Question for evolutionists

Nope, all you have is "someone wrote it and I chose to believe it". What is your objection to being educated and informed?

All you have is something that NO ONE saw, someone said happened a certain way, and you believe it.

I have no problem with being informed. You're the one that takes what no one saw and believes it. Did anyone that saw what you say occurred write about it? They can't. NO ONE saw it.
Who wrote God made the earth in 7 days? We got us a witness on that?

No one wrote God made the Earth in 7 days.

Who saw occur what you say occurred? Did they write about it? They couldn't have. It didn't happen the way you claim it did. What you have is someone today saying it did and you automatically believing it.
No one wrote God made the Earth in 7 days.

Who saw occur what you say occurred? Did they write about it? They couldn't have. It didn't happen the way you claim it did. What you have is someone today saying it did and you automatically believing it.

Actually it does say that.. Read Genesis.
Actually it does say that.. Read Genesis.

Actually, it doesn't.

Genesis 1 gives the account of what God created on each of the days. Verse 31 says talks about the 6th "day" of creation. When we turn to Genesis 2:1, it says the heavens and the earth were completed in their vast array. When we continue in 2:2, nothing mentioned about God creating anything. He rested.

Once again, no one wrote God made the earth in 7 days.
Actually, it doesn't.

Genesis 1 gives the account of what God created on each of the days. Verse 31 says talks about the 6th "day" of creation. When we turn to Genesis 2:1, it says the heavens and the earth were completed in their vast array. When we continue in 2:2, nothing mentioned about God creating anything. He rested.

Once again, no one wrote God made the earth in 7 days.

All thru Genesis 1 .. it says there was the evening and the morning.. That's a day not a million years.

Gen 1: 31 "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day."
All thru Genesis 1 .. it says there was the evening and the morning.. That's a day not a million years.

Gen 1: 31 "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day."

No one said it was a million years. You're the only one that used that word.

Gen 1:31 - " . . the sixth day"

Gen 2:1 - "Thus, the heavens and the earth were COMPLETED in their vast array

Gen 2:2 - 3 - "BY the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he RESTED from all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he RESTED from all the work of creating that he had done.

Fentoine's claim was God created the earth in 7 days. Incorrect.
Bible literalism doesn't come from atheists... Its comes from fundamentalists, evangelicals, dispensationalists, dominionists and Scofield heretics.

and yet you insist that the BIble says the earth is six thousand years old even though it doesn't........because of something you choose to interpret literally.......there used to be a saying........"don't sweat the small things"........your mind is one of the small things that do not matter......
Floods leave a footprint.. The Noah story comes from Sumer.

The similarities between the story of Atrahasis and that of Noah are too numerous to be the result of chance.

Atrahasis is the original version of the biblical myth, as the Sumerian version is much clearer than its Hebrew copy.

The Bible writers have copied a story without understanding the real meaning. Babylon had a rich, cultural heritage and the Hebrews had NONE until they were exiled in Babylon and exposed to that superior culture.

The Sumerian tablets were detailing the stages of reproductive science, the Hebrews saw there only fanciful legends. They were all goatherds and leaders of donkeys. How could they understand the technology of the former gods?

They reacted like the gods had wished: with admiration, submission, devotion, commitment, and a lot of sweating. The Babylonians made them work like donkeys. But they have also taught them to read and write.

Pretending to be a religious scholar again, huh? As much as you've claimed you know, the better question isn't whether Noah lived as long but whether or not you are that old?
I have NEVER claimed that creation happened 6000 years ago.. I said the Jewish calendar year is 5779 since God created the earth. Do you see the damned difference between science and spiritual beliefs and traditions?

obviously I see the difference.......I also see the difference between my faith and your ignorance.........I am glad you no longer believe the earth is 6000 years means we should never have to discuss that ludicrous argument again......
obviously I see the difference.......I also see the difference between my faith and your ignorance.........I am glad you no longer believe the earth is 6000 years means we should never have to discuss that ludicrous argument again......

Obviously not since I have posted threads on the Natufian culture and ancient granaries in Jordan, Göbekli Tepe, when Arabia was a savannah and the Persian Gulf was a river. I have posted about Baalbek, the Marsh Arabs, and 40,000 year old cave paintings in France and Spain.

You are pathetic.
Obviously not since I have posted threads on the Natufian culture and ancient granaries in Jordan, Göbekli Tepe, when Arabia was a savannah and the Persian Gulf was a river. I have posted about Baalbek, the Marsh Arabs, and 40,000 year old cave paintings in France and Spain.

You are pathetic.

why?.......your irrelevant posts don't make ME look pathetic.......
All thru Genesis 1 .. it says there was the evening and the morning.. That's a day not a million years.

Gen 1: 31 "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day."

So now you're suggesting that you know how long GOD's day is!!

Stay on topic. We're discussing warm-blooded mammals. Can you explain how our blood and circulatory system supposedly evolved? The question is still valid found species that don't use blood. A circulatory system needs something to circulate before it has any excuse to evolve.

Do you really believe that blood flow is the only circulation?
All thru Genesis 1 .. it says there was the evening and the morning.. That's a day not a million years.

Gen 1: 31 "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day."

What makes anyone assume that the God of Creation is incapable of creating the Universe in 7 days? After All He is the GOD OF CREATION....if we accept one miracle as truth we must accept them all. I challenge anyone to disprove one miracle found in scripture through the scientific Method. GO FOR IT. Strang that "ANYONE" who declares faith in a living God.....would doubt the authority and ability of their declared God. If God is not capable of creating....then what are you really worshiping? A fable? Regardless of your declared religion. If there is no all powerful God...there can be no true religion.

Who was there to witness it? Creation? The only record you have is based upon the witness of the One who did the creating as its impossible for the created to witness events that occurred before they were birthed. Again.....its not a debate about SCIENCE or SUPERSITION, its a debate about reason and logic.

Atheists can argue only in the speculation of theories, conjectures and assumptions that must mold BILLIONS OF YEARS into a shoe horn in order to defend another theory (evolution). In the end.....Real Science is impossible. There was no Observation, No possibility of reproduction and certainly no "consistency" with the theories being tossed around as absolute truth. The earth has aged billions of years in just 50 years....according to the naturalists. That's real CONSISTENCY....and speaks a great deal about the supposed THEORY of RADIO CARBON DATING in the billions of years. Which is true was the earth 1 billion years hold in the 1950s.....or is it over 4 Billion years old in the 21st century? The truth has never changed....the only thing that has changed has been the method sthat man wishes SEARCH for something they will never there has never been a method to calibrate any of the supposed theories. When one wishes to "quantify" must begin with a stable and provable absolute source of calibration. Show me this base of calibration.
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No one said it was a million years. You're the only one that used that word.

Gen 1:31 - " . . the sixth day"

Gen 2:1 - "Thus, the heavens and the earth were COMPLETED in their vast array

Gen 2:2 - 3 - "BY the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he RESTED from all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he RESTED from all the work of creating that he had done.

Fentoine's claim was God created the earth in 7 days. Incorrect.

Nope, not my claim at all son. Ever. See your bible. And then God gave Africans the banjo.