R.I.P. Eunice Kennedy Schriver

  • Thread starter Thread starter WinterBorn
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You aren't the first to dedicate his on line life to follow The Southern Man around like a little puppy. :)

It seems as though you are following me as much as I am following you. Besides, someone like you needs someone to follow behind you with a proverbial scooper.
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It seems as though you are following me as much as I am following you. Besides, someone like you needs someone to follow behind you with a proverbial scooper.
Not really, as The Southern Man largely ignores you until you respond to him. Sorry. *shrug*
Not really, as The Southern Man largely ignores you until you respond to him. Sorry. *shrug*

Oh is that the way it is. lol

Interesting slant on reality. But if thats the way you want to pretend it is, ok by me.
It should be easy enough for you to verify. *shrug*

Oh I am sure it would be. But a waste of time.

Most of the time I am correcting or admonishing your outrageous statements or your errors.

I am not nearly so prone to those as you are.
Because it was against the law.
Yeah, when an Irish millionaire makes money on illegal booze it is a horrible crime, when southern moonshiners did the same thing they were just a bunch of good ole boys fightin' them revenuers. Yes Kennedy made his money on smuggled Irish whiskey, but he got rich because MILLIONS of americans drank his and everyone's bootleg hootch. Come up with something better to be outraged about.
Yeah, when an Irish millionaire makes money on illegal booze it is a horrible crime, when southern moonshiners did the same thing they were just a bunch of good ole boys fightin' them revenuers. Yes Kennedy made his money on smuggled Irish whiskey, but he got rich because MILLIONS of americans drank his and everyone's bootleg hootch. Come up with something better to be outraged about.
Southerners who made moonshine didn't go on to use the profits to gain political power. *shrug*