Question for evolutionists

No, no one wants to learn your white suprmeacist revisionism, good on you to notice. Go check on Gavin McInnes.

Apparently you're OK with using an incorrect word. It was pointed out and you had to try and blame someone else for your mistake. That you used the wrong word has nothing to do with white or revision. It's the wrong word regardless of the user's color. But do keep playing the race card, LOSER.
Apparently you're OK with using an incorrect word. It was pointed out and you had to try and blame someone else for your mistake. That you used the wrong word has nothing to do with white or revision. It's the wrong word regardless of the user's color. But do keep playing the race card, LOSER.

Where did all humnan life and the banjo arise? Tell us more about "correct" peckerwood.
Where did all humnan life and the banjo arise? Tell us more about "correct" peckerwood.

That's a misspelling.

As far as human life, see Genesis. As for the banjo, the modern version arose when white people had to take what blacks couldn't do and make it what it is.
How long has it been since you read Genesis?

The Kingdom of Israel (or Northern Kingdom, or Samaria) existed as an independent state until 722 BCE when it was conquered by the Assyrian Empire, while the Kingdom of Judah (or Southern Kingdom) existed as an independent state until 586 BCE when it was conquered by the Neo-Babylonian Empire.

The northern kingdom is called “Israel” (or sometimes “Ephraim”) in Scripture, and the southern kingdom is called “Judah.” From the divine viewpoint, the division was a judgment on not keeping God’s commands, specifically the commands prohibiting idolatry.

Each kingdom had its advantages and its disadvantages. (1) The northern kingdom, from the material point of view, was far superior to the southern. It had a larger and more fertile country. It had three times as many people and a much better military equipment.

He has shown that he does not understand most of the Bible. I don't believe his claim that he read it.

I'm a she.. and CFM is stalking me and demanding that I give him my name and post photos of my life..

If YOU had read the Bible at all you would have picked up the rudimentary fact that Israel and Judah were separate kingdoms for MOST of their history and had different creation myths.
you cant understand these things
life began as single celled life
How do you know? Were you there? This is an argument of faith.
due to mutations single cells fused into a single example of life
How do you know? Were you there? This is an argument of faith.
so circulatory system came before blood
So what was circulating?
just because you don't know or understand science doesn't mean it ceases to exist
You are not using science. You are using religion. Science is not religion.
this is why you decided long ago to just have FAITH and believe in a god
Perhaps he does, just as you have faith that life evolved from a single cell into all the variety of life we see today. Faith is not a fallacy. The circular argument is not a fallacy. Only the failure to recognize one is the fallacy. You have made a circular argument fallacy. That is what a fundamentalist does.
we don't mind that you do that
Yes you do. You show it in this very post.
Just stop pretending reality isn't real because you cant understand it
Reality is real by definition, dude.