Question for evolutionists

Of course there are.. Lots of people are superstitious.. They believe in the Zodiac and Taro Cards, Ghosts, Psychics and Fortunetellers... ALL that is considered supernatural.
There is no such thing as 'supernatural'. That's a meaningless buzzword. Doubt me? Define it using words other than itself or circularly using the word 'natural'.
Walking on water
Is possible. Perhaps you haven't seen people walking out on frozen lakes and ponds, or 'water walkers', an recreational device looking a bit like a floating bicycle. Who is to say that the technique that Christ used to walk across the Sea is not a possibility, if one only understood the physical laws behind it?
and talking snakes would also be supernatural.
Really?? People can understand snakes and their sounds they make and their behaviors. They study them. Who is to say that snakes didn't have the ability to clearly communicate in the perfect world that was the Garden of Eden? We do not know the conditions of that world.
Some think the slaughter of cats lead to the plague..
No, the plague led to the plague. It is a bacterium. It normally exists in a variety of living critters (usually fleas and rats) in a benign form, especially in and around India. People visiting India were not naturally immune to it's effects, and carried the bacterium home with them. Dead cats have nothing to do with the plague. It was the flea that transmitted the Black Death, not dead cats.
The Malleus Maleficarum or the Hammer of Witches, is the well known and the most thorough treatise on witchcraft... which sanctioned the burning of thousands of witches.
The best evidence for evolution is that women have to pee sitting down. If we were still on all fours, they would pee shooting backwards like a cat. Clearly women have further to go.