Question for liberals...

Gay marriage is an oxymoron. Marriage is between a man and a woman.

Really? Who says so? Your little black book of fairytales, Thumper?

The law of the land is that gay marriage = your marriage.

And that just chaps your ignorant ass, doesn’t it?:rofl2:
Really? Who says so? Your little black book of fairytales, Thumper?

The law of the land is that gay marriage = your marriage.

And that just chaps your ignorant ass, doesn’t it?:rofl2:

On paper, maybe. In reality, never.

That just chaps you up, faggot.
You can make the argument that children are second class citizens because of how many things they're not allowed to do, but there is good reason for the restriction we place on them. The same thing can be said for blind people not being allowed to drive.
However, there is no reason to not recognized same-sex marriage. It's a restriction that only existed because some people had an irrational hatred of gays.

Those are different cases. Driving is not a constitutional right but the decision between a woman and her doctor about abortion is a right.
Where does the Constitution say abortion is a right?

It was the interpretation in Roe v. Wade because the 9th amendment says the people have "other rights" not listed in amendments 1-8 and one of those is the right to privacy. That includes sending your kid to private school, distributing information on birth control, sex between consenting adults, and the decision between woman and doctor about abortion.

Many of our the rights and powers contained in the Constitution are not specifically listed but based on court interpretation. There is nothing about Congress making laws controlling immigration.

You might not agree with these court decisions, but they are still law.
People who think being gay is wrong usually do so out of fear that they might be gay themselves. It's a form of overcompensation and misplaced anger. So the term is very fitting.

A made-up myth that only applies to some homosexuals. A phobia is a fear. Many people dislike homosexuality without being afraid of them.
I love it when the scum from the right , show the world what we are saying daily , hate driven, homophobic, bigoted, chauvinistic , Islamophobic , in general terms, the hate of everything other then old fat white men.
People who think being gay is wrong usually do so out of fear that they might be gay themselves. It's a form of overcompensation and misplaced anger. So the term is very fitting.

People who think being gay is right usually do so because they are gay or have gay tendencies.