Question for Pro Lifers

Now, what are you rambling about?

I am discussing the difference between conception that occurs when a man and woman together CHOOSE to have sex (with or without protection) and when a woman is raped. There is a vast difference. One, the woman CHOOSES to have sex, in which case if she becomes pregnant it is the responsibility of the man and woman to take care of the child. In the case of rape, her CHOICE is obviously taken away. Thus, the case cannot be made that the child is her responsibility as she had no choice in the action that led to the pregnancy. This is the case where I outline there are two options... neither of which are moral or ethical in my opinion.

Don't use terms like basic biology when you clearly lack any understanding of the topic.

It 's basic biology another thing you know nothing about. Conception is NOT a choice and is not affected by choice. It's actually quite difficult for many couples.

Now what happens if the condom breaks? Is Trojan responsible?

And what about ivf "babies?"

Your notion that a rights bearing individual appears when a unique human genome forms does not work and your immoral premise is unworkable.

Pregnancy should not be seen as punishment for having sex or failing to take effective precautions. The state has no business interfering in the details of our sex lives or such fundamental medical / family decisions.
It is the responsibility for a citizen to report a crime, yes.

Why not? You seem to think citizens have a lot of responsibilities to the government. No one is obligated to report that they've been the victim of a crime. Certainly, not to gain permission to control their medical decisions. If you big government control freaks had your way you would probably probe them for every detail of their sex lives.

But it will never happen. The majority of you will be dead in 20 years and the losers that are left won't be able to win an election outside of a few unihabited backwaters.
Re-read my first post in this thread.

Your first post in this thread follows.

Because the essence of conservatism is "personal responsibility". The mother is responsible to the child if she has sex willingly, but not if it forced on her.

So you have no response to the question, “where’s the mandated personal responsibility come from for the fetus that he/she suffers the consequences of death because so-called conservatives take the moral godly authority to decree Capital Punishment for fetuses in rape and incest cases?” Where the fuck does one get that kind of authority?
Your first post in this thread follows.

So you have no response to the question, “where’s the mandated personal responsibility come from for the fetus that he/she suffers the consequences of death because so-called conservatives take the moral godly authority to decree Capital Punishment for fetuses in rape and incest cases?” Where the fuck does one get that kind of authority?

A non-viable fetus can't have personal responsibility, obviously.
A non-viable fetus can't have personal responsibility, obviously.

Then why is it okay to "kill" a fetus that results from rape or incest? If it has a right to life then how is it it not murder, morally if not legally?

You are a typical conservative. You don't answer the tough questions, you just evade and hope to change the subject. Just like sf and his refusal to answer what we should do with all the unborn ivf "babies."