Questions for the religious


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The psalmist declared that God presides over an assembly of divine beings (Psa. 82:1). Who are they? What does it mean when those beings participate in God’s decisions (1 Kings 22:19–23)?

Why wasn’t Eve surprised when the serpent spoke to her?

Why are Yahweh and his Angel fused together in Jacob’s prayer (Gen. 48:15–16)?

How did descendants of the Nephilim (Gen. 6:4) survive the flood (Num. 13:33)? What are we to make of Peter and Jude’s belief in imprisoned spirits (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6)?

Why does Paul describe evil spirits in terms of geographical rulership (thrones, principalities, rulers, authorities)? Who are the “glorious ones” that even angels dare not rebuke (2 Pet. 2:10–11)?

The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible

by Heiser, Michael S.

Lexham Press |2015
The psalmist declared that God presides over an assembly of divine beings (Psa. 82:1). Who are they? What does it mean when those beings participate in God’s decisions (1 Kings 22:19–23)?

Why wasn’t Eve surprised when the serpent spoke to her?

Why are Yahweh and his Angel fused together in Jacob’s prayer (Gen. 48:15–16)?

How did descendants of the Nephilim (Gen. 6:4) survive the flood (Num. 13:33)? What are we to make of Peter and Jude’s belief in imprisoned spirits (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6)?

Why does Paul describe evil spirits in terms of geographical rulership (thrones, principalities, rulers, authorities)? Who are the “glorious ones” that even angels dare not rebuke (2 Pet. 2:10–11)?

The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible

by Heiser, Michael S.

Lexham Press |2015
Thank you, another book for my reading list.
He has written quite a few interesting sounding books, thanks. Have you read Karen Armstrong? Or Elaine Pagels?
You might find this an interesting (and funny) read.

LOL.. That's good.. "Other people" indeed.

Gen. 5:4 - Adam lived for eight hundred years after the birth of Seth and he became the father of sons and daughters.
5 In all, Adam lived for nine hundred and thirty years; then he died.

Hey, that's pretty good! Nine hundred and some odd years isn't bad for a man who's been told he's gonna die the next day!
LOL.. That's good.. "Other people" indeed.

Gen. 5:4 - Adam lived for eight hundred years after the birth of Seth and he became the father of sons and daughters.
5 In all, Adam lived for nine hundred and thirty years; then he died.

Hey, that's pretty good! Nine hundred and some odd years isn't bad for a man who's been told he's gonna die the next day!

Heheheheh -- really. That article has been around for quite a long time; he updated it to make it more relevant. He's the founder of Church of All Worlds, based on the religion in the sci-fi book "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Heinlein. We used to be neighbors with one of the co-founders, and have talked to Oberon in real life, although we never met in person. He is still writing and does occasional appearances at various pagan events. Sadly, Morning Glory passed away from cancer.
He has written quite a few interesting sounding books, thanks. Have you read Karen Armstrong? Or Elaine Pagels?

Sorry to butt in on your dialog with Kudzu, but I am reading Karen Armstrong's "The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions"

It is outstanding, in my opinion!

Never understood how Noah built a boat big enough for every species of mammal, reptile, bird, insect, plant on the planet.
Probably because it never happened and the early Christians simply borrowed the myth of the great flood from the ancient Babylonians.
Sorry to butt in on your dialog with Kudzu, but I am reading Karen Armstrong's "The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions"

It is outstanding, in my opinion!

Never understood how Noah built a boat big enough for every species of mammal, reptile, bird, insect, plant on the planet.
Probably because it never happened and the early Christians simply borrowed the myth of the great flood from the ancient Babylonians.
You aren’t butting in, you are always welcome. Her “A History of God” is another excellent read.
Sorry to butt in on your dialog with Kudzu, but I am reading Karen Armstrong's "The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions"

It is outstanding, in my opinion!

Never understood how Noah built a boat big enough for every species of mammal, reptile, bird, insect, plant on the planet.
Probably because it never happened and the early Christians simply borrowed the myth of the great flood from the ancient Babylonians.

Oh you're not butting in.. Welcome.

I too think they borrowed the myth from Sumer after the Babylonian exile. .. and I think the Gilgamesh myth is borrowed as well.. based on infrequent floods in the Euphrates River Basin... Noah was a petty king called Ziusudra.
Heheheheh -- really. That article has been around for quite a long time; he updated it to make it more relevant. He's the founder of Church of All Worlds, based on the religion in the sci-fi book "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Heinlein. We used to be neighbors with one of the co-founders, and have talked to Oberon in real life, although we never met in person. He is still writing and does occasional appearances at various pagan events. Sadly, Morning Glory passed away from cancer.

How cool.. I think that the creation story of the Jews is only for the Jews.. tracing their ancestry to Adam.
is it maybe for God?....

The Hebrews didn't have any narratives or myths before their sojourn in Babylon... at least there is no evidence that they did.

Babylon has a very rich tradition of mythology etc.

Leviticus and Deuteronmy were written during and after the Babylon exile.. Genesis and Exodus were written later.

They went to a lot of effort thru their rituals and laws to maintain a separate identity from other people living in the Levant and Mesopotamia.

Further, the creation stories from Israel and Judah are not the same, but seem to have been combined around the time of King Omri.
out of the five major religions of the world today three share the creation story of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam....
The Hindus believe the universe is eternal and was never created.....
The Buddhists believe the universe is a repeated cycle of births and deaths......that covers about 98% of religious people.......
The Hebrews didn't have any narratives or myths before their sojourn in Babylon...

I'm sorry you don't understand........when we say you are wrong we don't really mean you should continue to post about things you are wrong about......the Hebrews had narratives about creation even before they were Hebrews.......
out of the five major religions of the world today three share the creation story of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam....
The Hindus believe the universe is eternal and was never created.....
The Buddhists believe the universe is a repeated cycle of births and deaths......that covers about 98% of religious people.......

have you ever taken a world religions class?