Question for Team Apocalypse

Darth Omar

Russian asset
Democratic governor Jared Polis could have circled the wagons. But to his enormous credit, he ordered the state to publish the two different numbers. He told Fox News Sunday that the new approach is “a better way to inspire confidence” in the data on the total number of virus victims.

The numbers differ considerably. At the time of Colorado’s announcement on Friday, the CDC-definition tally, used in CNN’s “dashboard” and all the other media reports, stood at 1,150 statewide. But only 878 of those, more than 23 percent less, are identified as deaths due to COVID-19. Many COVID-19 Deaths%

Team Apocalypse members: why should it require pressure on state governors before both sets of numbers are published?

The death with COVID numbers are different than the death *due* to COVID numbers and this is not a new criticism. Why hasn’t this been done from the get go.

And also please note the nearly 25% discrepancy between the two numbers. That is kind of significant, don’t you think?

What’s this all about?
Democratic governor Jared Polis could have circled the wagons. But to his enormous credit, he ordered the state to publish the two different numbers. He told Fox News Sunday that the new approach is “a better way to inspire confidence” in the data on the total number of virus victims.

The numbers differ considerably. At the time of Colorado’s announcement on Friday, the CDC-definition tally, used in CNN’s “dashboard” and all the other media reports, stood at 1,150 statewide. But only 878 of those, more than 23 percent less, are identified as deaths due to COVID-19. Many COVID-19 Deaths%

Team Apocalypse members: why should it require pressure on state governors before both sets of numbers are published?

The death with COVID numbers are different than the death *due* to COVID numbers and this is not a new criticism. Why hasn’t this been done from the get go.

And also please note the nearly 25% discrepancy between the two numbers. That is kind of significant, don’t you think?

What’s this all about?

Fox News=Fake News and National Review=disinformation network.
Fox News=Fake News and National Review=disinformation network.


Democratic governor Jared Polis could have circled the wagons. But to his enormous credit, he ordered the state to publish the two different numbers. He told Fox News Sunday that the new approach is “a better way to inspire confidence” in the data on the total number of virus victims.

The numbers differ considerably. At the time of Colorado’s announcement on Friday, the CDC-definition tally, used in CNN’s “dashboard” and all the other media reports, stood at 1,150 statewide. But only 878 of those, more than 23 percent less, are identified as deaths due to COVID-19. Many COVID-19 Deaths%

Team Apocalypse members: why should it require pressure on state governors before both sets of numbers are published?

The death with COVID numbers are different than the death *due* to COVID numbers and this is not a new criticism. Why hasn’t this been done from the get go.

And also please note the nearly 25% discrepancy between the two numbers. That is kind of significant, don’t you think?

What’s this all about?

Unfortunately, a poster who was chuckling about only 61 deaths two months ago, has no credibility - zero, none, nada, zilch - to even try to pass any judgements or opinions on this pandemic
Unfortunately, a poster who was chuckling about only 61 deaths two months ago, has no credibility - zero, none, nada, zilch - to even try to pass any judgements or opinions on this pandemic

When that thread was begun, ether were only 60 deaths, sex pest.

You can't refute the facts, so you resort to an ad hominem attack on the OP.
This has been explained numerous times here, but as the wise man once said: "You can lead a Reichwinger to facts, but you cannot make him think."

People do not die of influenza; they die of the resulting complications. Ditto for the coronavirus. A typical death certificate may list cause of death of a flu patient as 1. Pneumonia, and 2. Secondary to influenza. This is true of many common causes of death.

Example: My mother was a lifelong smoker. She developed COPD. By age 50 it was all she could do to travel up and down the basement stairs. By age 60 she was on 02 24/7. She passed at age 66. Her cause of death was listed as 1. Heart failure, 2. Secondary to COPD. When metadata for that year was compiled, she would have been listed in the "heart failure" category, and possibly in the COPD category.

Deniers like the OP want to count only death certificates that mention COVID, and patients who were given tests that were positive. This, of course, makes for lower numbers which makes #COVID45 look less culpable.
Oddly enough,I saw a statistician talking about that subject this morning. He said deaths are very well-reported and tabulated in America. Since the Trump pandemic, there have been clear and obvious "over deaths' There is no doubt that the deaths are an apparent high ,far above normal deaths. There is no dispute we have a far higher death rate and no, we did not have a 5 months attack of cancer.
Fox News has no credibility, except with Trump and his dimwitted followers?!!


BTW, Anchovies says using multiple punctuation is a sign of stupidity.

Why would anyone need umpteen question marks? I mean one can only ask the question once, correct, so why the endless question marks? It's inane, but funny
That explains it, if one is short on insight, just throw in a couple of needless punctuation marks
I saw a statistician talking about that subject this morning.

So you say.

States are collecting preliminary figures on coronavirus deaths in different ways.

The counting challenges have contributed to public confusion and disagreement about the toll of the disease.

National Center for Health Statistics which are based on death-certificate information that the agency is still collecting, supposedly point to Covid-19 as a leading cause of death since March.

Covid-19 deaths are allegedly far outnumbering deaths from flu, pneumonia, suicide and other causes.

The exact number of fatalities from the disease is still elusive. Multiple factors have made it difficult to pinpoint.

The NCHS, a part of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, collects death-certificate data that originate from a loose network of thousands of funeral directors, physicians and more than 2,000 coroners and medical examiners.

Death certificates can be subjective and contain errors. Still, these certificates create “our most comprehensive picture of lives lost to Covid-19,” according to the CDC.

Given the uneven state of reporting, it is hard to get an immediate handle on mortality.

Death certificates can attribute deaths to Covid-19 without tests, the CDC said.

“Ideally, testing for Covid-19 should be conducted, but it is acceptable to report Covid-19 on a death certificate without this confirmation,” the agency said in its April guidance.

Some of the state daily reports include only deaths for cases confirmed by laboratory tests. Other states include "estimates of probable deaths".

These unofficial state and county tallies are feeding widely cited sources on the coronavirus’s toll, including websites managed by Johns Hopkins University and Worldometers.
Unfortunately, a poster who was chuckling about only 61 deaths two months ago, has no credibility - zero, none, nada, zilch - to even try to pass any judgements or opinions on this pandemic

I have a new rule lol.

Only those who didn’t get sucked-in by the Collusion Hoax are permitted to cast the first stone at Darth Omar over the ‘61.

And/or only if, they will admit how wrong and gullible they were.

All future violators will have their rank hypocrisy *exposed*.
I have a new rule lol.

Only those who didn’t get sucked-in by the Collusion Hoax are permitted to cast the first stone at Darth Omar over the ‘61.

And/or only if, they will admit how wrong and gullible they were.

All future violators will have their rank hypocrisy *exposed*.

You and I both know your motivation for posting the "only 61 deaths" thread was to minimize, downplay, and denigrate the risk this pandemic posed.

Your ulterior motive for posting it was because you literally worship Donald Trump and have dedicated your life to running cover for him
It's about politics, lol.

and money

Hospitals get paid more for chinese virus positive patients. They also get paid more for patients on ventilators.

The government subsidized the increase in death count. Also these blue states think that the higher their death toll the more money they can steal from other taxpayers. They are takers
You and I both know your motivation for posting the "only 61 deaths" thread was to minimize, downplay, and denigrate the risk this pandemic posed.

Your ulterior motive for posting it was because you literally worship Donald Trump and have dedicated your life to running cover for him

What was your motive for getting sucked-in to the collusion gig?

Or was it unwitting?