Question for Blackascoal

We just need to start investing into our nation's ghettos. Not by giving individuals checks, but by providing something more than a damn basketball court and a playground. Knock down some of those abandoned houses and put in some gardens, put some job training and internet centers in, something! I don't support reperations in the form of checks because it basically takes tax money and lets an individual decide how to spend it. I would hate to find out that it bought Lottery Tickets and Liquor. I would much rather see a lump sum be used towards a community as a whole.
We just need to start investing into our nation's ghettos. Not by giving individuals checks, but by providing something more than a damn basketball court and a playground. Knock down some of those abandoned houses and put in some gardens, put some job training and internet centers in, something! I don't support reperations in the form of checks because it basically takes tax money and lets an individual decide how to spend it. I would hate to find out that it bought Lottery Tickets and Liquor. I would much rather see a lump sum be used towards a community as a whole.

The "ghettos" already provide more than just a basketball court or a playground.

"Checks" are a strawman because nobody is asking for one although we know the history of reparations for the Japanese in thsi country and rep[arations from Germany to the jews for forced slave labor .. nor would such checks be used for lottery tickets and liquor anymore than they would be used for drugs and liquor in white communities .. the major consumers of both.

What is needed is a conversation free of the stereotypes.
In my opinion, reparations should come through tax breaks, business incentives, and additional aid to education through college grants to inner-city and at-risk children.

Excellent. IMO, this should happen even regardless of reparations and think it would effect positively in inner cities regardless of race.
I saw myself founding a new Religion, Marching into Asia, Riding an Elephant, a Turban on my head and in my hand, the new Qu'ran.
The "ghettos" already provide more than just a basketball court or a playground.

"Checks" are a strawman because nobody is asking for one although we know the history of reparations for the Japanese in thsi country and rep[arations from Germany to the jews for forced slave labor .. nor would such checks be used for lottery tickets and liquor anymore than they would be used for drugs and liquor in white communities .. the major consumers of both.

What is needed is a conversation free of the stereotypes.

My point was not that they will be used for lottery tickets and liquor. My point is that any ONE in a community could bring down the whole if the money is not used wisely. Say there is $100,000 to spread out over a community at any given time. Do you give each individual a check or do you take that and invest it into something the whole community can use? Ted down the street decides to take his $2,000 and go buy drugs while Anonda buys some bookshelves, books, and a computer. Janice buys a Big Screen TV that she's always wanted, and John puts it away in his bank account for later use. Each person has their own wants and when they get a check that they feel they can spend how they want, they'll spend it differently and not consider the community as a whole (in most cases). What if each one of those individuals spent $2,000 on something the community could use as a whole? I don't see much investment in the ghettos in my area of the country, other than basketball courts, and project housing.

The reason I support reparations in some form is because the effects of slavery basically are still around today. There are still racists of course that keep the cycle going, but there are some successful blacks who do not need help anymore. They've broken through stereotypes and made a life for themselves, they beat the system. However, the poor ones could definatly use the help. Just because some beat the system doesn't mean it's easy for all. The goal with reperations is to lift blacks up to reduce or remove the effects of slavery, right? I wouldn't support anything else.
My point was not that they will be used for lottery tickets and liquor. My point is that any ONE in a community could bring down the whole if the money is not used wisely. Say there is $100,000 to spread out over a community at any given time. Do you give each individual a check or do you take that and invest it into something the whole community can use? Ted down the street decides to take his $2,000 and go buy drugs while Anonda buys some bookshelves, books, and a computer. Janice buys a Big Screen TV that she's always wanted, and John puts it away in his bank account for later use. Each person has their own wants and when they get a check that they feel they can spend how they want, they'll spend it differently and not consider the community as a whole (in most cases). What if each one of those individuals spent $2,000 on something the community could use as a whole? I don't see much investment in the ghettos in my area of the country, other than basketball courts, and project housing.

The reason I support reparations in some form is because the effects of slavery basically are still around today. There are still racists of course that keep the cycle going, but there are some successful blacks who do not need help anymore. They've broken through stereotypes and made a life for themselves, they beat the system. However, the poor ones could definatly use the help. Just because some beat the system doesn't mean it's easy for all. The goal with reperations is to lift blacks up to reduce or remove the effects of slavery, right? I wouldn't support anything else.

I agree 100% .. which is why I support reparations for affected areas of the inner-cities where help is most needed, as you do.

Honestly, it wouldn't take that much to put this issue to bed and move beyond this shitstain on American history. It won't make the horror go away, but all Americans can feel a sense of closure and justice.

How much is that worth?
the idea of oweing blacks repirations is so stupid and immature and i would expect nothing less from a member of the black race
What is wrong with the idea of forgetting race and developing assistance programs based on need? Racism is racism, whether its intent is repress based on race, or its intent is to assist based on race, it is still racism. We'll never get rid of individual racists - that is a given. But we CAN get rid of institutionalized racism. The only way to do that is to quit using race as a measure.

To pursue Dr. King's dream, we as a society need to quit looking at color of skin, shape of eyes, etc. and start treating all people as simply people. If they are poor, living in a trashed out neighborhood, then concentrate on fixing those problems (job training, rebuild the neighborhood, etc.) and quit worrying about their skin color or heritage.
Thor is really something special.

He sees that blackascoal is black and immediately starts harassing him about reparations, then posts this incredibly racist rant where he asks he 'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'VE DO TO STEAL ME MONEY?!" and 'GO GET A JOB YOU BLACK SLAB!'

Blackascoal makes a lot more money a year than Thor. Thor immediately assumed that Blackascoal was on "welfare" (not possible anymore but don't tell a loony conservative that), and then went into a racist rant complaining about how he wanteD "EVEN MORE" handouts.

I never would've dreamed him to be this terrible a person. Conservatism is a mental disorder. I don't even hate conservatives anymore, they have a terrible disease. And they need to be put in institutions, where they can't hurt anyone anymore with their votes.
Imagine the sense of entitlement you’d have to have, in order to not even be conscious of the fact that you, as a white person, ESPECIALLY as a white male, have benefitted from slavery and the continued oppression of blacks…

Yeah, my Grandfather would have never got that job as a GARBAGE MAN if it were not for slavery....
Also, I know BAC isn't supporting a hand out, he's supporting incentives so this isn't directed at him but if you were to just take money from whites and gave it to blacks it would set race relations back decades. No surer way to get the KKK back to full swing than do that.
lets give him a hand clap come on lets give him a hand clap! for obsfucate being what he is today come on yall lets give him a hand clap!
You keep talking about slavery when in fact the terrorism, oppression, rape, and lynching/murder of innocent blacks extends FAR, hundreds of years, beyond slavery.

Let me state this again .. African Americans have only been relatively free in America for 43 years.

Slavery is only part of the equation.

I understand what you are saying, yet many of the injustices to blacks would be true of the 'poor' in general. Of course not Jim Crow and such, but many of the injustices.
I understand what you are saying, yet many of the injustices to blacks would be true of the 'poor' in general. Of course not Jim Crow and such, but many of the injustices.

Only the American Indian has suffered like injustices of the kind that black Americans have suffered in this country.

There is no other group, except the American Indian, who has suffered the kind of mass-murder, rape, and torture depicted here ..

This was taking place long after slavery.