Question for liberals...

It was the interpretation in Roe v. Wade because the 9th amendment says the people have "other rights" not listed in amendments 1-8 and one of those is the right to privacy. That includes sending your kid to private school, distributing information on birth control, sex between consenting adults, and the decision between woman and doctor about abortion.

Many of our the rights and powers contained in the Constitution are not specifically listed but based on court interpretation. There is nothing about Congress making laws controlling immigration.

You might not agree with these court decisions, but they are still law.

That's not what the 9th amendment says. Those are your words.

At least you agree that the Constitution doesn't say abortion.

The Constitution doesn't grant rights. If you believe that, you're an idiot and a liar. You also invalidated your own argument.

As far as immigration is concerned, Congress does have authority to do so.
That's obviously not true. If that was the case, there wouldn't be so many straight people who aren't homophobic.

No one is homophobic. It's a made up term by faggots like you that know you made an unnatural choice and want to ease your pain by blaming someone else.
That's obviously not true. If that was the case, there wouldn't be so many straight people who aren't homophobic.

You missed my point completely. I was mocking you by posting something that was lacking logic because your post lacked logic. Thanks for confirming that.
You missed my point completely. I was mocking you by posting something that was lacking logic because your post lacked logic. Thanks for confirming that.

But my post didn't lack logic. See how easily your argument could be disproven while mine actually has evidence backing it up? Saying the two are the same is fallacious.
But my post didn't lack logic. See how easily your argument could be disproven while mine actually has evidence backing it up? Saying the two are the same is fallacious.

No, your post lacked logic, and was an attempt to smear folks by insinuating that they are gay because they don't agree with you that gay is normal natural healthy and wonderful and all that bullshit.
No, your post lacked logic, and was an attempt to smear folks by insinuating that they are gay because they don't agree with you that gay is normal natural healthy and wonderful and all that bullshit.

But in most cases, when a person doesn't think that, they actually do have those feelings.
Some are dumb enough to believe that gay is a choice. Do you rightys remember the day when you had to make that decision? Was it tough? So you claim you chose hetero. Do you regret that decison? Rightys are so obsessed with the gays, that we think you are secretly gay. We all know about many right wing politicians who made a career out of hating gays, but were secretly gay.

Just leave gays alone to live their lives. They will do the same for you.
Suppose there was a way to tell if a baby would be born gay. Not that any sane person believes it's genetic, but assuming it's was true, would you be OK with someone aborting it because it was gay? If you answer no, then you're being dishonest. You're the ones who want a woman to be allowed to abort their child for any reason, up to and even after birth. So if you say you have a problem with aborting gay babies, then you are a hypocrite. After all, it's HER BODY. Are you going to tell her she can't do it?

Abortion is none of your business.
Maybe some do, but they're fringe at best.

Not true. Claiming most people who dislike or fear homosexuality because they are homosexuals themselves is a gross generalization fallacy serving the purpose of attacking those whose political opinions we dislike. Many people are just intolerant or think homosexuality is wrong--saying it is because they are homosexuals applies to only a limited number of gays who fit that description.

It is like those accusing gun owners of having a small penis. It is just a lame attempt to attack others by those obsessed with the size of male genitals.