Questions for the religious

The psalmist declared that God presides over an assembly of divine beings (Psa. 82:1). Who are they? What does it mean when those beings participate in God’s decisions (1 Kings 22:19–23)?

Why wasn’t Eve surprised when the serpent spoke to her?

Why are Yahweh and his Angel fused together in Jacob’s prayer (Gen. 48:15–16)?

How did descendants of the Nephilim (Gen. 6:4) survive the flood (Num. 13:33)? What are we to make of Peter and Jude’s belief in imprisoned spirits (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6)?

Why does Paul describe evil spirits in terms of geographical rulership (thrones, principalities, rulers, authorities)? Who are the “glorious ones” that even angels dare not rebuke (2 Pet. 2:10–11)?

The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible

by Heiser, Michael S.

Lexham Press |2015

You may as well be asking how did Redridinghood's grandmother survive being devoured by the wolf.
What you question here are fantasy stories with no rational basis. Yet you are looking for rationality within them.
An exercise in futility.
I'm sorry you don't understand........when we say you are wrong we don't really mean you should continue to post about things you are wrong about......the Hebrews had narratives about creation even before they were Hebrews.......

They have found thousands of clay tablets in Dilmun that are a thousand years older and tell the story of Gilgamesh..

Then there are the much older tablets at Ras Shamra.. The Hebrews borrowed Psalms from them.
They have found thousands of clay tablets in Dilmun that are a thousand years older and tell the story of Gilgamesh..

Then there are the much older tablets at Ras Shamra.. The Hebrews borrowed Psalms from them.

They probably shared the Canaanite creation story.. since they originally were landless Canaanites.

Canaanite Creation Story (also known as Phoenician/Syrian Creation ...

Canaanite Creation Story (also known as Phoenician/Syrian Creation story) The entire world was once only Arapel (cloudy darkness) and Baad (wind). Baad then went onto produce Ruach, another type of wind, which instead of mingling with the darkness, blew it away to bring forth light. However, no field was yet formed, ...
You may as well be asking how did Redridinghood's grandmother survive being devoured by the wolf.
What you question here are fantasy stories with no rational basis. Yet you are looking for rationality within them.
An exercise in futility.

I think the evolution of beliefs is fascinating.
I hope everyone realizes and acknowledges that considering whether the god of the Bible exists or is just a mythological character... different from considering whether or not there are gods involved in the REALITY of existence. They are two different questions being considered.

The god of the Bible may be pure mythology...a pretend being interspersed in this book which seems primarily to be a rather self-serving history of the early Hebrew people. That, however, would have no impact on whether or not at least one "god" exists.

Said another way: The true nature of the REALITY of existence may or may not contain a being (beings) which transcends what we humans think of as "the reality."

We humans ought really to acknowledge our place in existence...which is: WE DO NOT KNOW HOW IMPORTANT OR UNIMPORTANT WE ARE.

We humans may be the ONLY living things anywhere.

On the other hand, what we humans call "the universe" MAY be teeming with other life.

We do not know.

We also do not know if any gods exist.

That is something we ought to keep in mind during discussions such as this.

Just sayin'!
They have found thousands of clay tablets in Dilmun that are a thousand years older and tell the story of Gilgamesh..

Then there are the much older tablets at Ras Shamra.. The Hebrews borrowed Psalms from them.

They probably shared the Canaanite creation story.. since they originally were landless Canaanites.

Canaanite Creation Story (also known as Phoenician/Syrian Creation ...

Canaanite Creation Story (also known as Phoenician/Syrian Creation story) The entire world was once only Arapel (cloudy darkness) and Baad (wind). Baad then went onto produce Ruach, another type of wind, which instead of mingling with the darkness, blew it away to bring forth light. However, no field was yet formed, ...

I got "page not found" error from your link.
They have found thousands of clay tablets in Dilmun that are a thousand years older and tell the story of Gilgamesh..

Then there are the much older tablets at Ras Shamra.. The Hebrews borrowed Psalms from them.

/yawn.....sorry.....not true.....
Canaanite Creation Story (also known as Phoenician/Syrian Creation story) The entire world was once only Arapel (cloudy darkness) and Baad (wind). Baad then went onto produce Ruach, another type of wind, which instead of mingling with the darkness, blew it away to bring forth light. However, no field was yet formed, ...

well I can see already why you think its identical to Genesis

Yamm, upon hearing this is enraged. All fled before his fury but Ba-al, who with the help of his sister Anat 'goddess of war( defeated Yamm and his allies
Tannin (dragon of the sea) and Loran (the sea serpent with seven heads). The gods then built a magnificent house for Ba-al, so that he could rest and provide abundant rain for the earth. think the Hebrews copied that in Genesis 1?......should we take this as your admission you've never read Genesis 1?......