Question for Blackascoal

You have no idea how unintelligent you present yourself sir. You have no idea how revealing your words are.

Actually, I'm a pretty intelligent guy, as I think most people (in real life) would acknowledge.

First, I don't think I've ever expressed an opinion on reparations in this forum. You assume .. because I'm black .. that I support reparations and want "your money."

No, I'm not assuming anything, asshole. You said it yourself:

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - The thing I'm finding most troubling about Obama

Don't ever play the race card again, motherfucker.
If you want a debate, start acting like a grown-up.

What I assume is that I have more money than you do .. make that a lot more money than you do.

Considering I'm in my early twenties, that is more than likely.

You've already revealed that you're uneducated, so I also assume that my degree trumps your GED. That what I assume motherfucker.

Fuck you, asshole.

I'm 24 and have been pursuing my Bachelors in business administration. However, I'll be switching my major to computer science in September. I may not be as educated as most people my age, but I also know a hell of a lot more than the average 24 year old. I am highly self-educated.

I assume that I have lived a far more accomplished life

And I assume you're full of shit, but I'll try to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I don't need one damn thing from you ..

Oh, is that right asshole? Then why are you demanding special tax breaks which violate the 14th Amendment? You think you're more important than the Constitution, motherfucker?

Section 1 of the 14th Amendment states, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Reparations to people with black skin is a violation of the equal protection clause. Giving special treatment to the children and grandchildren of those affected by Jim Crow laws is unquestionably unconstitutional.

including a date with your sister .. that's what I assume motherfucker.

This sentence reveals your utter lack of maturity. What are we in, junior high?

Grow up, you whiny little bitch.

As far as reparations go, without question reparations for African-Americans are deserved for approximately 400 years of slavery and oppression. African-Americans have only relatively been free in America for about 43 years. See if you can wrap your little mind around such complex mathematics.

In other words, you want to extend reparations to all blacks, regardless of whether they were affected by Jim Crow laws. Many were not. Of course, you won't allow the facts to get in the way of your left-wing agenda. That's because you're a dishonest prick.

In my opinion, reparations should come through tax breaks, business incentives, and additional aid to education through college grants to inner-city and at-risk children.

In my opinion, you should just go eff yourself.

The discussion of reparations is a good one to have with serious people .. but you've already revealed that you're a cartoon character, not a serious person.

Serious people don't automatically accuse those who oppose reparations of being racist. But then, you're not a serious person. You're a sniveling child.

Rest assured Gomer, I don't need shit from you. :)

So let me get this straight, asshole.

You've worked your way up the economic ladder WITHOUT special treatment.

And yet, you also believe that reparations are needed because black people were oppressed to the extent that even today, they simply cannot succeed by their own initiative.

Tell me, what's stopping them from doing what you did?

Care you explain that inconsistency?
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To summarize my position: GET OVER IT.

You don't hear Jews whining about how the holocaust is holding them back, or from the Japanese-Americans who were locked up by FDR.

Jews are whiners who need to get over the brutal slaughter of 1/3 of their peoples.

Hey, one time, a girl dumped me. I got the fuck over it. Some people just pretend like mass slaughter is a big deal.
It is certainly understandable to grieve for the millions of Jews who were massacred. The atrocities committed by the Nazis must not be forgotten, lest it reoccur. That said, you won't find Jews complaining that the persecution of the past has somehow handicapped their economic opportunities in the present. Jews are successful because they choose to be successful. The same goes for many blacks. If Blackascoal is telling the truth, he is successful because he has worked for it. Unfortunately, he is also a dishonest, hypocritical bastard who thinks white Americans are out to screw him over.

Also, I've never heard a Japanese-American complain of their detainment during WW2.

They have chosen to MOVE ON.

Ultimately, one violation of the Constitution does not justify another violation of said document. Reparations to actual slaves and possibly their children would have been justified. (It was promised, but never delivered, if I understand correctly). Reparations to blacks due to Jim Crow laws is NOT justified. If they were, then am I as an Irish American also entitled? My Irish Catholic ancestors were persecuted. So were many other ethnic groups across the United States. Where does it stop?

Of course, Blackascoal will not debate the facts.

He will simply accuse me of being a racist, and that's that.
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Only the American Indian has suffered like injustices of the kind that black Americans have suffered in this country.

There is no other group, except the American Indian, who has suffered the kind of mass-murder, rape, and torture depicted here ..

This was taking place long after slavery.

These atrocities were carried out by individuals, not government.

They should have been brought to justice. Many were.

Government should NOT be in the business of compensating the family of victims. Neither the Federal government nor even the most racist State government EVER supported the killing of black people.
It is certainly understandable to grieve for the millions of Jews who were massacred. The atrocities committed by the Nazis must not be forgotten, lest it reoccur. That said, you won't find Jews complaining that the persecution of the past has somehow handicapped their economic opportunities in the present. Jews are successful because they choose to be successful. The same goes for many blacks. If Blackascoal is telling the truth, he is successful because he has worked for it. Unfortunately, he is also a dishonest, hypocritical bastard who thinks white Americans are out to screw him over.

Also, I've never heard a Japanese-American complain of their detainment during WW2.

They have chosen to MOVE ON.

Ultimately, one violation of the Constitution does not justify another violation of said document. Reparations to actual slaves and possibly their children would have been justified. (It was promised, but never delivered, if I understand correctly). Reparations to blacks due to Jim Crow laws is NOT justified. If they were, then am I as an Irish American also entitled? My Irish Catholics ancestors were persecuted. So were many other ethnic groups across the United States. Where does it stop?

Of course, Blackascoal will not debate the facts.

He will simply accuse me of being a racist, and that's that.
These atrocities were carried out by individuals, not government.

They should have been brought to justice. Many were.

Government should NOT be in the business of compensating the family of victims. Neither the Federal government nor even the most racist State government EVER supported the killing of black people.

The government has a responsibility to protect its citizens, and failing that, it should compensate them. Notably, blackascoal has not called for "direct reperations", or accused you of being racist (that was me), he has merely gotten pissed that you constantly hound him about them because he happens to be black.
Watermark, I temporarily removed you from my ignore list with the hope that maybe, just maybe, you offered something constructive. I'm disappointed, although not at all surprised. Why do you refuse to debate within the context of reality?
The government has a responsibility to protect its citizens, and failing that, it should compensate them.

Is any immediate family alive today? If so, I might be inclined to agree that the governments in question should compensate the families. But only when the government KNEW the truth but chose to look the other way. Obviously, such cases would be few in number, as I doubt there are many immediate family members alive today.

And I think you will agree it does not justify granting sweeping tax breaks and other special treatment to all blacks. Such treatment could easily be extended to other ethnic groups. Of course, Blackascoal will argue that blacks are exceptional because they were persecuted the worst. I find that argument awfully convenient, and also very offensive.

Notably, blackascoal has not called for "direct reperations", or accused you of being racist (that was me),

He stated that I assume he favors reparations because of his race.

he has merely gotten pissed that you constantly hound him about them because he happens to be black.

No. I hound him because he is among the liberal bastards who are destroying America.
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Slave owners often used the Irish for more dangerous jobs because the slaves we're too valuable and they didn't want to risk them.
Slave owners often used the Irish for more dangerous jobs because the slaves we're too valuable and they didn't want to risk them.

Is this true? I'm not saying it isn't - I just haven't heard it before. Seems like the Irish immigration wave happened after slavery came to an end. But I'd be interested in knowing more, if you could provide some information on the subject.

On further note, I am disappointed (although not surprised) that Blackascoal has not replied.

They weren't held in slavery.

You are comparing two different situations. In Zimbabwe, they took free peoples land and gave it to other free people. If we had taken kidnappers land and given it to the kidnapped, it would have been nothing but justice, and the south would be a much better place today.
Only the American Indian has suffered like injustices of the kind that black Americans have suffered in this country.

There is no other group, except the American Indian, who has suffered the kind of mass-murder, rape, and torture depicted here ..

This was taking place long after slavery.

Someone else brought up the Irish. What about the Chinese in the 19th C? They had it quite tough. My use of words is an understatement. The Chinese Exclusion Act springs to mind.

I'm not arguing that Blacks have suffered in the US. I will argue though that others haven't. I'll also argue that someone as educated and accomplished as yourself, pleads against your case to some degree.

Things got better for a bit after the Civil War, then IMO actually got worse for Blacks, with some exceptions in the West. Then got better to a degree after WWI. Went down as the North showed as much prejudice, albeit different than the South with migration. Over time, until the Depression, got better. The military actually improved things over the course of WWII and the follow up. At first for those in the military, very bad. Then there were the incidents and groups of Blacks that performed beyond reasonable, in spite of how they were treated. Things started changing then, much better by Korea.

On the homefront, guess what? Black women were every bit as capable at working at the factories and did.

By the end of Korea, US in general was ready for Brown v. Bd of Ed. It went uphill from there. You, BAC, in all likelihood, are the son or grandson of those that fought the much lower odds of success. I wouldn't be surprised a bit if your grandparents, parents were college grads or self educated.

To a degree I'm extrapolating upon the posts you've made.