Questions about Obama's contact with Blagojevich...


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Questions Arise About the Obama/Blagojevich Relationship

December 09, 2008 3:37 PM

"Obviously like the rest of the people of Illinois I am saddened and sobered by the news that came out of the US attorney's office today," said President-elect Obama this afternoon in Chicago, speaking of the criminal complaint against Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich for corruption. "But as this is a ongoing investigation involving the governor I don't think it would be appropriate for me to comment on the issue at this time."

Asked what contact he'd had with the governor's office about his replacement in the Senate, President-elect Obama today said "I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening."

But on November 23, 2008, his senior adviser David Axelrod appeared on Fox News Chicago and said something quite different.

While insisting that the President-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a "kingmaker," Axelrod said, "I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."

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Questions Arise About the Obama/Blagojevich Relationship

December 09, 2008 3:37 PM

"Obviously like the rest of the people of Illinois I am saddened and sobered by the news that came out of the US attorney's office today," said President-elect Obama this afternoon in Chicago, speaking of the criminal complaint against Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich for corruption. "But as this is a ongoing investigation involving the governor I don't think it would be appropriate for me to comment on the issue at this time."

Asked what contact he'd had with the governor's office about his replacement in the Senate, President-elect Obama today said "I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening."

But on November 23, 2008, his senior adviser David Axelrod appeared on Fox News Chicago and said something quite different.

While insisting that the President-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a "kingmaker," Axelrod said, "I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."

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You and I Damo, something new? I posted the same link a bit ago. I bet many have refused to read...
Where? Did I duplicate one?

No one responded, but here:

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Democrat corruption on the rise. Blagojevich[/ame]
Nothing but bullshit straw-grasping. Obama clearly had no part in this scandal. Wishing he had does not make it so.

I have questions about Obama's connection to the Lizard People. I think that needs to be answered. I've got as much evidence of that connection as you have of Obama's participation on the picking of his replacement by a Governor with whom he had a very, very loose relationship.
Nothing but bullshit straw-grasping. Obama clearly had no part in this scandal. Wishing he had does not make it so.

I have questions about Obama's connection to the Lizard People. I think that needs to be answered. I've got as much evidence of that connection as you have of Obama's participation on the picking of his replacement by a Governor with whom he had a very, very loose relationship.

ya know, my take, it will be 'his people' that decide what counts or not. You are one.
Nothing but bullshit straw-grasping. Obama clearly had no part in this scandal. Wishing he had does not make it so.

I have questions about Obama's connection to the Lizard People. I think that needs to be answered. I've got as much evidence of that connection as you have of Obama's participation on the picking of his replacement by a Governor with whom he had a very, very loose relationship.

interesting to see ib1 on the defensive. Usually he enjoys throwing accusations out there but now that its his guy he's quick to turn that around.

Until its shown otherwise Obama's done nothing wrong so no need jump up and down.
interesting to see ib1 on the defensive. Usually he enjoys throwing accusations out there but now that its his guy he's quick to turn that around.

Until its shown otherwise Obama's done nothing wrong so no need jump up and down.

Yes, even though Obama rose to power in a relatively short period of time, amid the cesspool of corruption synonymous with Chicago Politics, it doesn't mean a thing! Just because virtually everyone associated with Chicago Politics is as crooked as a snake, doesn't mean that Obama is. I'm sure he was the epitome of ethics and honesty in an otherwise completely scandalous environment.

....Wow... the guy hasn't even been sworn in, and already he's involved in a scandal! I bet the Clinton's are jealous!
Yes, even though Obama rose to power in a relatively short period of time, amid the cesspool of corruption synonymous with Chicago Politics, it doesn't mean a thing! Just because virtually everyone associated with Chicago Politics is as crooked as a snake, doesn't mean that Obama is. I'm sure he was the epitome of ethics and honesty in an otherwise completely scandalous environment.

....Wow... the guy hasn't even been sworn in, and already he's involved in a scandal! I bet the Clinton's are jealous!

I think every former president is jealous of how badly Bush buttfucked America. I mean, it takes a lot of skill. I'm sure there's a job waiting for Dubya in the porn industry after this president gig is up.

Well, there's really nothing to respond to.

There are no Senators who don't have "relationships" with the Governor of their state, and moreso if they share the same party.

Putting aside the right wing attempt to smear Obama with guilt by association - a favorite tactic - the fact is, Obama didn't speak to the guy. I will tell you how I know. It was just announced yesterday that the fbi had wiretaps on Blagojevich, maybe you and Damo have heard about it? So if Obama says he didn't talk to him? He didn't talk to him. See, this is a smart guy. I know, I know, you're not used to that in a President, but you'll adjust. And smart guys don't make public statements claiming they didn't speak to someone they did speak to, if that someone has been under a federal wiretap. Bet on this.

Secondly, it's obvious from the tapes that Blagojevich believed that Obama would have looked favorably upon a Jarret pick. And that Blagojevich wanted something concrete for this appointment, were he to make it. And, that "motherfucker" wouldn't go along with that. I would presume some low-level intermediaries here. What's most interesting about this part, to me, and probably to me alone, is that I didn't like when Obama tapped Jarret to be his "advisor" in the white house. She is obviously a brilliant, accomplished woman, and a progressive. I thought to myself, wtf is it with these men? They act as if brilliant women were put on earth to be subservient to them and their careers. Why shouldn't she be the Senator? I was annoyed. Now, I see that he did want that Senate seat for this accomplished woman, but they made the decision to yank her right ouf of there, and announce her appointment as his advisor, because they weren't going to go along with this corruption to get her the seat, and they wanted no appearance of impropriety even. That's good.

Lastly, new reports are stating that Blagojevich and Obama had grown distant enough that Blagojevich was not invited to speak at the convention, which as the governor of Il. was odd. Worse for you, damo and the rest of the RNC noise machine - it's also reported today t hat Obama intervened with Jones to get an ethics reform bill passed in IL. that Blagojevich had threatened to veto and that Jones was against voting for. This pissed off Blagojevich. this happened this past summer, and the ethics bill sought to stop these so-called pay-to-play deals Blagojevich was obviously a kingpin of. Once obama used his political clout to help pass this ethics reform bill, Blagoevich began ramping up his efforts to collect his graft, so he could get it in before the bill went into effect. Ironically, this is what led to the fbi getting the wiretaps and eventually to Blagojevich's arrest. One might even call this "mavericky".

We all understand that the party that made whitewater into something (it was never anything), will desperately attempt to smear Obama with this. And I wish it hadn't happened because I lived through what the right wing can do with nothing. They're sick and will stop at no low. So I do understand that this will be used to attempt to smear Obama, who now has a 79% approval rating (and holy shit! on that huh?), which means major political capital which means the R's can't stop his political agenda in Congress.

So they're going to get desperate.

But it doesn't mean you can pretend, on this board, that there's anything here, without facing some facts. If Cawacko wants to call that "going crazy" or being defensive, good for him. But you and Damo are on the offensive, and any pointing out of the actual facts of the case in response, can be painted as a "defensive" action.
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Yes, even though Obama rose to power in a relatively short period of time, amid the cesspool of corruption synonymous with Chicago Politics, it doesn't mean a thing! Just because virtually everyone associated with Chicago Politics is as crooked as a snake, doesn't mean that Obama is. I'm sure he was the epitome of ethics and honesty in an otherwise completely scandalous environment.

....Wow... the guy hasn't even been sworn in, and already he's involved in a scandal! I bet the Clinton's are jealous!

You guys held the Clinton's over the coals of White Water for his entire presidency. That also happened before his inauguration. The difference is, nobody cares about this because there's no material connection between Obama and this scandal other than the city he came from.
You guys held the Clinton's over the coals of White Water for his entire presidency. That also happened before his inauguration. The difference is, nobody cares about this because there's no material connection between Obama and this scandal other than the city he came from.

Yeah, well... other than the fact it was his senate seat Blago was trying to hock to the highest bidder... and the fact that Obama came right out and said he hadn't spoken with the Governor about his former senate seat... then they find the videotape of Obama's spokesman saying Obama has been in close contact with the governor about the senate seat... Not to mention the rumors that Obama had suggested possible replacements, etc.... So, there is a little more 'connection' here than sycophants like to admit.

But the real issue is Chicago Politics, and what sort of scandalous skeletons are going to start falling out of the closet with Obama's fingerprints all over them. Maybe you guys are right, maybe Obama is as squeaky clean as the wind-driven snow, and he just ascended to power so quickly because the corrupt thugs who control the political machine in Chicago were just so enamored with his integrity and honesty! Maybe all of these shady people from his past just looked to him as a role model or something, and hoped to one day be as ethical and upstanding as him. Maybe that's the case, I don't know....
David Axelrod told Fox News Chicago on Nov. 23: "I know he's talked to the governor, and there are a whole range of names, many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."

Jesus, Dix.

Show me that Obama knew anything about him trying to sell the seat. That's the problem here. Not the fact that the gov was trying to find someone to replace him. It was the fact that he was trying to sell the seat away. There's no evidence at all that Obama knew anything about that.
Jesus, Dix.

Show me that Obama knew anything about him trying to sell the seat. That's the problem here. Not the fact that the gov was trying to find someone to replace him. It was the fact that he was trying to sell the seat away. There's no evidence at all that Obama knew anything about that.

I don't think Obama had anything to do with that, in all likelihood. Seriously, Blago wasn't invited to the Dem. Convention, it was obvious during the last election, 2006, he was going to fall. By this fall yesterday was just a day we've been waiting for.

However, as Tapper makes quite clear, Obama has been in Illinois a long time and the roots run deep. I wouldn't put any money on his not being implicated down the line.

Questions Arise About the Obama/Blagojevich Relationship

December 09, 2008 3:37 PM

"Obviously like the rest of the people of Illinois I am saddened and sobered by the news that came out of the US attorney's office today," said President-elect Obama this afternoon in Chicago, speaking of the criminal complaint against Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich for corruption. "But as this is a ongoing investigation involving the governor I don't think it would be appropriate for me to comment on the issue at this time."

Asked what contact he'd had with the governor's office about his replacement in the Senate, President-elect Obama today said "I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening."

But on November 23, 2008, his senior adviser David Axelrod appeared on Fox News Chicago and said something quite different.

While insisting that the President-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a "kingmaker," Axelrod said, "I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."

More at link...

Why would Obama get involved in making money for Blogo?

Obama's choice for the seat declined.

I didn't vote for him, don't support him .. but I doubt if this amounts to anything other than more ACORN, birth certificate, Ayers nonsense.
I heard that Blagojevich knew he was being recorded and that's why he called Obama a motherfucker and went on profanity-laced tirades about Obama and the candidate Obama preferred get the seat.
Nothing but bullshit straw-grasping. Obama clearly had no part in this scandal. Wishing he had does not make it so.

I have questions about Obama's connection to the Lizard People. I think that needs to be answered. I've got as much evidence of that connection as you have of Obama's participation on the picking of his replacement by a Governor with whom he had a very, very loose relationship.

1) To be clear from the start, I seriously doubt that Obama did anything improper in this fiasco.

2) That said, of course Obama 'participated'. It is only natural for a governor in this situation to ask the Senator being replaced for suggestions. Which is what Obama likely did. Nothing wrong with that. It is what Blogo did afterwards that is a disgrace. (again, I do not believe Obama knew what Blogo was doing)

3) Not sure what you mean by a 'loose' relationship. Obama and Rahm were two of the leaders of blogo's campaign to get him elected. The two supported each other when up for election. Again, this doesn't mean Obama had anything to do with Blogos blunders.