Question for Pro Lifers

True that. But GovCo has taken the place of the father in much of society, another failure of liberal policy.

And too many men are happy to let the govt. take their place. It's a better deal for them if the woman gets welfare rather than child support.
this part I always had a problem with. If the fetus doesn't have legal personhood, then it shouldn't be a double homicide.

When you only have Democrats and Republicans making the laws, hypocrisy becomes a major element of the law.

If O. J. Simpson was really innocent as a legal jury opined, how come he got convicted in a civil court of the same crime and lost a major part of his wealth?

“…..; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property…..” (Amendment 5, United States Constitution)

Republicans and Democrats, AKA “The Duopoly” never get tired of fucking somebody up the ass and violating the Constitution.
And too many men are happy to let the govt. take their place. It's a better deal for them if the woman gets welfare rather than child support.
Right, it's all the fault of men. /sarcasm

Meanwhile you women vote Democrat, the party of no personal responsibility.
This scenario, first of all, is designed to be a political weapon against the right-to-life stance. In the question of rape a responsible woman would get the police involved immediately, and she would be taken to the hospital to have evidence collected and then have a discussion with her doctor about what to do with the pregnancy. She'd probably take a morning after pill and that would be that.

But in the real world proving a rape isn’t all that easy to do and thereby some woman simply are unwilling to suffer through the consequences and self-inflicted shame of that scenario. Would you call that scenario a woman’s ”irresponsibility” having never experienced it yourself yet taking the unexperienced authority upon yourself to determining a woman’s individual responsibility? At what point do you determine individual responsibility and by what authority do you determine morality for others?
But in the real world proving a rape isn’t all that easy to do and thereby some woman simply are unwilling to suffer through the consequences and self-inflicted shame of that scenario. Would you call that scenario a woman’s ”irresponsibility” having never experienced it yourself yet taking the unexperienced authority upon yourself to determining a woman’s individual responsibility? At what point do you determine individual responsibility and by what authority do you determine morality for others?
Just because you get attacked doesn't mean you aren't responsible for seeking help from the police as well as medical attention.
we conservatives tend to be pragmatic. Yes, life begins at conception but reasonable people understand that in the first few weeks of pregnancy the fetus isn't viable, isn't thinking, isn't going to experience pain. Very few people support the hard-line stance that liberals claim is the conservative stance on this issue.

“Reasonable” people? I know of several so-called “conservatives” that would disagree with you here. How do so-called conservatives determine exactly when the fetus is and isn’t viable, able to experience pain or thinking? To my recollection those issues are highly controversial and arguable.

And again I have to ask, why the fetus is “personally responsible” for conception and rewarded by so-called conservatives with a death sentence determined purely by so-called conservative opinion only.

Now if a woman gets raped and takes the child to 6 months and then wants an abortion my stance is that abortion would be murder. Again, this goes back to personal responsibility in that the woman should have done something about it long previous.

In other words the ”victim” of a crime should be punished in so-called “conservative” opinion, right?

Must be nice to not be a female yet have such self-anointed moral authoritarian opinions over women’s bodies with the knowledge that you’ll never experience what it’s like to live in a woman’s body, huh?

Oh! That’s right so-called conservatives always make immediate, rational and rightful decisions, never-ever commit a sin and just like leftist they know how to run everybody else’s life, huh?
“Reasonable” people? I know of several so-called “conservatives” that would disagree with you here. How do so-called conservatives determine exactly when the fetus is and isn’t viable, able to experience pain or thinking? To my recollection those issues are highly controversial and arguable.

And again I have to ask, why the fetus is “personally responsible” for conception and rewarded by so-called conservatives with a death sentence determined purely by so-called conservative opinion only.

In other words the ”victim” of a crime should be punished in so-called “conservative” opinion, right?

Must be nice to not be a female yet have such self-anointed moral authoritarian opinions over women’s bodies with the knowledge that you’ll never experience what it’s like to live in a woman’s body, huh?

Oh! That’s right so-called conservatives always make immediate, rational and rightful decisions, never-ever commit a sin and just like leftist they know how to run everybody else’s life, huh?

I speak for myself, not all conservatives.
Personal responsibility means being responsible for your self.

Then why would you insist on demanding they seek help from police or medical care? Maybe they don't need medical care and/or feel reporting to the police would be too painful.

You are simply trying to twist personal responsibility into a means of forcing people to do what you believe is proper. You are nothing but another statist control freak.
Just because you get attacked doesn't mean you aren't responsible for seeking help from the police as well as medical attention.

But you still haven’t explained why the unborn fetus is subjected to ”personal responsibility” with a death sentence simply by the inexperienced moral whims of so-called, (most usually male), conservatives who make exception for rape and incest.

The part that amazes me the most is those so-called conservatives have no problem condoning and promoting the killing off of unborn babies and their mothers and others including their own brave youth in undeclared, unconstitutional wars. There’s NO consistency in their ”sanctity of life” gibbering in wars or abortions.
I speak for myself, not all conservatives.

Just exactly what is a "conservative?" Does anybody really know?

My definition of conservatism is classical. I think true conservatism is promoting the "conserving" of the strict construction of our Constitution, especially the Bill Of Rights. The only true conservatives I know of are the libertarians.