fascist.
If you could actually figure out who is desendents of slaves and whom were formar slave owners that would be one thing. I'd imagine that would be near impossible. But Norwiegens that came here 80 years ago shouldn't be forced to subsidize an injustice that they had no part of. Examples like that are endless...
If you could actually figure out who is desendents of slaves and whom were formar slave owners that would be one thing. I'd imagine that would be near impossible. But Norwiegens that came here 80 years ago shouldn't be forced to subsidize an injustice that they had no part of. Examples like that are endless...

Norwiegens aren't the point, the government is the point.

No one is asking for checks to individuals, and assistance to black communities ain't hard to figure out.
Non slave blacks do not deserve to be subsidized by non slave owner whites. That's not logic in my book but to each their own. I do agree IF you're going to do something don't make it a straight handout make it an incentive.
40 acres and a mule wouldn't come close to wiping the slate.
Start with that and modify affirmative action to affirmative selection where blacks get preference not just where all things equal but if they are remotely close. then we can talk.

Imagine, if we had actually gone through and split up the wealthy slaveowners land and given it to the blacks. How different the south would be today.
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They never got what they were promissed years ago.
They were killed by thousands and are still MASSIVELY discriminated against today.
Non slave blacks do not deserve to be subsidized by non slave owner whites. That's not logic in my book but to each their own. I do agree IF you're going to do something don't make it a straight handout make it an incentive.

You keep talking about slavery when in fact the terrorism, oppression, rape, and lynching/murder of innocent blacks extends FAR, hundreds of years, beyond slavery.

Let me state this again .. African Americans have only been relatively free in America for 43 years.

Slavery is only part of the equation.
Imagine the sense of entitlement you’d have to have, in order to not even be conscious of the fact that you, as a white person, ESPECIALLY as a white male, have benefitted from slavery and the continued oppression of blacks, including everything from generational wealth accumulation to proved-to-be-still-occurring-today, hiring advantages?

One might even say, only a loud-mouth idiot…