Questions about Obama's contact with Blagojevich...

I heard that Blagojevich knew he was being recorded and that's why he called Obama a motherfucker and went on profanity-laced tirades about Obama and the candidate Obama preferred get the seat.
I heard that he didn't know, otherwise he wouldn't have incriminated himself and got arrested.


From what I've read, Blagojevich didn't like that Obama wouldn't pay to play. That all he offered was 'gratitude' if Blago put forward somebody that Obama approved of...
I heard that he didn't know, otherwise he wouldn't have incriminated himself and got arrested.


From what I've read, Blagojevich didn't like that Obama wouldn't pay to play. That all he offered was 'gratitude' if Blago put forward somebody that Obama approved of...

No, you're misunderstanding the whole thing. What I heard is that Obama and Blagojevich are gay lovers and that when Blagojevich is reported to have repeatedly said "fuck him" concerning Obama and his alleged refusal to give something in return for appointing Obama's favored candidate, he was actually just talking dirty, not being derisive. Blagojevich knew and threw himself under the bus to keep Obama safe.
No, you're misunderstanding the whole thing. What I heard is that Obama and Blagojevich are gay lovers and that when Blagojevich is reported to have repeatedly said "fuck him" concerning Obama and his alleged refusal to give something in return for appointing Obama's favored candidate, he was actually just talking dirty, not being derisive. Blagojevich knew and threw himself under the bus to keep Obama safe.
Shhh... It worked. We have to do everything to keep it on the down low and hide it along with his birth certificate in the vault of mockery in which we lock all opponents of the Messiah. We can't give an inch, even teflon can be scratched with a fork.
Here's what I don't understand. It appears that Obama originally recommended Valerie Jarrett to replace him in the Senate. Blago couldn't squeeze any money out of her, so she was rejected, and Obama appointed her as an adviser. David Axelrod confirms that Obama spoke to the governor and had made recommendations, but Obama comes out after the arrest of Blago, and claims he has not spoken to the governor and had made no recommendation. Somebody has lied.

Either Axelrod is lying, and we can't believe a thing he has to say, or Obama is lying and we can't believe a thing he has to say. Which one is it, pinheads? I know you are a little biased toward The One, but let's look at which man would be motivated to lie. It seems to me, Axelrod had no reason whatsoever to lie and say Obama had spoken with the governor and recommended a replacement. It also seems apparent and obvious that Obama recommended Valerie Jarrett. So this indicates Obama has lied about talking to the governor and recommending a replacement. There is nothing illegal in doing that, but why would Obama lie about it? I mean, other than to cover up something else, I can't think of why he would.

My next question is, if Valerie Jarrett was Obama's pick, and she was asked by Blago for a kickback, and eventually ended up on Team Obama, wouldn't it be logical to conclude Obama was aware Blago was trying to sell his old Senate seat? If so, why didn't Obama blow the whistle on him? Seems like Obama would have an ethical and moral obligation to report this, but it didn't happen. Maybe that is why Obama now wants to lie about talking to the governor?
There is absolutely a connection between the two men. Unless you are referring to a connection in relation to this specific activity, in which case I agree with you.

Interestingly, in my trying to find out if Blogo is Jewish, I find that question is a hot topic and lots of people are trying to find out the same thing.

"Is Blagojevich Jewish" is a hot question.

And, I was referring to this specific incident brother.
Here's what I don't understand. It appears that Obama originally recommended Valerie Jarrett to replace him in the Senate. Blago couldn't squeeze any money out of her, so she was rejected, and Obama appointed her as an adviser. David Axelrod confirms that Obama spoke to the governor and had made recommendations, but Obama comes out after the arrest of Blago, and claims he has not spoken to the governor and had made no recommendation. Somebody has lied.

Either Axelrod is lying, and we can't believe a thing he has to say, or Obama is lying and we can't believe a thing he has to say. Which one is it, pinheads? I know you are a little biased toward The One, but let's look at which man would be motivated to lie. It seems to me, Axelrod had no reason whatsoever to lie and say Obama had spoken with the governor and recommended a replacement. It also seems apparent and obvious that Obama recommended Valerie Jarrett. So this indicates Obama has lied about talking to the governor and recommending a replacement. There is nothing illegal in doing that, but why would Obama lie about it? I mean, other than to cover up something else, I can't think of why he would.

My next question is, if Valerie Jarrett was Obama's pick, and she was asked by Blago for a kickback, and eventually ended up on Team Obama, wouldn't it be logical to conclude Obama was aware Blago was trying to sell his old Senate seat? If so, why didn't Obama blow the whistle on him? Seems like Obama would have an ethical and moral obligation to report this, but it didn't happen. Maybe that is why Obama now wants to lie about talking to the governor?

If I recall correctly, Jarrett did not get rejected by Blago... when Obama mentioned her a good candidate, she declined, because she did not want to go to DC. She wanted to stay in Chicago. (that is all from memory, I again reiterate it may not be 100% correct)
Interestingly, in my trying to find out if Blogo is Jewish, I find that question is a hot topic and lots of people are trying to find out the same thing.

"Is Blagojevich Jewish" is a hot question.

And, I was referring to this specific incident brother.

I kind of figured you were, which is why I put that caveat in there (just to be safe)

I don't get the whole Jewish thing... why would that matter to people?
If I recall correctly, Jarrett did not get rejected by Blago... when Obama mentioned her a good candidate, she declined, because she did not want to go to DC. She wanted to stay in Chicago. (that is all from memory, I again reiterate it may not be 100% correct)

Is she not in DC as part of the Obama administration?

Yes, technically, she 'declined' but according to these wiretaps, that isn't exactly accurate.
Is she not in DC as part of the Obama administration?

Yes, technically, she 'declined' but according to these wiretaps, that isn't exactly accurate.

Why not?

You're pretending to know a lot of stuff that you simply do not know and have no way of knowing, which is fairly typical for you.

I heard that Jarret offered Blagojevich 1/3 of what he wanted which he knew meant she was offering nothing because there is no such thing as 1/3 and got all pissed off and started cursing and refused to appoint her.
Interestingly, in my trying to find out if Blogo is Jewish, I find that question is a hot topic and lots of people are trying to find out the same thing.

"Is Blagojevich Jewish" is a hot question.

And, I was referring to this specific incident brother.
That is a Slavic last name.

Why would it matter if he was Jewish?
Why not?

You're pretending to know a lot of stuff that you simply do not know and have no way of knowing, which is fairly typical for you.

I heard that Jarret offered Blagojevich 1/3 of what he wanted which he knew meant she was offering nothing because there is no such thing as 1/3 and got all pissed off and started cursing and refused to appoint her.


It's so funny because they have a guy on tape bitching that Obama wouldn't give him any graft, and somehow, this is "bad news" for Obama.

Here's Eric Alterman, who writes about the liberal media a lot:

Where have you gone, Joe McCarthy? A nation turns its lazy MSM to you ...

See the attempt by ABC's The Note, authored by Rick Klein, to implicate Barack Obama in the Blagojevich crimes without a shred of evidence, here. Key McCarthyite weasel words: "It isn't about the direct implications ... might be enough to keep a scandal around for a while ... the heretofore flawless transition ... underbelly of the Obama political operation, with all its Chicago tints and taints, is now fair game ... culture of corruption has put its home on the market ... a genuine what-did-the-president-elect-know-and-when-did-he-know-it." Well, you get the point. (Were the McCarthyism not so blatant, we could do an over-the-top cliché count, but that will have to wait for another day.) Note that way down below, more than 20 paragraphs into his repeated and unsupported insinuations, Klein admits, "There's no suggestions of Obama culpability," and yet he has done little but suggest as much.

We also learn below that not only did the governor constantly complain about Obama's refusal to play ball with him, but also, via Lynn Sweet in the Chicago Sun-Times, "Blagojevich was under a cloud during Obama's entire presidential campaign, and the Obama team kept him at a distance. The Illinois governor never stumped for Obama -- they did not want him -- and unlike other Democratic governors, he did not play any significant role in the campaign." What's more, "In a sequence of events that neatly captures the contradictions of Barack Obama's rise through Illinois politics, a phone call he made three months ago to urge passage of a state ethics bill indirectly contributed to the downfall of a fellow Democrat he twice supported, Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich," Mike McIntire and Jeff Zeleny write in The New York Times.

(In fact, my Chicago political sources inform me that Blago actually quietly supported Blair Hull in the Democratic Senate primary in 2004 won by Obama, and Blago received Hull's support for his campaign in 2002. Further, Hull's ex-wife worked in Blago's administration, heading up the Illinois Film Office.)

Now, Rick Klein is a bit player in the MSM, but because of The Note's meta-role in both setting and reflecting conventional wisdom -- originally pioneered by that tireless promoter of all things Rovian, Mark Halperin -- it is worth studying to understand what are the potentially defining narratives that the rest of the MSM are about to embrace. If you read today's Note, you can see how desperate are its members to start trying to take Obama down more than a few pegs, regardless of how trivial -- or, in this case, nonexistent -- the grounds may be. Given that Obama worked in the state senate and got elected to the U.S. Senate in the same state, he could hardly have had less to do with the guy. And yet like the entire nonexistent issue with his alleged BFF Bill Ayers, reporters will beat this already-dead horse till the proverbial cows come home.
Why do you assume I am referring to you?
Mostly because I started the thread, which usually means lefties assume that I agree with the person who wrote the editorial rather than I thought it would start an interesting discussion.
Mostly because I started the thread, which usually means lefties assume that I agree with the person who wrote the editorial rather than I thought it would start an interesting discussion.

No, it's the tone of most of the reporting on this story.
No, it's the tone of most of the reporting on this story.
Works for me.

Anyway, as far as I know he was bitching because Obama wouldn't pay to play. That is a good thing. I like that in a President Elect.

Another reason I would think you were inferring guilt to me is the constant idea proposed by you that I am "rooting for Obama to fail".