"Rats vote for Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs for rapists, pedophiles


Loyal to the end
That's all we need is pedophiles and rapists running around with raging hard-ons. Then you turn around and see the liberal judges who impose ridiculously light sentences and then release them into neighbourhoods across America to prey on your children and women.

You can always count on a 'rat to defend the indefensible.

(Excerpt)Democratic Sen. Max Baucus urged his colleagues to defeat the amendment.

"This is a serious bill. This is a serious debate. The amendment offered by the senator from Oklahoma makes a mockery of the Senate, the debate and the American people. It is not a serious amendment. It is a crass political stunt aimed at making 30-second commercials, not public policy," he said. (End)

The game playing is over, folks. While 30 million people are waiting for medical insurance this is nothing more than a stalling tactic.

Research. Why don't people research? Viagra does not increase ones sex drive. If the "feeling" isn't there Viagra does not induce it. Also, according to the literature on the drug an erection will not take place unless there is stimulation. In other words one does not take the drug and "up it pops".
(Excerpt)Democratic Sen. Max Baucus urged his colleagues to defeat the amendment.

"This is a serious bill. This is a serious debate. The amendment offered by the senator from Oklahoma makes a mockery of the Senate, the debate and the American people. It is not a serious amendment. It is a crass political stunt aimed at making 30-second commercials, not public policy," he said. (End)

The game playing is over, folks. While 30 million people are waiting for medical insurance this is nothing more than a stalling tactic.

Research. Why don't people research? Viagra does not increase ones sex drive. If the "feeling" isn't there Viagra does not induce it. Also, according to the literature on the drug an erection will not take place unless there is stimulation. In other words one does not take the drug and "up it pops".

I'm not surprised that you, a Democrat hack, would support giving free Viagra to child molesters, rapists and other sexual predators.
I'm not surprised that you, a Democrat hack, would support giving free Viagra to child molesters, rapists and other sexual predators.

She did offer good info to correct a misconception about Viagra.

This "all libs are evil" is not only tiresome but is part of the problem in our gov't.
I'm not surprised that you, a Democrat hack, would support giving free Viagra to child molesters, rapists and other sexual predators.

Nice try but it doesn't specifically mention those people.

The Repubs had plenty of time to object. It's nothing but a stalling tactic and it isn't going to work. If the Repubs had spent time seriously looking at the bill instead of wasting time generally opposing it perhaps someone would have seen that.

They blew it, plain and simple. They chose their plan of attack and lost. It's time they were man enough to move on.
Here are some parts of the amendment:

"This amendment also prohibits coverage of Viagra and other ED medications to convicted child molesters, rapists, and sex offenders, and prohibits coverage of abortion drugs."

There are other uses for "abortion drugs", which would have been illegal with this amendment.

"This amendment would ensure health care providers are not forced to participate in abortions or discriminated against because they choose not to perform abortions. The federal government should never require health care providers to violate their deeply held moral, ethical or religious beliefs or discriminate against them because they choose to exercise their consciences and not be involved with abortion."

"Repeal New Powers Given to the Secretary of HHS. Nearly 1,700 times in the new health bill (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), the Secretary of HHS is given new authorities to write regulations, issue definitions, and decide on the fate of Americans’ health care."

So there are things in that amendment that have absolutely nothing to do with providing Viagra for sex offenders. But leave it to you to make it sound as though the Democrats were lining up to vote against this amendment solely because child molesters would be denied Viagra.

Misrepresentation like this is the same as a lie.
Actually, it does:

But it mentions numerous other things. You are trying to make it sound as though the Dems opposed the amendment solely because of the prohibition on giving Viagra to sex offenders.

That is incorrect.
Well, you know most of these guys are sexual perverts themselves, so I'm not surprised.
Funny, SM hates these perverts but now that it is public that the Vatican stopped a trial of a pedophile priest I notice there is no outrage at that. His church PROTECTS pedophiles and that doesn't seem to bother him at all
They oppose any amendments, they need to keep it free from changes so it doesn't have to go through another vote in the House. Of course it will anyway because some sections are being rejected because they do not fit in with the reconciliation.
Funny, SM hates these perverts but now that it is public that the Vatican stopped a trial of a pedophile priest I notice there is no outrage at that. His church PROTECTS pedophiles and that doesn't seem to bother him at all

Even he is uncharacteristically lost for words.
Correct. And by not mentioning them, gives them this entitlement. Does it bother you that sex offenders will be walking around with hard-ons that you paid for?

If the republicans were truly concerned about sex offenders getting Viagra, they could put in an amendment that only take away that alone.

But they threw in some other items in the amendment that they knew the dems would not go along with.