
I don't give a shit about text analytics.
Your loss. It's rather fun. You probably don't know how to do it, since you don't understand vector equations or even statistical math.
You obviously lied about having a Geochem PhD or having any substantial college science background. Liars are posting in bad faith.
Ah...another that confuses geology with chemistry.
Science is not a PhD, college, or 'background'.

The only reason I posted the spacetime interval equation and link is because your boyfriend :room: IBDumbass was hollering at me that my OP about the spacetime interval was nonsense and gibberish.
It is nonsense and gibberish.
You believe you are omniscient. You are not.
This state of affairs causes you to write really stupid things in your desperation to be perceived as the omniscient person you delude yourself to be.
A correct call. He has not only made omniscience fallacies, he continues to make them, as well as void reference fallacies and false authority fallacies. He seems to think that science and/or mathematics is defined as some kind of college course, as if a college has magickal powers to redefine these words. He has, of course, already shown errors in algebra and vector mathematics. In the past he has shown errors in statistical mathematics and probability mathematics as well. He has so far denied and discarded Kepler's laws, Galileo's work, Newton's Law of Motion. Newton's Law of Gravitation, Einstein's Law of Relativity, Einsteins' law of Special Relativity, Heisenberg's Law, Planck's Laws, the source of the Periodical Table of the Elements, quantum mechanics, the Periodical Table of Quarks, acid/base chemistry (guess how!), Gibb's Law, Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Law, and electrochemistry.

You believe that grammatically correct English is conclusive evidence of never having taken any physics or biology courses at any university? You really aren't the sharpest tack in the box.
He has shown some illiteracy in the past as well. I've had to correct him on some of them, including failure to capitalize proper names, failure to capitalize the beginning of a sentence, the improper use of commas, and various misspellings. He also thinks a dictionary defines a word.
I occasionally get some details confused as well. What I don't do is scramble to Wikipedia to find out how I am to frame the narrative and what position I am to hold. I'll leave that to you. You are the JPP poster who lives and dies by that sword, determined to fool everyone that this is somehow not the case.
Bingo. He cuts and pastes from that resource and considers it a God...infallible.
It takes a seriously desperate individual who has deluded himself into believing that he is omniscient to declare what others do not understand and cannot see based solely on noticing disagreement with what was hurriedly scavenged out of Wikipedia. You never ask any questions of me concerning new information that would, unfortunately, require learning and cognitive effort on your part. You never ask me to explain any of the things that disagree with your instructions from Wikipedia. You simply notice the independent thinking on my part, you panic, and declare that I never studied any of the things that I studied.
Bingo. Again, he is turning to his crappy 'references' and his religions instead.
You are the only poster on JPP who doesn't see this, specifically because you have deluded yourself into believing that your Wikipedia-worship bestows omniscience on you. You could have taken notes on everything I have taught you, and asked follow-up questions, but not once did you ever do so.
No, he isn't. There are plenty of others. This is just the most recent one you have dealt with here. You might recognize the Sock on other forums though, such as Swan.
The giveaway is grammatically correct English?
It is for the moment, but he loses it when he's angry. Won't be long now!
Inversion fallacy, Sock.
A correct call. He has not only made omniscience fallacies, he continues to make them, as well as void reference fallacies and false authority fallacies. He seems to think that science and/or mathematics is defined as some kind of college course, as if a college has magickal powers to redefine these words. He has, of course, already shown errors in algebra and vector mathematics. In the past he has shown errors in statistical mathematics and probability mathematics as well. He has so far denied and discarded Kepler's laws, Galileo's work, Newton's Law of Motion. Newton's Law of Gravitation, Einstein's Law of Relativity, Einsteins' law of Special Relativity, Heisenberg's Law, Planck's Laws, the source of the Periodical Table of the Elements, quantum mechanics, the Periodical Table of Quarks, acid/base chemistry (guess how!), Gibb's Law, Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Law, and electrochemistry.

He has shown some illiteracy in the past as well. I've had to correct him on some of them, including failure to capitalize proper names, failure to capitalize the beginning of a sentence, the improper use of commas, and various misspellings. He also thinks a dictionary defines a word.

Bingo. He cuts and pastes from that resource and considers it a God...infallible.

Bingo. Again, he is turning to his crappy 'references' and his religions instead.

No, he isn't. There are plenty of others. This is just the most recent one you have dealt with here. You might recognize the Sock on other forums though, such as Swan.

It is for the moment, but he loses it when he's angry. Won't be long now!
This is what sock masturbation looks like


You poor lost soul, you.
Too funny. Like I said, you're just a political leftist; you can't apply any critical reasoning in the real world. Just let me know when you need some help.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection isn't science. It is not even a valid nonscientific theory, since it creates a paradox. This 'theory' fails the internal consistency check. It is irrational. It is not a valid theory at all.
The Theory of Evolution, however, is a theory, but not a scientific one. It is not falsifiable.

There are lot of nonscientific theories claiming to be 'science' over history, including:
The Theory of the Big Bang.
The Theory of Abiogenesis.
The Theory of Creation.
The Theory of Evolution.
The Theory of the Continuum.

NONE of these theories are theories of science, for NONE of them are falsifiable. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.

Science is not a class nor a university.

No, it wasn't. This theory was falsified by Galileo.

It is not possible to prove any theory TRUE. There is no 'getting things right'.
We do not live in a heliocentric system either.
* planets do not orbit the Sun. The Sun and the planets orbit each other around a point called the barycenter. This conforms with Newton's law of motion as well as Kepler's laws of orbital speed and trajectory.
* moons do not orbit the Sun at all. They and their planets orbit each other around the barycenter (the barycenter of the Earth-Moon system is approximately 60 miles from the center of Earth), producing TWO high and TWO low tides daily.
* the Sun isn't stationary. It orbits the galactic center. It has an orbital period of about 2.5 million years (assuming the Sun lasts that long!).
* the Galaxy isn't stationary. It is moving with respect to other galaxies.

There is no absolute 'stationary'. See Einstein's laws.

There is no 'interpretation' of any theory of Science. The theory simply exists, or it does not. Done.

Dead wrong. The Theory of Relativity states quite the opposite. There is no absolute zero speed. There is no absolute stationary. You are confusing Newton with Einstein.

Bohr used Einstein's Theory of Emission Constancy (and Planck's laws) to develop his model of the atom, which now has been falsified. It is a good enough model for many cases though, which is why you still see it used in various training manuals. The Bohr model was falsified by Heisenberg. Quantum mechanics came out of Einstein's work, along with Planck's work, Heisenberg, and of course Schrodinger.

Science is not a physics class or a college. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.

No, but it is something you can quickly gain experience with by riding in a car.

Random equation. It does not describe the spacetime diagram.

The Lorentz transformation is the correct equation for the spacetime diagram.

No such thing as an 'inertial frame'. The spacetime diagram describes how different reference frames relate to each other. No frame has 'inertia'. No frame is mass. See Newtons' Law of Motion.

WRONG. There is no 'interval'.

This literally could be cited in college as an example of scientific illiteracy.

She's got some of the buzzwords memorized from months of frantic googling. She can write gibberish that manages to insert the buzzwords into gibberish sentences.

But she can't put it all together, she can't see the forest through the trees, because she really doesn't understand evolution, the big bang, determinism, special relativity, or why Galileo failed to overturn the prevailing heliocentric system, which didn't happen until at least Kepler.

You would have already gone to college if you had the interest and inclination.
Don't change the subject. You recommended I enroll in college courses to learn science. I asked you to be specific in that regard. Please tell me what I don't know and in what courses I should enroll so that I can properly consider your suggestion.

You actually need to be prepared for college level physics and chemistry,
Fortunately for me, all universities and colleges consider my "preparation" to be more than adequate for any science courses in which I might wish to enroll, so all I need now is for you to tell me what I do not know and what science courses I need to take.

Your best bet is to just keep frantically googling for tidbits of scientific information
I don't know how to do this, as I have never done it. Will you teach me? Can you give me some pointers? What are your preferred techniques? I happy to take notes on whatever you teach me.

Fortunately for me, all universities and colleges consider my "preparation" to be more than adequate for any science courses in which I might wish to enroll, so all I need now is for you to tell me what I do not know and what science courses I need to take.
I accept your tacit confession you have never been to college, never taken a college level science class and the litany of buzzwords and rudimentary concepts you are aware of just comes from googling around on Wikipedia, blog science, and elsewhere on the interwebs.

I could tell you never had a science class, and this was just confirmation.
Your loss. It's rather fun. You probably don't know how to do it, since you don't understand vector equations or even statistical math.

You and Perry PhD think vectors are exotic mathmatical abstractions.

That is a tell you have never had introductory high school or college physics.

Vectors are not exotic. It's first semester introductory college physics.

Vector is a fancy word for any force or property that has magnitude and direction.

In two dimensional vectors, which is what is generally going to be used in introductory Newtonian mechanics, calculating a vector magnitude from it's two components just needs the Pythagorean theorem. That's ninth grade math. Nothing exotic about it.

Now the 4d vectors of spacetime intervals are farther out there. But the same basic principles of magnitude and direction apply. With the added component of time.
Dead wrong. The Theory of Relativity states quite the opposite (it's not based on classical physics concepts of determinism).

There is no absolute zero speed. There is no absolute stationary. You are confusing Newton with Einstein.
Relativity in a non accelerating inertial reference frame has been known about since Galileo. All classical relativity means is that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in different non accelerating reference frames. Einstein added mathmatical rigour to special relativity, and he added electromagnetism to relativity in terms of light. General relativity considered accelerating reference frames, aka gravity.

Einstein's field equations are classically deterministic, unlike the quantum wave functions of Bohr and Schrodinger.