Ralph Nader endorses John Edwards


Well-known member
I can't see this having a major impact.

But, it might have an effect at the margins, to get liberal activists in the caucuses and primaries to give edwards a look.

And IF edwards is the Dem nominee, it might take some wind out of the sails of the Green candidate.

Nader throws support to Edwards

MUSCATINE, Iowa — Ralph Nader unleashed on Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton Monday — criticizing her for being soft on defense spending and a chum of big business — and expressed his strong support for John Edwards.

In an eleventh hour effort to encourage liberal Iowans to "recognize" the former North Carolina senator by "giving him a victory," the activist and former presidential contender said in an interview that Clinton will "pander to corporate interest groups" if elected....

On Monday, Nader also issued a public statement criticizing Clinton as a "corporate Democrat," echoing the exact words Edwards uses to challenge Clinton. Nader said he has watched Edwards from afar and sees his more pugilistic brand of populism as an encouraging sign.

"It's the only time I've heard a Democrat talk that way in a long time," Nader said, acknowledging what was, for him, a rare moment of praise for a Democratic leader.

"Iowa should decide which candidate stands for us," he added. "Edwards is at least highlighting day after day that the issue is who controls our country: big business or the people?"

Yeah Nader is a self important asshole.

He has a massive ego. And he kind of screwed up the 2000 election

But, I've always admired his progressive principles. If he thinks Edwards is a true progressive, and someone who can take on the entrenched interests in both parties, I think I have to take that seriously.
He has a massive ego. And he kind of screwed up the 2000 election

But, I've always admired his progressive principles. If he thinks Edwards is a true progressive, and someone who can take on the entrenched interests in both parties, I think I have to take that seriously.

3rd parties just screw up elections eh cypress?

Every red-blooded American knows you should only get two choices.
3rd parties just screw up elections eh cypress?

Every red-blooded American knows you should only get two choices.

We wouldn't be in Iraq if Al Gore were president. Our national standing in the world wouldn't be in tatters. Yeah, I think in hindsight, in 2000 there were only two realistic choices. Choices that ultimately were a decision between life and death. War and peace.

I'm not advocating that nobody not vote for third parties. I'm simply pointing out the consequences of Bush attaining office, in part due to Nader
I'm not advocating that nobody not vote for third parties. I'm simply pointing out the consequences of Bush attaining office, in part due to Nader

Of course, because those votes belonged to Al Gore, not the voters themselves. Yep, all the votes belong to the duopoly, any third party is "taking away their votes".

You disgust me.

Well, not really, I'm just being dramatic.
Hey Beefy, later!

We got some pacific storms moving in later this week, and surf's up. I'm going body boarding down at the beach.

When the hell are you gonna hit the North Shore, and tell me about your surfing chops?

See ya!
Hey Beefy, later!

We got some pacific storms moving in later this week, and surf's up. I'm going body boarding down at the beach.

When the hell are you gonna hit the North Shore, and tell me about your surfing chops?

See ya!

Later guy. Have fun. I hit the north shore twice a week, but I don't surf. I just go to look at the women and get some sun.
YL, I dont like to see 33% of the country tell the rest who will run the country.

Then why do you believe in single-member districts (a minority is always going to have a majority of seats in such a case) and first past the post? If the Democrats don't want Nader to happen again, fix the problem with the electoral system. Don't blame people for excercising Democracy best they know how.
Of course, because those votes belonged to Al Gore, not the voters themselves. Yep, all the votes belong to the duopoly, any third party is "taking away their votes".

You disgust me.

Well, not really, I'm just being dramatic.

Well, be that as it may, if someone I loved was dead in Iraq, I'd have to take into consideration that Al Gore came out, strongly, against the war before we went in. (he was called "unhinged" and crazy" by the liberal media for doing so, and in fact it was "liberal" Joe Klein who tagged him with the "unhinged" label).

Yep, I'd have to take that into consideration. Now, a lot of people would be on my list, and most of them would be up ahead of Nadar. But he'd be on my list. I don't think I'd much care to hear grandiose talk about third parties and how there's no difference. I think I might shoot someone for saying that. but that's me. And it's probably a good thing no one I love is dead in Iraq.
33% is what I would call a super minority.

The countrys population would be up in arms all the time. It would turn us into a third world country.
Yep, Democrats owned those votes, third party voters shouldn't think they have some kind of right to cast their vote however they want. The very notion is offensive.

No I dont like him because he is a self important asshole.

I dont think he would be an effective leader.

He owns whatever votes he can get legally.

I just want someone who cares more about the country than their own self image.
I think it hurts Edwards makes him look more left than he is.

Why don't you stick to women's fashions, Mr Peanut, and leave the political talk for people who actually know about something other than hemlines. Though, from down there I can see why you would have made such a study of them.
yeah you pick the biggest loser you dummy
I've got you beat on the fitness and picking the dem nominee