Question for liberals...

That's not what the 9th amendment says. Those are your words.

At least you agree that the Constitution doesn't say abortion.

The Constitution doesn't grant rights. If you believe that, you're an idiot and a liar. You also invalidated your own argument.

As far as immigration is concerned, Congress does have authority to do so.

Yes. The 9th Amendment says the people have "other rights" than those listed in the first eight. It is because they listed many of the most important rights but did not want it to seem those are the only rights we have. Those are not my words but the words of the court in the Griswold case.

The Constitution does not grant rights, but it lists those rights government cannot restrict. One right government cannot restrict is our right to privacy as it applies to abortion decisions.
Yes. The 9th Amendment says the people have "other rights" than those listed in the first eight. It is because they listed many of the most important rights but did not want it to seem those are the only rights we have. Those are not my words but the words of the court in the Griswold case.

The Constitution does not grant rights, but it lists those rights government cannot restrict. One right government cannot restrict is our right to privacy as it applies to abortion decisions.

You explained that very well..
Not true. Claiming most people who dislike or fear homosexuality because they are homosexuals themselves is a gross generalization fallacy serving the purpose of attacking those whose political opinions we dislike. Many people are just intolerant or think homosexuality is wrong--saying it is because they are homosexuals applies to only a limited number of gays who fit that description.

It is like those accusing gun owners of having a small penis. It is just a lame attempt to attack others by those obsessed with the size of male genitals.

It's not that they're gay themselves, it's that they're scared they might be.
Yes. The 9th Amendment says the people have "other rights" than those listed in the first eight. It is because they listed many of the most important rights but did not want it to seem those are the only rights we have. Those are not my words but the words of the court in the Griswold case.

The Constitution does not grant rights, but it lists those rights government cannot restrict. One right government cannot restrict is our right to privacy as it applies to abortion decisions.

The word "other rights" isn't in the 9th amendment. If you're using it in your argument, they're your words.

Where does the Constitution use the word "privacy"?

What those that believe like you are saying is that anything people refuse to do for themselves can be voted as a right so someone else is forced to pay for it on their behalf.
Just one problem with that. It's not genetic.

[FONT=&quot]Didn’t we already know there were “gay genes”?
We have known for decades that sexual orientation is partly heritable in men, thanks to studies of families in which some people are straight and some people are gay. In 1993, genetic variations in a region on the X chromosome in men were linked to whether they were heterosexual or homosexual, and in 1995, a region on chromosome 8 was identified. Both findings were confirmed in a study of gay and straight brothers in 2014. However, these studies didn’t home in on any specific genes on this chromosome.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]What’s new about the latest study?
For the first time, individual genes have been identified that may influence how sexual orientation develops in boys and men, both in the womb and during life. Alan Sanders at North Shore University, Illinois, and his team pinpointed these genes by comparing DNA from 1077 gay and 1231 straight men. They scanned the men’s entire genomes, looking for single-letter differences in their DNA sequences. This enabled them to home in on two genes whose variants seem to be linked to sexual orientation.[/FONT]

[FONT="][B]Didn’t we already know there were “gay genes”?[/B]
We have known for decades that sexual orientation is partly heritable in men, thanks to studies of families in which some people are straight and some people are gay. In 1993, genetic variations in a region on the X chromosome in men were linked to whether they were heterosexual or homosexual, and in 1995, a region on chromosome 8 was identified. Both findings were confirmed [URL=""]in a study of gay and straight brothers[/URL] in 2014. However, these studies didn’t home in on any specific genes on this chromosome.[/FONT]

[FONT="]What’s new about the latest study?
For the first time, individual genes have been identified that may influence how sexual orientation develops in boys and men, both in the womb and during life. Alan Sanders at North Shore University, Illinois, and his team pinpointed these genes by comparing DNA from 1077 gay and 1231 straight men. They scanned the men’s entire genomes, looking for single-letter differences in their DNA sequences. This enabled them to home in on two genes whose variants seem to be linked to sexual orientation.[/FONT]

And, next thing you know, pedophiles will be using the same argument. Is that what you really want? Do you really believe that crap?
And, next thing you know, pedophiles will be using the same argument. Is that what you really want? Do you really believe that crap?
They may find a gene that makes you more likely to be a pedophile, it will not mean the behavior will be acceptable.

Its ridiculous you equate adult love towards another adult to child abuse, more screwy thinking on your part.
And, next thing you know, pedophiles will be using the same argument. Is that what you really want? Do you really believe that crap?

Children cannot consent to sex with an adult.. That's the law, you moron.. Its the equivalent of rape.
I'm still waiting for one of you liberals to say it's OK to abort a homosexual baby. Anyone?

That is because no lefty says it is OK. You will be waiting a long time. Post it in a right-wing place and you will get what you seek. Homosexuality is a normal thing for a small percentage of people who are born that way. It is not a crime. There is nothing wrong with people acting as they were born.
Gay people have civil rights just like women and blacks.

Gay people have the exact same rights as all other Americans.

However, that has nothing to do with the lame charge that someone who doesn't like or fears gays is because they are afraid they are gay themselves. That only fits a relatively small number of people.

Many people are intolerant or just do not like gays, but it has nothing to do with being afraid they are homosexuals. Just call them haters rather than trying to use unsubstantiated pop psychology explanations used as a put down rather than science.

I once read about an experiment trying to "prove" that hypothesis and they put electrodes on young male genitals. When they showed some arousal at pictures of nude males they concluded it proved their point. Other researchers claimed it was bad science and showed that showing dead kittens had the same result showing young males get aroused over anything. Any research trying to make claims based on ideology is never good science.
Gay people have the exact same rights as all other Americans.

However, that has nothing to do with the lame charge that someone who doesn't like or fears gays is because they are afraid they are gay themselves. That only fits a relatively small number of people.

Many people are intolerant or just do not like gays, but it has nothing to do with being afraid they are homosexuals. Just call them haters rather than trying to use unsubstantiated pop psychology explanations used as a put down rather than science.

I once read about an experiment trying to "prove" that hypothesis and they put electrodes on young male genitals. When they showed some arousal at pictures of nude males they concluded it proved their point. Other researchers claimed it was bad science and showed that showing dead kittens had the same result showing young males get aroused over anything. Any research trying to make claims based on ideology is never good science.

I think you are talking to StonyStone not me...
The word "other rights" isn't in the 9th amendment. If you're using it in your argument, they're your words.

Where does the Constitution use the word "privacy"?

What those that believe like you are saying is that anything people refuse to do for themselves can be voted as a right so someone else is forced to pay for it on their behalf.

9th Amendment: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

"Others retained by the people" refers to rights not delineated in 1-8. If there are others retained by the people, what do you think they might include? Travel, having children, privacy? Privacy is not specifically listed but the 4th protects our privacy from unwarranted government searches and seizures of our property, the 1st amendment freedom of association protects your privacy from associating with people you don't like (in your case black people), and the 5th protects you from incriminating yourself.

Although the term "privacy" is not specifically in the Constitution, anyone who doesn't want their privacy protected truly favors an oppressive government and limited personal freedom.
I think you are talking to StonyStone not me...

No. I was replying to your post in #132 that stated "Gay people have civil rights just like women and blacks" as a response to my post that said those who claim homophobes are people who are afraid they might be gay is unsubstantiated pop psychology.