Question for liberals...

I say as long as it's two consenting adults, the marriage should be recognized. However, I get why people would support same-sex marriage, but not incestuous marriage. Incest babies have a higher chance of being born with disabilities.

Who mentioned babies? Are you saying that one should be married before having children?

Look at all the bastard babies, especially among blacks, running around. They have a higher chance of living in poverty, committing crimes, and having future bastard babies. Why don't you oppose that?
Yet you didn't name one.

You didn't ask me to. Name a fetish or paraphilia. Do you think people choose to be aroused by hair, noses, feet, or urine? I do not believe for one second that people decide to be sexually aroused by those things.


Playing with hair, smelling hair or simply staring at someone's hair, this is when there's a sexual arousal due to the other person's hair.


For those with this fetish, increased sexual arousal and pleasure comes out of sucking someone's nose.


Commonly known as foot-fetish, this is the fetish of getting sexual pleasure and arousal out of sucking, nibbling, licking, touching and/or caressing someone's feet.


Sexual arousal to urine, those with this fetish either like peeing on others or enjoy their partners peeing on them. Alternatively, having sex in a tub full of pee is another option!
You didn't ask me to. Name a fetish or paraphilia. Do you think people choose to be aroused by hair, noses, feet, or urine? I do not believe for one second that people decide to be sexually aroused by those things.


Playing with hair, smelling hair or simply staring at someone's hair, this is when there's a sexual arousal due to the other person's hair.


For those with this fetish, increased sexual arousal and pleasure comes out of sucking someone's nose.


Commonly known as foot-fetish, this is the fetish of getting sexual pleasure and arousal out of sucking, nibbling, licking, touching and/or caressing someone's feet.


Sexual arousal to urine, those with this fetish either like peeing on others or enjoy their partners peeing on them. Alternatively, having sex in a tub full of pee is another option!

Claiming someone was born that way is nothing more than making an excuse for being a freak and unwilling to admit it.

People choose to do a lot of things in private that make an excuse when it becomes public.

Do you think people can be the only other gender they can possibly be simply by feeling like it?

Based on your logic, or lack thereof, you're saying people, when born, were born being predetermined to do any of those things. I'm sure there are violent criminals that will claim they couldn't help themselves. Should we let them out of jail?
Who mentioned babies? Are you saying that one should be married before having children?

No, I'm saying that people oppose incestuous marriages because they think it will lead to incest babies with disabilities. But like I said, any marriage between consenting adults should be recognized. Banning incest marriages will not stop incest.

Look at all the bastard babies, especially among blacks, running around. They have a higher chance of living in poverty, committing crimes, and having future bastard babies. Why don't you oppose that?

Well I'm an Ethnic Nationalist, I think we should create a European-American ethnostate out of America. So I oppose that happening in white societies.
Suppose there was a way to tell if a baby would be born gay. Not that any sane person believes it's genetic, but assuming it's was true, would you be OK with someone aborting it because it was gay? If you answer no, then you're being dishonest. You're the ones who want a woman to be allowed to abort their child for any reason, up to and even after birth. So if you say you have a problem with aborting gay babies, then you are a hypocrite. After all, it's HER BODY. Are you going to tell her she can't do it?

Just like most abortions I personally think it would be wrong, I do not think the government should be making those decisions for women's bodies and reproductive decisions.
No, I'm saying that people oppose incestuous marriages because they think it will lead to incest babies with disabilities. But like I said, any marriage between consenting adults should be recognized. Banning incest marriages will not stop incest.

Well I'm an Ethnic Nationalist, I think we should create a European-American ethnostate out of America. So I oppose that happening in white societies.

In other words, they support limiting what the faggot supporters called a right because of what MIGHT happen.

Banning fag marriages won't stop people from being fags.
Just like most abortions I personally think it would be wrong, I do not think the government should be making those decisions for women's bodies and reproductive decisions.

You obviously don't think abortions are wrong because you support people having them if they choose.

Your argument argument for abortion is the same one that was used to justify slavery. Do you justify slavery?
You obviously don't think abortions are wrong because you support people having them if they choose.

Your argument argument for abortion is the same one that was used to justify slavery. Do you justify slavery?

There is difference between supporting people having them, and wanting the government to stay the fuck out of difficult personal decisions regarding a person's body and future.
There is difference between supporting people having them, and wanting the government to stay the fuck out of difficult personal decisions regarding a person's body and future.

Not in the least bit.

Can I count on you to support the government staying the fuck out peoples' wallets when the difficult decision a woman makes is to have a child they can't take care of financially? Interesting how those that want the woman to have the sole choice and others, including the government to stay out of it, don't have a problem with that very government, at the demands of the leg spreader, forcing the rest of us to support the little bastard.

With as many abortions as occur each year, the decision doesn't seem to be that hard or difficult. I hope that every woman having an abortion suffers emotionally and mentally until the day she dies.
Not in the least bit.

Can I count on you to support the government staying the fuck out peoples' wallets when the difficult decision a woman makes is to have a child they can't take care of financially? Interesting how those that want the woman to have the sole choice and others, including the government to stay out of it, don't have a problem with that very government, at the demands of the leg spreader, forcing the rest of us to support the little bastard.

With as many abortions as occur each year, the decision doesn't seem to be that hard or difficult. I hope that every woman having an abortion suffers emotionally and mentally until the day she dies.

Money is an entirely different thing. Like Drugs, making abortions illegal will not prevent any of them.
Pretty much. It's dumb, but this is how people see it.

Yeah, but people oppose gay marriage for internal issues.

So you've personally interviewed and/or can read the minds of all those that oppose fags marrying? Interesting. Perhaps you can provide the data from those interactions.
Money is an entirely different thing. Like Drugs, making abortions illegal will not prevent any of them.

Money is not a different thing at all and you know that. It involves the same government you want to butt out forcing others you want to butt out to pay for the choice you said they should butt out of.

As long as those using coat hangers botch it and suffer because of what they did, I don't care. Slow, painful, and complete is all that matters.
So you've personally interviewed and/or can read the minds of all those that oppose fags marrying? Interesting. Perhaps you can provide the data from those interactions.

I've seen and talked to enough to know that homophobia comes from personal problems, at least in most cases.
I've seen and talked to enough to know that homophobia comes from personal problems, at least in most cases.

No such thing as homophobia. It's a made up term by those that don't like people thinking being a faggot is wrong.

I'm still waiting on the recordings from those interactions.
No such thing as homophobia. It's a made up term by those that don't like people thinking being a faggot is wrong.

I'm still waiting on the recordings from those interactions.

People who think being gay is wrong usually do so out of fear that they might be gay themselves. It's a form of overcompensation and misplaced anger. So the term is very fitting.
People who think being gay is wrong usually do so out of fear that they might be gay themselves. It's a form of overcompensation and misplaced anger. So the term is very fitting.

People that think being gay is OK usually do so because they can't make it with their own gender and have to expand their field.