Refugee status requested


Verified User
Hey all, new here, but longtime online forum participant. Things were getting reeeely stoopid at another forum I've been hanging out at for a couple of years. Markedly more so since Trump was elected. So, I'm looking for a new place to wear my welcome out at.

I consider myself a constitutional conservative. Officially dipping my toe in. :D

Woah, as I scroll down for a preview, it looks like you can ban people from your own threads. Is that right? Hmm, interesting idea.
Hey all, new here, but longtime online forum participant. Things were getting reeeely stoopid at another forum I've been hanging out at for a couple of years. Markedly more so since Trump was elected. So, I'm looking for a new place to wear my welcome out at.

I consider myself a constitutional conservative. Officially dipping my toe in. :D

Woah, as I scroll down for a preview, it looks like you can ban people from your own threads. Is that right? Hmm, interesting idea.

What was the other forum?
Since you are new here, who will you be banning??

Hopefully nobody, I was just commenting it was an interesting concept. Although, I do see a couple of familiar names that might warrant use of the feature.

Thanks for the warm welcome.
It makes little difference.

From the looks of the responses so far to my "welcome" thread. It looks like discourse here might not be any better. I guess we'll see. :dunno:

I am a member of two other forums namely Liberal Forum and USMB. Liberal Forum has a good idea in that they have separate Liberal and Conservative sub-forums and a No Holds Barred one as well.

Don't know if you like older "Heavy Metal," but this pretty much describes this place;

Enjoy your stay :)
Hey all, new here, but longtime online forum participant. Things were getting reeeely stoopid at another forum I've been hanging out at for a couple of years. Markedly more so since Trump was elected. So, I'm looking for a new place to wear my welcome out at.

I consider myself a constitutional conservative. Officially dipping my toe in. :D

Woah, as I scroll down for a preview, it looks like you can ban people from your own threads. Is that right? Hmm, interesting idea.
Welcome, be sure to read our rules, especially 12b, thanks
Hey all, new here, but longtime online forum participant. Things were getting reeeely stoopid at another forum I've been hanging out at for a couple of years. Markedly more so since Trump was elected. So, I'm looking for a new place to wear my welcome out at.

I consider myself a constitutional conservative. Officially dipping my toe in. :D

Woah, as I scroll down for a preview, it looks like you can ban people from your own threads. Is that right? Hmm, interesting idea.

its mostly for chickenshits who cant actually defend their ideas with facts.

sounds like you entertain libertarian ideas

they are all based on myth and lies
I am a member of two other forums namely Liberal Forum and USMB. Liberal Forum has a good idea in that they have separate Liberal and Conservative sub-forums and a No Holds Barred one as well.

its a good site


banned me for merely kicking ass and breaking not one rule