Question for Pro Lifers


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Why do you always issue the caveat that you oppose all abortions except in the cases of incest or rape?

If you truly believe the fetus is a human life with all the rights associated with a human life, then why allow this exemption?

It's not the child's fault that it is a rape baby, or an incest baby. So why would you be willing to condemn it for something beyond it's control?

Is it your belief that the condition of the mother in these circumstances trumps the sanctity of the baby's life?

Why are the mothers conditions feelings able to trump the sacred life in one circumstance, but not another?

Seems like an inconsistent viewpoint imo.
Why do you always issue the caveat that you oppose all abortions except in the cases of incest or rape?

If you truly believe the fetus is a human life with all the rights associated with a human life, then why allow this exemption?

It's not the child's fault that it is a rape baby, or an incest baby. So why would you be willing to condemn it for something beyond it's control?

Is it your belief that the condition of the mother in these circumstances trumps the sanctity of the baby's life?

Why are the mothers conditions feelings able to trump the sacred life in one circumstance, but not another?

Seems like an inconsistent viewpoint imo.

I oppose all abortions but my wife has never had one and until there’s a constitutional amendment to protect the life of the unborn I don’t want the feds involved in the abortion issue. If there is any authority over abortions, it’s surely at the State level in my opinion.

I don’t have to be pro-government authoritarian to be pro-life. I’m pro-life but the government is the last place I expect to conduct moral competency. The very issue you propose is why government needs to butt out. The “equality” government pretends to protect is seldom equal and most often terribly biased and often idiotic.

Since I do believe there is a God, I have no reservations that God will take care of the abortion issue. I think Democrats & Republicans have much, much more to worry about that God will expect answers for than just abortion like those unnecessary unconstitutional wars and those abortions and mass killings thereof, don’t you?
Why do you always issue the caveat that you oppose all abortions except in the cases of incest or rape?

If you truly believe the fetus is a human life with all the rights associated with a human life, then why allow this exemption?

It's not the child's fault that it is a rape baby, or an incest baby. So why would you be willing to condemn it for something beyond it's control?

Is it your belief that the condition of the mother in these circumstances trumps the sanctity of the baby's life?

Why are the mothers conditions feelings able to trump the sacred life in one circumstance, but not another?

Seems like an inconsistent viewpoint imo.

Because the essence of conservatism is "personal responsibility". The mother is responsible to the child if she has sex willingly, but not if it forced on her.
Because the essence of conservatism is "personal responsibility". The mother is responsible to the child if she has sex willingly, but not if it forced on her.

So how does that make the unborn child "personally responsible" and the one to suffer the consequences of death? And what "personal responsibility" should government assign to the rapist? Should it be like cutting off of the dick?
So how does that make the unborn child "personally responsible" and the one to suffer the consequences of death? And what "personal responsibility" should government assign to the rapist? Should it be like cutting off of the dick?
This scenario, first of all, is designed to be a political weapon against the right-to-life stance. In the question of rape a responsible woman would get the police involved immediately, and she would be taken to the hospital to have evidence collected and then have a discussion with her doctor about what to do with the pregnancy. She'd probably take a morning after pill and that would be that.

In the case on incest, all sorts of problems occur with inbreeding. Again a responsible girl would realize what happened is wrong and seek legal remedy, hence medical remedy would be forthcoming.

That being said, we conservatives tend to be pragmatic. Yes, life begins at conception but reasonable people understand that in the first few weeks of pregnancy the fetus isn't viable, isn't thinking, isn't going to experience pain. Very few people support the hard-line stance that liberals claim is the conservative stance on this issue.

Now if a woman gets raped and takes the child to 6 months and then wants an abortion my stance is that abortion would be murder. Again, this goes back to personal responsibility in that the woman should have done something about it long previous.
Why do you always issue the caveat that you oppose all abortions except in the cases of incest or rape?

If you truly believe the fetus is a human life with all the rights associated with a human life, then why allow this exemption?

It's not the child's fault that it is a rape baby, or an incest baby. So why would you be willing to condemn it for something beyond it's control?

Is it your belief that the condition of the mother in these circumstances trumps the sanctity of the baby's life?

Why are the mothers conditions feelings able to trump the sacred life in one circumstance, but not another?

Seems like an inconsistent viewpoint imo.

It's because they see pregnancy as a way to discourage women from having sex. It's a sort of punishment just like HPV and venereal diseases. But if a woman is raped or if it's incestuous, which usually involves some sort of coercion, then it's not really her fault even if it is God's will.
Why do you always issue the caveat that you oppose all abortions except in the cases of incest or rape?

If you truly believe the fetus is a human life with all the rights associated with a human life, then why allow this exemption?

It's not the child's fault that it is a rape baby, or an incest baby. So why would you be willing to condemn it for something beyond it's control?

Is it your belief that the condition of the mother in these circumstances trumps the sanctity of the baby's life?

Why are the mothers conditions feelings able to trump the sacred life in one circumstance, but not another?

Seems like an inconsistent viewpoint imo.

I don't make exceptions for rape or incest for the reasons you highlight. As far as I am concerned the reason the abortion issue remains a hot button issue is because of the way it was decided. The left likes to say that the American people are with them on abortion, yet they are afraid to leave it up to the people.

I believe in States rights and if that runs afoul of my personal beliefs, then so be it.

At the end of the day whether you agree with Roe v Wade from an abortion standpoint, it was bad Constitutional law.
This scenario, first of all, is designed to be a political weapon against the right-to-life stance. In the question of rape a responsible woman would get the police involved immediately, and she would be taken to the hospital to have evidence collected and then have a discussion with her doctor about what to do with the pregnancy. She'd probably take a morning after pill and that would be that.

In the case on incest, all sorts of problems occur with inbreeding. Again a responsible girl would realize what happened is wrong and seek legal remedy, hence medical remedy would be forthcoming.

That being said, we conservatives tend to be pragmatic. Yes, life begins at conception but reasonable people understand that in the first few weeks of pregnancy the fetus isn't viable, isn't thinking, isn't going to experience pain. Very few people support the hard-line stance that liberals claim is the conservative stance on this issue.

Now if a woman gets raped and takes the child to 6 months and then wants an abortion my stance is that abortion would be murder. Again, this goes back to personal responsibility in that the woman should have done something about it long previous.

You have invalidated the conservative argument against abortion.

If it's okay to abort a fetus that is not yet viable or one that MIGHT suffer problems due to inbreeding then you have justified the vast majority of abortions which happen well before viability and most of the rest where it is KNOWN that there will problems.
You have invalidated the conservative argument against abortion.

If it's okay to abort a fetus that is not yet viable or one that MIGHT suffer problems due to inbreeding then you have justified the vast majority of abortions which happen well before viability and most of the rest where it is KNOWN that there will problems.

So do you think a woman should be able to abort a baby the day before her due date?

If a pregnant woman is killed, why is it often a double homicide?

Don't these arguments invalidate the left wing position?

Why do lefties always try to hasten death for everyone except themselves?
You have invalidated the conservative argument against abortion.

If it's okay to abort a fetus that is not yet viable or one that MIGHT suffer problems due to inbreeding then you have justified the vast majority of abortions which happen well before viability and most of the rest where it is KNOWN that there will problems.

I am pragmatic on his issue. If accepting limited abortions on early term rape and incest pregnancies, or any for that matter, and it prevents abortions after the first trimester, then many lives will be saved.
So do you think a woman should be able to abort a baby the day before her due date?

If a pregnant woman is killed, why is it often a double homicide?

Don't these arguments invalidate the left wing position?

Why do lefties always try to hasten death for everyone except themselves?

I don't much care if you put a limit on .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 % of abortions. Sure, no abortions the day before your due date, unless it is medically necessary.

Why does the Bible say that killing a fetus should not be treated like a homicide? Did you steal this argument from Big Dummy or vice versa?

I don't know what you think THE left wing position is nor do I really care. I am a libertarian and oppose your authoritarian positions.
Why do you always issue the caveat that you oppose all abortions except in the cases of incest or rape?

If you truly believe the fetus is a human life with all the rights associated with a human life, then why allow this exemption?

It's not the child's fault that it is a rape baby, or an incest baby. So why would you be willing to condemn it for something beyond it's control?

Is it your belief that the condition of the mother in these circumstances trumps the sanctity of the baby's life?

Why are the mothers conditions feelings able to trump the sacred life in one circumstance, but not another?

Seems like an inconsistent viewpoint imo.

Great point counselor; it makes much more sense to view ALL fetuses as disposable inconveniences and rationalize it as a personal choice.

It's because they see pregnancy as a way to discourage women from having sex. It's a sort of punishment just like HPV and venereal diseases. But if a woman is raped or if it's incestuous, which usually involves some sort of coercion, then it's not really her fault even if it is God's will.

You really are THAT incredibly stupid.
Because the essence of conservatism is "personal responsibility". The mother is responsible to the child if she has sex willingly, but not if it forced on her.
What if she has taken responsibility and birth control fails?

What if her partner won't take responsibility?
What if she has taken responsibility and birth control fails?

What if her partner won't take responsibility?

What if "she" chose adoption instead of death?

I'm amused that the "partner" in the minds of feminists, is the only one who does not take responsibility. I thought it took two to tango? Is the woman not responsible for poor choices in a partner or for her willing acts?
News flash blacks aren't goimg to the back of the bus
And abortion will stay legal
I donate to abortion clinics that use the tenth abortion free punch card.
News flash blacks aren't goimg to the back of the bus
And abortion will stay legal
I donate to abortion clinics that use the tenth abortion free punch card.

Dear dunce; no one argues that blacks should go to the back of the bus. Got strawmen?

Of course you would be pro-culture of death; except in the case of death row murderers or terrorists right?
