Quote Notifications... off....


Staff member
I have had a recent bout of complaints about the Quote Notifications. I have turned off the Notification, though you'll still be able to see the quotes in your UserCP.

If you hate this, tell me here in this thread...
There are a few trolls whose only use of the forum us to harass everyone. You are right to turn off the quotes notification. These psychos won't give up.
I have had a recent bout of complaints about the Quote Notifications. I have turned off the Notification, though you'll still be able to see the quotes in your UserCP.

If you hate this, tell me here in this thread...

Once you put someone on ignore, there should be a way to prevent them from sending you notifications. They use that to harass you. Several days a week I get 10 notifications from people I have had on ignore for years.
Why do ads pop up when you do normal clicking of navigation moves now?

I’ll clink on a post link and instead an add comes up and I have to click out of the add and clink the post link yet again to get there

How much money did you get to allow them to do that now?
I have had a recent bout of complaints about the Quote Notifications. I have turned off the Notification, though you'll still be able to see the quotes in your UserCP.

If you hate this, tell me here in this thread...

I don't like this idea.
I count on Quote notifications to let me know when people who count want to discuss something. I am probably going to miss posts from my friends and peers without notifications. The trolls quoting me are annoying, but it doesn't outweigh the utility of quote notification
I have had a recent bout of complaints about the Quote Notifications. I have turned off the Notification, though you'll still be able to see the quotes in your UserCP.

If you hate this, tell me here in this thread...

I am all for stopping the childish back and forths that tend to blow up the threads, and turn them into- or hi-jack them into personal school yard sissy fights, by the drama queens and attention whores, that feel like they have to have the last word with every one of their political adversaries every comment.

I have seen threads go to 100's of pages of just two attention whores basically having another sissy fight!

Ain't got time for that!

But, I am sure there will be a lot of the same old attention whores, cutting and pasting their adversaries quotes forward anyway.

Some of the drama queens are relentless to get the last word in!


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I don't like this idea.
I count on Quote notifications to let me know when people who count want to discuss something. I am probably going to miss posts from my friends and peers without notifications. The trolls quoting me are annoying, but it doesn't outweigh the utility of quote notification

Make a habit of hitting the Settings area and view them. Same place, the same notifications, it just won't appear in your notifications list...

Anyway, you can still see who quoted you and be able to tell if they are, according to your judgment, worthy of your attention.
I didn't mind the notifications with the sole exceptions of showing a max of 10 AND in cases with certain posters is when they break up a long post in to 5 separate replies or do 5 replies to a single post.
I have had a recent bout of complaints about the Quote Notifications. I have turned off the Notification, though you'll still be able to see the quotes in your UserCP.

If you hate this, tell me here in this thread...

I hate it.

There was a long while where they did not work on my mobile device and I hated that also... I try not to complain, because I appreciate you, but since you asked.
Make a habit of hitting the Settings area and view them. Same place, the same notifications, it just won't appear in your notifications list...

Anyway, you can still see who quoted you and be able to tell if they are, according to your judgment, worthy of your attention.

You may have found the right solution. Thank you.
I have had a recent bout of complaints about the Quote Notifications. I have turned off the Notification, though you'll still be able to see the quotes in your UserCP.

If you hate this, tell me here in this thread...

Oh, so that's what happened. I thought it was something I messed up on my account. :laugh:
I have had a recent bout of complaints about the Quote Notifications. I have turned off the Notification, though you'll still be able to see the quotes in your UserCP.

If you hate this, tell me here in this thread...

I liked the notifications. What was the purpose of turning them off? Anyway for members to make them optional?
New system is working. I don't see notifications on my page. Just looked at "Settings" to see the same stalkers I've ignored/banned still there--where I can stop bothering to look at.
Make a habit of hitting the Settings area and view them. Same place, the same notifications, it just won't appear in your notifications list...

Anyway, you can still see who quoted you and be able to tell if they are, according to your judgment, worthy of your attention.
The problem with that is there is no way to determine which have been read and which haven't except by remembering the times or correlating them with "threads with new posts".
I have had a recent bout of complaints about the Quote Notifications. I have turned off the Notification, though you'll still be able to see the quotes in your UserCP.

If you hate this, tell me here in this thread...

I hate this.
1. It discourages conversations .
2. I like seeing who’s trolling me so I can troll back.
Make a habit of hitting the Settings area and view them. Same place, the same notifications, it just won't appear in your notifications list...

Anyway, you can still see who quoted you and be able to tell if they are, according to your judgment, worthy of your attention.
Just saw this.
I have had a recent bout of complaints about the Quote Notifications. I have turned off the Notification, though you'll still be able to see the quotes in your UserCP.

If you hate this, tell me here in this thread...
New system is working. I don't see notifications on my page. Just looked at "Settings" to see the same stalkers I've ignored/banned still there--where I can stop bothering to look at.
If the main problem is that the notifications alert members of posts by people they have on ignore, is there any way to turn off notifications from ignored people? That would solve the Sybil problem very quickly in addition to not seeing his posts jam up the que.
Make a habit of hitting the Settings area and view them. Same place, the same notifications, it just won't appear in your notifications list...

Anyway, you can still see who quoted you and be able to tell if they are, according to your judgment, worthy of your attention.

I won't be able to keep track of recent comments as easily, I don't like to be bothered with having to independently, monitor the settings webpage, and not having notifications means I won't be able to respond promptly. It's hard to have an interactive discussion in real time with someone if there are six hour delays between quotes and responses.