Quid Pro Impeachment Thread

If you have no rational basis that you can share for believing in the existence of the Proud Boys, why do you believe they exist? Do you believe only out of OBEDIENCE to your slave-masters who do your thinking for you and who tell you what to believe?

I see that you will never acknowledge your complete lack of any supporting evidence. Classic denialism.

The Proud Boys are like Antifa. They don't exist.
What you post is alt-right dog-whistling
... so you have nothing, right? You can only hurl insults for my having asked you to support your claims, right? You can't show that Qanon exists and you need for it to somehow be my fault, right?

You sure are an idiot, IBDaMann, for claiming something can't exist unless they have a website that allows someone to join.
You are welcome to show conclusively (meaning outside of leftist propaganda) that Qanon exists in any way you can. Just get to it.
What you posted is leftist media dog-whistling to other leftists who will never question anything they are told to believe.

Since we are playing IBDaMann logic games....

Provide the website of the leftist media where I can sign up to be a member. Until you do that, they don't exist and there is no such thing as leftist media.
... so you have nothing, right? You can only hurl insults for my having asked you to support your claims, right? You can't show that Qanon exists and you need for it to somehow be my fault, right?

You are welcome to show conclusively (meaning outside of leftist propaganda) that Qanon exists in any way you can. Just get to it.

Classic logical fallacy from IBDaMann.

You really aren't very good at this logic thing. You avoid the part of my argument that pokes holes in your claim that something doesn't exist unless it has a website and instead continue with your attempt to claim I said something I didn't.

Can you show any of us where I said QAnon existed?

I have said the alt-right exists. I have said that the Proud Boys exist. I have provided support for both of those statements and you have not refuted any of the evidence I brought as to their existence. You have not disputed the fact that Richard Spenser came up with the term alt-right or disputed his statements where he says he and others belong to the alt-right. You have not shown that the wayback machine did not find websites for proudboys.com
Well I, at least, have failed in my attempts to find them and to learn how I might join if I were so inclined. I came up with nothing.

Find out where they will be. Go there. Join in the fighting. They will ask you to join. It is like joining any criminal organization; they want to see you committing a crime before they ask you to join.
Interesting how something that doesn't exist can be found on the wayback machine

Note: This calendar view maps the number of times http://proudboys.com/ was crawled by the Wayback Machine, not how many times the site was actually updated. More info in the FAQ.
Green indicates redirects (3xx).

It looks like a squatter acquired that site and just sat on it, hoping to sell it at a premium.
Just as I predicted, classic denialism.
Just as I predicted, classic denialism.

So, you've got nothing but your befuddled, glazed-eyed denial, right? You can't show that they exist and you can't offer any rational basis for why you believe they exist, right?
Find out where they will be. Go there. Join in the fighting. They will ask you to join. It is like joining any criminal organization; they want to see you committing a crime before they ask you to join.
Where can I sign up for the newsletter so I can find out where they will be?
It looks like a squatter acquired that site and just sat on it, hoping to sell it at a premium.

Now you are just going to deny the actual website even when it is shown to exist.

Redirects do not show anyone is a squatting on a site. All a redirect can indicate is that the attempt to load the page caused the browser to direct to another web page. Loading certain JPP pages will cause redirects if you are not logged in. In the case of the redirect for the Proudboys website, it redirects to a Captcha verification. http://proudboys.com/captcha/index.php?d=proudboys.com. Funny thing is, it still is the proudboys website. In spite of your denials, the website did exist.
Classic logical fallacy from IBDaMann.
Leftists have now identified a prevalent fallacy perpetrated frequently by IBDaMann which has been coined "The IBDaMann Fallacy." It occurs whenever IBDaMann asks a leftist to support his argument, to define his terms and to answer clarification questions.

You avoid the part of my argument that pokes holes in your claim that something doesn't exist unless it has a website and instead continue with your attempt to claim I said something I didn't.
That's not my argument.

I have said the alt-right exists.
You have not provided a rational basis for your belief.

I have said that the Proud Boys exist.
You have not provided a rational basis for your belief.

I have provided support for both of those statements
Nope. You have not.
The number of those websites is legion, and Phantasmal provided a few.

None of her websites named themselves as "leftist media."

Your failure at logic just keeps showing up repeatedly here. What is your standard for accepting something exists? Does it have to have a website by that name and allow you to become a member or not?
... ahhh, no pun intended.

Great! So you don't claim that Qanon exists and we can close out this little misunderstanding.

It seems we can get away from this deflection on your part since I have said nothing about QAnon existing or not.

Now about your denials of evidence for the alt-right and Proud boys and their existence...
Leftists have now identified a prevalent fallacy perpetrated frequently by IBDaMann which has been coined "The IBDaMann Fallacy." It occurs whenever IBDaMann asks a leftist to support his argument, to define his terms and to answer clarification questions.
What I identified was IBDaMann asking me to try to defend a statement that I had never made.

That's not my argument.
If that isn't your argument then why did you ask for evidence of a website where you could join the Proud Boys? Or was that not an argument on your part but just another deflection?
You have not provided a rational basis for your belief.
How was my evidence irrational? Accusing me of not having a rational basis would require you to show some evidence of my belief being irrational.
I provide a link to their past website on the wayback machine and you are the one with the irrational response since a redirection is not proof that someone is squatting on a website.
I provide a media quote from Richard Spenser in the media and you simply claim it comes from leftist media to discount it when they are directly quoting him..

Nope. You have not.

Denial seems to be your only response. Denial is a form of a logical fallacy.
No chupacabra has ever gone on radio or talked to the media and said they were a chupacabra.
I take it you never listened to Art Bell, or the show where a man called in and claimed he was a chupacabra.
The well-dressed men who gathered in Cleveland's Ritz-Carlton bar after Donald Trump's speech accepting the Republican nomination for president prefer the term "Europeanists," ''alt-right," or even "white nationalists." They are also die-hard Trump supporters.

"Tons of people in the alt-right are here," he (Richard Spenser) said, putting their numbers at the RNC this week in the dozens. "We feel an investment in the Trump campaign."


I guess you forgot to tell those that consider themselves to be part of the "alt-right" that they don't exist.
No such thing as an 'alt-right' (except as a religious buzzword...meaningless).
The Proud Boy websites were removed after 1/6. Your denial they aren't an organization is desperation. The communicated through word of mouth as well as other platforms like 4chan and Reddit.

Correct. They were also funded and supported by Democrats, and shared the racism of Democrats.