R.I.P. Eunice Kennedy Schriver

  • Thread starter Thread starter WinterBorn
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And yet, in a thread about Eunice, the individual, you deem it appropriate to inject all sorts of nastiness about her family. While saying nothing good about her.

It is increasingly obvious you are not a true southerner.
My role here is to provide perspective. *shrug*
My role here is to provide perspective. *shrug*

A self-appointed role, no doubt.

How about perspective on the individual and her life? Nah, too much to ask. You might have to say something nice about a democrat and the world would end.

Its not perspective, its just petty meanness.
Soc, I had no idea; the "word" at the time that Eunice began the Special Olympics seems to have been that Rosemary was born with Down's Syndrome -- clearly a deliberate miscommunication to the media. How tragically horrible to do something like that!

At least lobotomies are no longer performed.
A self-appointed role, no doubt.

How about perspective on the individual and her life? Nah, too much to ask. You might have to say something nice about a democrat and the world would end.

Its not perspective, its just petty meanness.
Again, I provide some historical perspective. You may counter that with as much fluff as your little bleeding heart desires. *shrug*
Again, I provide some historical perspective. You may counter that with as much fluff as your little bleeding heart desires. *shrug*

I'll counter petty meanness with correction whenever possible.

I will compliment and give respect to those who spend their lives in worthwhile pursuits. Eunice Kennedy Schriver did just that.
Name one thing I said in this thread that was incorrect. :)

I did not say you were incorrect. I said it was petty meanness and inappropriate. And my challenging your inappropriate comments that were not part of the topic is correction.
Name one thing I said in this thread that was incorrect. :)

It is not that what you said was incorrect. It is that this is not the appropriate place for it. Start a thread on the Kennedy clan and their many misdeeds... I would find that entertaining. But Eunice was one of the good ones, her work with disabled individuals and the Special Olympics should be remembered, appreciated and respected. Bash the others all you want, all we are saying is not on this thread. Please.
Soc, I had no idea; the "word" at the time that Eunice began the Special Olympics seems to have been that Rosemary was born with Down's Syndrome -- clearly a deliberate miscommunication to the media. How tragically horrible to do something like that!

At least lobotomies are no longer performed.

One of many medical procedures that no longer plague us.

Selective quoting?

I did indeed say that I would counter petty meanness with correction. And I explained (which you conventiently left out of your quote) exactly what I meant.

"And my challenging your inappropriate comments that were not part of the topic is correction."
Ok, ok. So I haven't read anything but the OP yet. I'm going to fancy a guess as to how many posts it takes conservatives to shit on a staunch advocate for the disabled. My guess is seven. Will post results.
Selective quoting?

I did indeed say that I would counter petty meanness with correction. And I explained (which you conventiently left out of your quote) exactly what I meant.

"And my challenging your inappropriate comments that were not part of the topic is correction."
I apologize, having not been aware that posting something not directly related to the topic was against the rules, needing correction. :rolleyes: