Quid Pro Impeachment Thread

Steve Bannon referred to Breitbart saying, "we’re the platform for the alt right."
Big deal. Many people have referred to the chupacabra. There was, and is, no "alt right."

There is nothing wrong with the term as such.
Sure there is. It is a combination slur/dog-whistle among leftists, who are the only ones who use the term.

Gavin McInnes went to a lot of trouble founding a group for that group to have never existed.
Post the official website for this group. How can I join? Oh wait, there is no website and there is no group to join.

Clearly there was a person who called himself "Q Clearance Patriot" on 4chan.
Clearly there is no such thing as Qanon.
Big deal. Many people have referred to the chupacabra. There was, and is, no "alt right."

No chupacabra has ever gone on radio or talked to the media and said they were a chupacabra.

The well-dressed men who gathered in Cleveland's Ritz-Carlton bar after Donald Trump's speech accepting the Republican nomination for president prefer the term "Europeanists," ''alt-right," or even "white nationalists." They are also die-hard Trump supporters.

"Tons of people in the alt-right are here," he (Richard Spenser) said, putting their numbers at the RNC this week in the dozens. "We feel an investment in the Trump campaign."


I guess you forgot to tell those that consider themselves to be part of the "alt-right" that they don't exist.
Well I, at least, have failed in my attempts to find them and to learn how I might join if I were so inclined. I came up with nothing.

I can see how you would say this since the initiation process is probably scary for you.

To join the Proud Boys, would-be members must go through a four-degree initiation process. The first requires publicly outing oneself as a Proud Boy. The second involves taking a beating from other members until the aspiring Proud Boy can name five kinds of breakfast cereal. This initiation degree also requires a vow to abstain from masturbation. To complete the third degree, the new member must get a Proud Boy tattoo.

The fourth and final degree was added much later by McInnes and is a clear step away from the prankishness of the other rites. It hints at the right-wing bent that the hyperpartisan culture in Trump’s America has served to amplify. The fourth initiation requires that a prospective Proud Boy serve the “cause,” as McInnes suggested, by engaging in a physical brawl with members of “antifa,” the loose-knit far-left and anarchist anti-fascist movement.
I can see how you would say this since the initiation process is probably scary for you. https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/proud-boys/
I can see why you had to take the fifth grade three times. That is not the Proud Boys web site and one cannot sign up to become a member of the Proud Boys there. What you posted is leftist media dog-whistling to other leftists who will never question anything they are told to believe.
I can see why you had to take the fifth grade three times. That is not the Proud Boys web site and one cannot sign up to become a member of the Proud Boys there. What you posted is leftist media dog-whistling to other leftists who will never question anything they are told to believe.
The Proud Boy websites were removed after 1/6. Your denial they aren't an organization is desperation. The communicated through word of mouth as well as other platforms like 4chan and Reddit.
The Proud Boy websites were removed after 1/6. Your denial they aren't an organization is blah, blah, blah ...
Show me this organization. You are the gullible leftist who is affirmatively insisting that this fictitious organization exists so show it to me. Your attempts to label me as "desperate" just for asking you to support your claims shows you are getting desperate.

Show it to me.
Show me this organization. You are the gullible leftist who is affirmatively insisting that this fictitious organization exists so show it to me. Your attempts to label me as "desperate" just for asking you to support your claims shows you are getting desperate.

Show it to me.
Classic denialism

No evidence will make you see the truth.
I can see why you had to take the fifth grade three times. That is not the Proud Boys web site and one cannot sign up to become a member of the Proud Boys there. What you posted is leftist media dog-whistling to other leftists who will never question anything they are told to believe.

Clearly I couldn't be in the fifth grade since they don't have a website and one cannot sign up to become a member of the fifth grade there.
What you post is alt-right dog-whistling to other alt-rightists who will never question anything they are told to believe.

You sure are an idiot, IBDaMann, for claiming something can't exist unless they have a website that allows someone to join.
Classic denialism on your part!
On whose part? You are panicking because you are finding that you can't support your self-delusion. You were deceived by people you trusted. You willingly began HATING others you didn't know just because you were thusly ordered by those who bend you over furniture and ream you with disinformation. You have reduced yourself to the level of being someone else's attack dog. Now you're stuck trying to blame me for your overt gullibility. You will believe everything you are ordered to regurgitate and then kill the messenger who notifies you that nothing you have been told to believe is actually true.

Show me this Qanon such that I could join if I were so inclined. Show me that they exist. Rejection of your silly self-delusions is not "denialism." Your inability to reject what you have been ordered to believe by others is classic denialism. Enjoy!

You are now finding out the high price tag for allowing others to do your thinking for you.

I'm standing by for that info.
... but many people have lied about the existence of the chupacabra.

Similarly, there are no "alt right" or "Qanon" ... but many people have lied about their existence.

It seems you failed when you took logic classes.
Because some people lied doesn't prove something does or doesn't exist. Because some people lied saying something exists when it doesn't, doesn't mean everything that someone says exists doesn't exist. The only thing your logic is proving is that IBDaMann is ignorant of logic.

Let's see if we can figure this out.
The term "alt-right" is attributed to Richard Spenser who claims to be the one that came up with it. Richard Spenser considers himself "alt-right." He says others that have similar view pionts are alt-right.
Now you come along and claim that the alt-right doesn't exist. If we use your idiotic logic that if someone claims something exists then it doesn't, can't we also use the reverse and if you claim it doesn't exist then it does exist? Or are only you allowed to use logical fallacies?
Too funny. You know that none of these websites tell me how I can verify the existence of the Proud Boys and/or join if I were so inclined. You must be feeling very uncomfortable right about now, poised to begin engaging in heavy denial that you have allowed yourself to be totally manipulated by people you trusted. Right about now you are realizing that all of these sources are pulling your strings and controlling you for their political agenda.

You have no choice but to blame me for your stupid choices.

Show me how any rational adult, who wisely does not trust any leftist propaganda, can simply verify the existence, and/or become a member, of the Proud Boys. Show me why you believe that the Proud Boys actually exists ... outside of obedience to leftist propaganda, of course.
Too funny. You know that none of these websites tell me how I can verify the existence of the Proud Boys and/or join if I were so inclined. You must be feeling very uncomfortable right about now, poised to begin engaging in heavy denial that you have allowed yourself to be totally manipulated by people you trusted. Right about now you are realizing that all of these sources are pulling your strings and controlling you for their political agenda.

You have no choice but to blame me for your stupid choices.

Show me how any rational adult, who wisely does not trust any leftist propaganda, can simply verify the existence, and/or become a member, of the Proud Boys. Show me why you believe that the Proud Boys actually exists ... outside of obedience to leftist propaganda, of course.
Just as I predicted, classic denialism.
It seems you failed when you took logic classes.
It would make my day to get the chance to go toe-to-toe with you on formal logic. It would easy and relaxing, with no hard work involved ... for me ... and a whole lot of fun ... for me. You are a mindless undead. I'd walk away with the prize before you could get an answer to your question "what are all these symbols supposed to mean"?

Because some people lied doesn't prove something does or doesn't exist.
Correct. He who is making the affirmative argument bears the full burden of support. You are the one claiming the existence of Qanon so support your claim. Remember, no leftist propaganda. Show me how I can go to the source and verify Qanon's existence, and perhaps join if I feel so inclined.

Let's see if we can figure this out. The term "alt-right" is attributed to Richard Spenser
This is a pivot. The attribution of the term is not what you need to support. You need to establish the existence of Qanon. That's where you need to get started. I don't have time to worry about term attribution.

Now you come along and claim that the alt-right doesn't exist.
I hate to challenge your delusion but please continue with throwing it all in my face while you show unequivocally that Qanon exists, and that doesn't involve leftist propaganda.

Get started. The floor is yours.
It would make my day to get the chance to go toe-to-toe with you on formal logic. It would easy and relaxing, with no hard work involved ... for me ... and a whole lot of fun ... for me. You are a mindless undead. I'd walk away with the prize before you could get an answer to your question "what are all these symbols supposed to mean"?

Correct. He who is making the affirmative argument bears the full burden of support. You are the one claiming the existence of Qanon so support your claim. Remember, no leftist propaganda. Show me how I can go to the source and verify Qanon's existence, and perhaps join if I feel so inclined.

This is a pivot. The attribution of the term is not what you need to support. You need to establish the existence of Qanon. That's where you need to get started. I don't have time to worry about term attribution.

I hate to challenge your delusion but please continue with throwing it all in my face while you show unequivocally that Qanon exists, and that doesn't involve leftist propaganda.

Get started. The floor is yours.

If this is a test of logic skills, you fail right out of the gate.
When did I claim QAnon existed in this conversation? Why do you require that I provide support for something I never said? That is a rather large fail on your part when it comes to logic. Since you claimed I said QAnon existed, it is incumbent upon you to provide evidence of me saying it exists. Show me how I can go to where I said QAnon exists.

Why do I need to establish the existence of QAnon since I have never once mentioned QAnon. It seems you want me to start someplace I have never been. The only thing you seem to have time for is using logical fallacies.

The floor is yours. Until you provide evidence of me saying QAnon exists, I have no reason to defend a statement I never made. Step up. Be a man. Provide your evidence.
No evidence will make you see the truth.
If you have no rational basis that you can share for believing in the existence of the Proud Boys, why do you believe they exist? Do you believe only out of OBEDIENCE to your slave-masters who do your thinking for you and who tell you what to believe?

I see that you will never acknowledge your complete lack of any supporting evidence. Classic denialism.