Refugee status requested

My economic ideas are that I work for a living, pay my own bills and buy what I want with what's left, rectum breath.

you buy rectum breath?

dude that is not going to be useful in running a country

leave it to the people who understand a huge dynamic economic world
you buy rectum breath?

dude that is not going to be useful in running a country

leave it to the people who understand a huge dynamic economic world

Then you must steal...from the government (and us taxpayers), I presume?
The lies you idiot libertarian fools spew about being all constitutiony is blather that denies what the founders truely did
egale eye

shitting red bricks instead of discussing the facts makes you a fucking idiot

I have never neg repped anyone in all the years and sites I haved been on.

I use facts instead of childish crap like banning and neg reps

try facts instead
Hey all, new here, but longtime online forum participant. Things were getting reeeely stoopid at another forum I've been hanging out at for a couple of years. Markedly more so since Trump was elected. So, I'm looking for a new place to wear my welcome out at.

I consider myself a constitutional conservative. Officially dipping my toe in. :D

Woah, as I scroll down for a preview, it looks like you can ban people from your own threads. Is that right? Hmm, interesting idea.

Welcome aboard; you will find the same level of stupidity on this forum from the members of the Democratic Party of the Jackass. The big difference here is that you can point at them and call them morons without censure. ;)
Welcome aboard; you will find the same level of stupidity on this forum from the members of the Democratic Party of the Jackass. The big difference here is that you can point at them and call them morons without censure. ;)

Most do it themselves without needing to point it out.