R.I.P. Eunice Kennedy Schriver

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A remarkable lady has succumbed to the debt that all men pay.

She was a constant advocate for the mentally ill and founded the movement that became the Special Olympics.

Rest in peace.
Old man Joe Kennedy was a smuggler. The family are benefactors of his crimes.

"Roosevelt is run by the Jews and all the anti-fascist sentiment in the United States is largely created by the Jews who run the press." -- quoted in the Foreign Observer, June 1, 1939
Old man Joe Kennedy was a smuggler. The family are benefactors of his crimes.

"Roosevelt is run by the Jews and all the anti-fascist sentiment in the United States is largely created by the Jews who run the press." -- quoted in the Foreign Observer, June 1, 1939

And this thread is not about the Kennedy family or the source of its wealth.

It was a moment to speak well of a woman who worked hard to help those who needed helping.

The slur was petty.
And this thread is not about the Kennedy family or the source of its wealth.

It was a moment to speak well of a woman who worked hard to help those who needed helping.

The slur was petty.
The wealth was ill-begotten and an honorable folk would have given it away to charity instead of using it to finance a rise to political power. *shrug*
Hers was a life well lived, and her contributions will live long, long after her. Would that any of us could hope for the same.
The wealth was ill-begotten and an honorable folk would have given it away to charity instead of using it to finance a rise to political power. *shrug*

The woman did great things for the mentally handicapped and mentally ill.

And you insist on a slur because of family history.

In a thread about the Kennedys in general this would be appropriate.

In a thread specifically about the death of Eunice Kennedy, it is very much inappropriate. And spiteful and petty.

But I suppose I should have expected it.

The woman did great things for the mentally handicapped and mentally ill.

And you insist on a slur because of family history.

In a thread about the Kennedys in general this would be appropriate.

In a thread specifically about the death of Eunice Kennedy, it is very much inappropriate. And spiteful and petty.

But I suppose I should have expected it.


I seriously doubt anyone has more disdain for the Kennedy clan on the whole than I do. But Eunice was one of the bright spots in that family and as you stated, attacks on the Kennedy clan on this thread are most certainly inappropriate.
Everyone knows that Eunice founded the Special Olympics to honor her sister Rosemary but do you know that her sister became "mentally disabled" because her father had her lobotomized?

Placid and easygoing as a child and teenager, the maturing Rosemary became increasingly assertive in her personality. She was reportedly subject to violent mood swings. Some observers have since attributed this behavior to her difficulties in keeping up with her active siblings, as well as the hormonal surges associated with puberty. In any case, the family had difficulty dealing with the often-stormy Rosemary, who had begun to sneak out at night from the convent where she was being educated and cared for.

In 1941, when Rosemary was 23, her father was told by her doctors that a cutting edge procedure would help calm her "mood swings that the family found difficult to handle at home". [2] Joseph Kennedy gave permission for the procedure to be performed by Dr. Walter Freeman, the director of the laboratories at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, D.C., together with his partner, James W. Watts, MD, from the University of Virginia. Watts performed his neurosurgical training at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and later he became the Chief of Neurosurgery at the George Washington University Hospital. Highly regarded, Dr. Watts later became the 91st president of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia. The procedure in question was a lobotomy.

At the time, only 65 lobotomies had been performed. Dr. Watts, who performed the surgery while Dr. Freeman supervised and observed, described the procedure:

We went through the top of the head, I think she was awake. She had a mild tranquilizer. I made a surgical incision in the brain through the skull. It was near the front. It was on both sides. We just made a small incision, no more than an inch." The instrument Dr. Watts used looked like a butter knife. He swung it up and down to cut brain tissue. "We put an instrument inside," he said. As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman put questions to Rosemary. For example, he asked her to recite the Lord's Prayer or sing "God Bless America" or count backwards. ... "We made an estimate on how far to cut based on how she responded." ... When she began to become incoherent, they stopped.
—James W. Watts [3]

Instead of producing the hoped-for result, however, the lobotomy reduced Rosemary to an infantile mentality that left her incontinent and staring blankly at walls for hours. Her verbal skills were reduced to unintelligible babble. Her mother, Mrs. Rose Kennedy, remarked that although the lobotomy stopped her daughter's violent behavior, it left her completely incapacitated. "Rose was devastated; she considered it the first of the Kennedy family tragedies."


On a happier note, after the lobotomy she was the only member of the family to register and vote republican!
The family befitted greatly from Old Joe's crimes. JFK was a philanderer. Many of the Kennedy's have done truly evil things, like rape and murder, and have used their family influence and money to get away with it. *shrug*
The family befitted greatly from Old Joe's crimes. JFK was a philanderer. Many of the Kennedy's have done truly evil things, like rape and murder, and have used their family influence and money to get away with it. *shrug*

Did Eunice do truly evil things? No.

A little respect for this fine individual would go a long way in showing you to be a southern man. Otherwise, it is still just petty.
I never said a thing about Eunice, the individual. *shrug*

And yet, in a thread about Eunice, the individual, you deem it appropriate to inject all sorts of nastiness about her family. While saying nothing good about her.

It is increasingly obvious you are not a true southerner.