Question for liberals...

9th Amendment: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

"Others retained by the people" refers to rights not delineated in 1-8. If there are others retained by the people, what do you think they might include? Travel, having children, privacy? Privacy is not specifically listed but the 4th protects our privacy from unwarranted government searches and seizures of our property, the 1st amendment freedom of association protects your privacy from associating with people you don't like (in your case black people), and the 5th protects you from incriminating yourself.

Although the term "privacy" is not specifically in the Constitution, anyone who doesn't want their privacy protected truly favors an oppressive government and limited personal freedom.

No, those that use the 9th amendment in the manner you support want an oppressive government. When you expect the government to provide you things you should be providing yourself, when that happens, they control you. If you think that's not oppressive and limits freedoms, keep pushing for it. You'll find out the hard way you'll get what you don't want.
Just not the person they love because you are homophobic and do not respect gods creations.

you are just displaying your ignorance......but that's okay with me....I see no reason you should hide it........

they can love anyone they want........the problem was insisting society get involved by accepting it as a "marriage".....
No, those that use the 9th amendment in the manner you support want an oppressive government. When you expect the government to provide you things you should be providing yourself, when that happens, they control you. If you think that's not oppressive and limits freedoms, keep pushing for it. You'll find out the hard way you'll get what you don't want.

The right to privacy does not expect government to provide anything to others. Court decisions on privacy have prevented an oppressive government from telling us where we can send our kids to school, that government cannot prevent the distribution of birth control information, that an oppressive government cannot tell us what sex acts are allowed or with whom, and that an oppressive government cannot prohibit a woman from having an abortion.

You want to allow an oppressive government by allowing it to repress those actions.

If the right to privacy is not one of the "other" rights referred to in the 9th Amendment, what would an example include?
The right to privacy does not expect government to provide anything to others. Court decisions on privacy have prevented an oppressive government from telling us where we can send our kids to school, that government cannot prevent the distribution of birth control information, that an oppressive government cannot tell us what sex acts are allowed or with whom, and that an oppressive government cannot prohibit a woman from having an abortion.

You want to allow an oppressive government by allowing it to repress those actions.

If the right to privacy is not one of the "other" rights referred to in the 9th Amendment, what would an example include?

Your desire to be a freeloader is why you expect others to provide to you. You think you have a right to it.

There are no examples. Freeloaders like you use the 9th amendment to think you have a right to healthcare, food stamps, welfare, and anything else you think is owed to you.
Your desire to be a freeloader is why you expect others to provide to you. You think you have a right to it.

There are no examples. Freeloaders like you use the 9th amendment to think you have a right to healthcare, food stamps, welfare, and anything else you think is owed to you.

Now you are not making any sense. A person is not a freeloader because he does not want an oppressive government that can tell its citizens what they can and cannot do.

Only a person who wants a strong central government than can repress the rights of citizens would want government to violate our privacy rights. If there are no examples, what does the 9th Amendment mean?
you are just displaying your ignorance......but that's okay with me....I see no reason you should hide it........

they can love anyone they want........the problem was insisting society get involved by accepting it as a "marriage".....

That is not a problem. they are entitled to all the rights that any other citizen can enjoy. The problem for you is just bigotry. You do not hide it. You embrace it.
Now you are not making any sense. A person is not a freeloader because he does not want an oppressive government that can tell its citizens what they can and cannot do.

Only a person who wants a strong central government than can repress the rights of citizens would want government to violate our privacy rights. If there are no examples, what does the 9th Amendment mean?

No, you're just another motherfucking troll. Don't you have anything better to do?

A freeloader does want an oppressive government because it wants that government to force others to do for them what they refuse to do for themselves.

Why do you think the 9th amendment means if people want the government to do something for them all they have to do is claim it's a right? That's your argument for the 9th amendment.
That is not a problem. they are entitled to all the rights that any other citizen can enjoy. The problem for you is just bigotry. You do not hide it. You embrace it.

they already had all the rights every other citizen could enjoy........NOBODY could marry someone of the same sex.......still can't......all they can have is a gaything they pretend is a real marriage.....
they already had all the rights every other citizen could enjoy........NOBODY could marry someone of the same sex.......still can't......all they can have is a gaything they pretend is a real marriage.....

marriage is a legal and binding contract. You need a license from the state to get married. Once you do, you are subject to all the legal ramifications of any other married person. It is a real marriage by law. They can get divorced and the law will step in, just like it will in yours.
If gays did not have the legal right to marry, they did not have all the rights of other citizens.
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marriage is a legal and binding contract. You need a license from the state to get married. Once you do, you are subject to all the legal ramifications of any other married person. It is a real marriage by law. They can get divorced and the law will step in, just like it will in yours.
If gays did not have the legal right to marry, they did not have all the rights of other citizens.

tell me any other citizen that had the right to marry someone of the same sex.......