Question for liberals...

If two queers want to hook up, I have problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the attitude that not only would forbid me to disagree with it, but to actually make such disagreement a criminal offense. Not only do they wish to prevent any and all discent, they insist that we condone and even endorse it.


Nobody gives a shit whether you condone or endorse it. Gay marriage is law and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it.

What orifice did you pull that "criminal offense" bullshit from, idiot? Go ahead and cite a regulation that makes disagreement with gay marriage a criminal offense. And don't try to pull the horseshit about "practicing your religion". There are civil rights laws and public accomodation laws in place to punish discrimination. You're free to disagree all you want, dumbfuck. You're just not free to discriminate.

A moron of your magnitude will fail to recognize the difference, however. I'll watch just that kind of babbling response.
Suppose there was a way to tell if a baby would be born gay. Not that any sane person believes it's genetic, but assuming it's was true, would you be OK with someone aborting it because it was gay? If you answer no, then you're being dishonest. You're the ones who want a woman to be allowed to abort their child for any reason, up to and even after birth. So if you say you have a problem with aborting gay babies, then you are a hypocrite. After all, it's HER BODY. Are you going to tell her she can't do it?
Stupid nonsense, real tricky question except that it's nonsense.
But the term was made up to describe the irrational hatred of gays, which is caused by fear.

Since no one is homophobic, the made up term can't be describing anything. It's a term used by homos because they get their feelings hurts when others point out their abnormal behavior.
If two queers want to hook up, I have problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the attitude that not only would forbid me to disagree with it, but to actually make such disagreement a criminal offense. Not only do they wish to prevent any and all discent, they insist that we condone and even endorse it.

Ever notice how homos that claim what they do in the privacy of their home is no one else's business yet constantly demand public acceptance of it?
I would hope so. Why wouldn't they want the same rights as everyone else?

Acceptance, dumbass. That's different from acknowledgement.

What they call a right isn't one. Are homos denied any right in the Bill of Rights? The honest answer is "no" but it's clear you're not honest.
Wouldn't that make them bigoted and homophobic, too?

It's the same type hypocrisy many of them have when it comes to same sex marriage. They claim to support that two people who love each other should be able to get married yet oppose certain types of marriages because they think they're wrong even when the reason is the two people love each others. Wonder how they'd choose if the two homosexuals that wanted to get married were brothers?

As a disclaimer, I don't support incestuous marriages. Using the example to show their hypocrisy.

Stupid example.
Let's get back on topic here. Liberals want abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason. So, do you agree that it's OK to terminate a baby because it's gay? It's a simple yes or no question.
Acceptance, dumbass. That's different from acknowledgement.

What they call a right isn't one. Are homos denied any right in the Bill of Rights? The honest answer is "no" but it's clear you're not honest.

At one point, same-sex marriage wasn't recognized by state governments. Their marriages were acknowledged, but not accepted. You understand this. The reason you got mad and name-called is because you know I'm right.
And no, homos aren't denied any rights in the Bill of Rights. However, they were still being treated as second class citizens. So obviously, they had to organize and petition for their rights.