Really disappointed in Chris Rock

Gee, and I thought he was a real nice human being. ...... who are we talking about? Adolf Hitler? Gee he was a real nice huma .... ohh Damn Yankee!! I think he's a real ni...c...........
I thought we were talking about this Damn Rock character. I don't like him much.... very loud .. even for an American..... If he ever needs false teeth they're gonna cost him a fortune! And can you imaging being close and getting a hug??? One foot wrong and you'd need a Schramm rig to drill down and rescue you like the Chilean miners!
I guess his mother loves him ... she deserves a medal!
Indeed it is. But did I give you permission to address me in that manner, or did you take it upon yourself to do so? Instead of operating with a modicum of class or honor (foreign objects to you) you engage "disingenuously", trying desperately to insult or "get a rise" out of one....and it is pejorative, and derogatory, especially coming from one who "claims to be straight".

Oh my God........."modicum of class or honor"..........

You're so full of shit.
Go nuts. I've said worse. He's pretty much the 2nd worst poster here.

Wow. My main beef with him is that he posts nonsense, propaganda and opinion, with nothing ever to back it up...and we're supposed to just accept it, because he said it.
He's tried to discredit me, by challenging me on everything from I.Q. to school credits and certification. All that is well and nice, but can you link thoughts together to formulate a coherent idea, is the question. He cannot. And so, he "fumes". I thank you for adding gravitas to the general consensus, to which he will, no doubt, "rail against" as "unjust". LOLOLOLOLOL.